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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Каладим (Echoes of Faydwer)
Раса Голем
Уровень 40▲▲▲ Тир 5 Героический
  • \aITEM 2140436308 338278417:Пропитанная стаутом туника\/a

Дополнительная база: LootDB

Время появления 2 часа
Очки статуса Нет

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Upon spawning, the Avatar of Serilis will not be attackable. It will appear as a large four-legged rock monster, non-conversable, non-interactable. In order to activate the Avatar for attack, you must rapidly clear all mobs in the room prior to the Avatar, then in the Avatar's room, then the room behind the Avatar (the guards in front of the door to the first room and the mobs near the alcoves on the sides of each room don't count). These areas are known for their abbreviated respawn timers, so you must work quickly.

After all 3 rooms have been cleared of all mobs, the Avatar will become an attackable 70 ^^^ heroic. Take caution of the Spirit of Serilis (2) that path around the Avatar's chamber, as they can make for a difficult fight if aggroed by AoEs.