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Heroic quests provide an interesting challenge for groups of players trying to figure out what to do or where to go (note that not all heroic quests are listed here, however). Unlike the quests of the Soloing Timeline, the heroic timeline quests are more loosely organized and fewer actually progress in series.

For higher level players wishing to discover more about the lore of Norrath, these quests may provide an alternative to the Soloing Timeline but at a higher level of difficulty (often a much higher level of difficulty) with some quests being virtually impossible to solo and still receive experience credit (the ultimate challenge).

Heroic Quest Series

Levels 10-25:

Levels 25-32:

Levels 32-42:

Levels 42-50:

Levels 50-60:

Levels 60-70:

Levels 70-80:

See Also

For more heroic quests, see Heritage Quests Timeline.