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Dark elves are one of the three known ancient elf races, one of the oldest on Norrath. They are known by the elf word, Teir'Dal, a word meaning "elf of the abyss." They have existed for ages in the dark underworlds of Norrath, and are the children of Innoruuk. It is said that Innoruuk, angered that the other gods did not invite him to create a race on Norrath as part of their pact against Veeshan, kidnapped the leaders of Tunare's creations, the first elven king and queen, and tortured them over the span of 300 years, tearing them apart and rebuilding them in his own image. Whatever their true origins may be, there is no doubt that the dark elves have embraced hate as a guiding force in their lives. The practice of necromancy (magical power over death and the dead), which the Teir'Dal see as Innoruuk's gift to their race, is very much at the core of their culture.

Dark elves look down upon all other races, but in the past have made use of trolls and ogres as evil pawns. While ogres have regained their former intellect and are no longer prone to Teir'Dal manipulation, dark elves continue to look for ways to manipulate anyone they can.

Their race's traditional capitol city is Neriak. The current faction in control is the Dead, ruled by Cristanos, which counsels their race to scheme and build strength before killing the other races. They are opposed by the Thexian faction which counsels immediate violence against their enemies.

Dark Elf Traditions

Choose one of these every 10th level up to 80.
Name Effect Duration
Knowledge of Neriak +5 INT Permanent
Shadow Slip Teleport 10 meters, deaggro, -1 Threat Position Instant, 5 min recast
Poison Expertise +25% trigger count of poisons Permanent
Fueled by Hate Out-of-Combat Power Regen, +Mit vs magic 3 min, 10 min recast
Hateful Mind +3% max Power Permanent
The Foci's Magical Protection +Mit vs magic Permanent
Innoruuk's Gift +2% Double Attack and +5 Piercing/+1.8% Spell Crit and +5 Disruption Permanent
Poison Crafter +5% Alchemy success chance Permanent
Pursuit of the Arcane -10% Power cost for Sage abilities Permanent
Fury of Innoruuk 5% Melee and Spell Crit,
+10% Casting Speed
+35 Attack Speed, -Parry, -Defense
30 seconds, 5 min recast
Innate Abilities
Name Effect Duration
Master of the Shadows +15% movement speed while stealth/invis Permanent
Hover Slow Fall Until Cancelled
Ultravision High contrast vision 2hour duration