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The following information in this article is disputed.
Please verify this information ingame
Disputed information:
disputed information missing
If you have personally verified this information in the game and it is correct and likely to be confused by many users, remove this tag, place the {{FactOK|info}} tag at the bottom of the page, and replace "info" with why you think the fact is correct. Otherwise, leave a message on the talk page stating why the information is correct, supporting the correction with screenshots if necessary.
If the information is incorrect, please edit this page, correct it, and remove the {{FactCheck}} tag.
Thank you! --The EQ2i Admins.


places page in Category:Fact check requested which is aggregated into various admin tools.

If an Admin drops by and the parameter is missing or blank, the FactCheck tag will be removed with no further action!


{{FactCheck|disputed information}}


(required) disputed information.


was maintained by User:FlorenceSopher
24 Oct 2007
uberfuzzy: design overhaul
25 Oct 2007
Kodia:minor updates in text
08 Apr 2008
Kodia: added option for people to remove the tag when it made no sense to keep a FactOK tag on the main page.
Файл:Fuzzy template.png