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Возврат к странице Обновление 2010.06.16.

Планируемая дата установки: 16.06.2010


  • Buffs cast on summoner pets like “Howl of the Damned” will persist through pet reloads.

Событие Восстановление Кругов Друидов

  • The progress-tracking sign will now show up properly in Sinking Sands and Jarsath Wastes.


  • The adorning daily quest giver should now reliably have a quest feather displayed.


  • Charm rewards from BG and PvP merchants should now activate if in PvP Combat and with the correct item equipped.
  • The Priest of Discord has ceased to offer exchanges for both Discord’s Prescient and Enduring Disks.

Дворец Роэна Тиира

  • The two versions of 4-rune Theer should now have slightly different names.
  • As long as enough people are alive, the Charged Soul spells and Inevitable Annihilation should no longer cast on the same person.

Ледяная Твердыня: Возмездие

  • Looting the Rook key from the Frozen Corrival should no longer respawn the encounter.
  • The Frozen Corrival should no longer break encounter when pulled the rear wall of his room.
  • Vrewwx’s Deathchill Flames are no longer dispellable and also grant players the ability to move while casting.
  • Vrewwx should no longer despawn when leaving his platform. Instead he becomes immune to damage until he is returned to it.
  • The Cloak of Melting Ice should now be able to be looted by all classes.
  • Time between summoning adds for the Ice Maiden D’Ina encounter have been increased slightly.