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EverQuest II информация о зоне
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Расколотые Земли
Диапазон уровней все
Приграничные зоны Гавань Кейноса, Туманная Дубрава
Тип зоны Пригород
Серии заданий расовые задания для варваров, задания пригородов Кейноса

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Дорожные заметки темного эльфа

City center2.jpg

Graystone Yard. Another one of the villages surrounding Qeynos proper. The ale-swillers (and Dark Elf immigrants) dwell here. By ale-swillers, naturally we mean the heartier races, Dwarves and Barbarians. Which is of course why the Dark Elf immigrants land here... I mean, who wants to make trouble with a Dwarf or a Barbarian?

The first place you'll see when you step off the boat from the Isle of Refuge is the docks. From here you can travel within Qeynos and to the outer parts of the city: The Caves, Oakmyst Forest, and Antonica.

Leaving the docks and going up the stairs to the right, you come to the center of the village. The fountain in the center gives discovery experience!

The bank is always an important feature, and Graystone's branch of the Qeynos exchange comes complete with a banker who makes you work for your money!


The mailbox is prominately displayed right next door to the bank. Very important for the sending (and receiving!!) of gifts.

Equally important, or perhaps moreso if you're of a mind to do a little decorating, is the inn. The Frozen Tundra Tavern has the one room starter homes for folks just starting out.

It even comes with its own bartender...

Especially useful if you tend to fall off cliffs, is the mender. The Steel Furnace is always happy to take your gold and mend your armour (and send their kids to college...).


Because even Dwarves and Barbarians need to craft, if you keep to the left from the docks, you'll come to the crafting instance. The Stalwart Township has everything a crafter could need! Except a medic for those unfortunate forge accidents.

Right next door to the The Stalwart Township is Boomcast's Books. Here you can pick up spell and combat art upgrades, not to mention get a glimpse at why halflings shouldn't be alchemists.

Graystone has its very own entrance to Oakmyst Forest. You can reach it by hiking up the twisty path by the mine. Or you can take the short cut and use the bell at the dock!

Graystone is also conveniently located right next door to Qeynos Harbor for all your harbory needs.

Make sure you stop in to visit and down a mug of ale (or ten) with the folks in the Frozen Tundra Tavern.

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