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Current theories suggest that Freeport was founded on the remnants of a small Tier'Dal outpost at one end of the continent of Old Antonica. That outpost supposedly grew in size enough to become a small village named Weille. According to those same theories, Weille eventually came to be called Landing after Aataltaal encouraged it to grow and prosper. It was likely not until the Age of Turmoil that the city began to be known as Freeport.

The city is made up of a number of "villages" where various different races live; Big Bend, where Ogres and Trolls reside; Stonestair Byway, where you can find Erudites and Kerrans; Temple Street, littered with Gnomes and Ratonga; Beggar's Court is where Humans and Half Elves live; Longshadow Alley where only Dark Elves live; and finally, Scale Yard for Barbarians and Iksar.

Файл:Freeport - The Heart of Darkness.jpg
Freeport - The Heart of Darkness

Городские зоны


  • Аллея Длинных Теней - вход из Северного фрипорта, домашная зона для Темных эльфов.
  • Храмовая Улица - вход из Южного Фрипорта, домашная зона для Ратонга и Гномов.
  • Scale Yard - вход из Южного Фрипорта, домашняя зона для Иксар и Варваров.
  • Big Bend - off South Freeport, home to Ogres and Trolls
  • Stonestair Byway - off North Freeport, home to Kerrans and Erudites
  • Beggar's Court - off North Freeport, home to Humans and Half Elves

Adjacent Zones
