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Серия Шторм Пустоты [edit]
Версия для добрых персонажей
Часть I: The Gathering Tempest (LU46)
1. Странный шторм
2. Шторм Пустоты не ослабевает
Часть II: Storm Break (LU47)
3. Стать погибелью теней ради Кейноса
Часть III: Breaking Ground (LU48)
4. Хрупкие кости
5. Приключение послушника Небесной Стражи
a. Срочная доставка чернил
b. Пугливые лошадки
6. Приключение послушника под прикрытием
a. Суккулент и жажда
b. Исследование шторма
7. The Mystery of the Secret Cabal
8. Возврат амулета Благословения
Часть IV: Поднятие знамени (LU49)
9. Серия ГУИТП
Версия для злых персонажей
Часть I: The Gathering Tempest (LU46)
1. Загадочный шторм
2. Шторм Пустоты не стихает
Часть II: Storm Break (LU47)
3. Стать погибелью теней ради Фрипорта
Часть III: Breaking Ground (LU48)
4. Заразные обломки
5. Приключения в доках
a. Опасные игры брокера
b. Золотое сердце
c. Важное задание Битси
d. Просьба Аррерады
6. Приключения преданного послушника
a. В поисках суккулента
b. Новости для Академии
7. The Mystery of the Clandestine Cabal
Часть IV: Поднятие знамени (LU49)
9. Серия ГУИТП
Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Мировое событие  (ОД)
Уровень зависит от уровня игрока
Сложность Соло
Стартовая зона Северный Кейнос еще (LU48)
Начало задания Поговорите с Пастырем Бейнином Фейрвиндом в Храме Жизни
Приключение послушника Небесной Стражи
Панель навигации
Серия Шторм Пустоты
The Mystery of the Secret Cabal

Что означает эта информация?

Необходимые условия


  1. Отправляйтесь в Горовин. Примечание: Воспользуйтесь телепортом рядом с Пастырем Бейнином Фейрвиндом.
  2. Talk to Garochi Mirt'dok, at the tower on the beach to the north ( 2188, 68, 1065 ) /waypoint 2188, 68, 1065.
  3. Find Wangari Fisshar near the Gorowyn Docks and talk to her ( 2462, 8, 1459 ) /waypoint 2462, 8, 1459.
  4. Leave the docks to the north and follow the path to The Breathing Pools ( 2445, 70, 1000 ) /waypoint 2445, 70, 1000. A Springview Healer will spawn at the ramp and chase you (even con). Kill him and loot the Tattered Springview Healer's Robe. Equip the robe and follow the path further into the Breathing Pools until you see Evdokia next to the Altar of Bertoxxoulous. Talk to Evdokia. Note: This is where the evil side quest takes place.
  5. Enter the Condemned Catacomb in Antonica ( -1135, -25, -1050 ) /waypoint -1135, -25, -1050 (on a small isle near the Oracle Tower). Note: Choose the correct one! It should be the second on the list, and the zone should be empty. The quest updates as you enter.
  6. Pick up a bag in an alcove ( -175, 0, -32 ) /waypoint -175, 0, -32.
  7. Go to Elddar Grove and talk to Elgorn Birchgrove about the odd seed ( 680, -20, -300 ) /waypoint 680, -20, -300. You'll get a new quest A Succulent Time to Thrive In.
    • Finish this subquest to proceed.
  8. Travel to Sinking Sands and pick up the trail of the murderer. You'll find a discarded carpet next to the usual carpet. Use it. It will bring you to the Twin Tears. Head west along the ridge to the huge rock to south-west. You'll find a Devoted Disciple of Disease at the rock ( -250, -90, -875 ) /waypoint -250, -90, -875. The quest will update as you near the body.
  9. Return to Evdokia at the Breathing Pools in Gorowyn. You have to wear the Tattered Springview Healer's Robe again before you can talk to her.
  10. Evdokia now sends you to Greater Faydark. Travel to the Spire Shadow Outpost next to the Steamfont Mountains zone-in and talk to Kaarina Nightbloom ( -450, 125, 480 ) /waypoint -450, 125, 480.
  11. Go to Maj'Dul. (Note: You can use the carpet in Kelethin at the ramp down to the Green Knoll ( 460, 90, 180 ) /waypoint 460, 90, 180 to fly to Sinking Sands.) Talk to Salyil next to the Library of Light ( -183, 161, -145 ) /waypoint -183, 161, -145, on your right as you enter the city.
  12. Salyil sends you to the Commonlands. Sneak your way up to the Crossroads and talk to Luzmog Pusguzzler ( -480, -45, -270 ) /waypoint -480, -45, -270.
  13. Luzmog Pusguzzler wants you to catch up with this mysterious person past Dog Pond on the way to Freeport. Head to the east ( -1070, -50, -240 ) /waypoint -1070, -50, -240. When you arrive at this spot, Meldrida Slate will spawn; follow her to The Siege Lands ( -1250, -65, -195 ) /waypoint -1250, -65, -195. She will attack you; kill her and loot a mysterious rune stone.
  14. Enter The Graveyard ( -1390, -90, -330 ) /waypoint -1390, -90, -330. When you enter there is a crypt to the right ( 29, -10, 23 ) /waypoint 29, -10, 23; click on the handle of the door to enter The Mausoleum of Valor. The quest updates.
  15. Pick up the passage rune stone on top of Sir Glimmon's sarcophagus ( -38, -45, -45 ) /waypoint -38, -45, -45. There is no need to kill anything, although if you walk down the middle of the room or stand there, a disturbed soul at your level will spawn and attack.
  16. Return to Shepherd Bainyn Fairwind at the Temple of Life in North Qeynos for your rewards.
