Море Черной Воды

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 21:20, 7 ноября 2010; Томдед (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Моря Норрата}} Relative Island: The Feerrott This is a sea of countless naval battles. Ages ago this sea was controlled by the second coming of the Ra...»)
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Моря Норрата
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Море Скрещенных Мечей
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Море Черной Воды
Клыкастое Море
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Котелковое Море
Пролив Двенадцати
Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: The Feerrott

This is a sea of countless naval battles. Ages ago this sea was controlled by the second coming of the Rallosian Empire, a brutal ogre militaristic empire that ruled with an iron fist. There are often many shipwrecks to be found in this sea as well as an occasional floating hulk of what was once a formidable ogre War Galley. Numerous stories of ghostly ships abound and cause many mariners to shun this body of water.

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Моря Норрата
Море Холодных Ветров
Море Спокойствия
Нериусское течение
Море Туманов
Море Скрещенных Мечей
Море Ярости
Море Песков
Пылающее Море
Залив Гантака
Море Черной Воды
Клыкастое Море
Пролив Свободных вод
Котелковое Море
Пролив Двенадцати
Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: The Feerrott

This is a sea of countless naval battles. Ages ago this sea was controlled by the second coming of the Rallosian Empire, a brutal ogre militaristic empire that ruled with an iron fist. There are often many shipwrecks to be found in this sea as well as an occasional floating hulk of what was once a formidable ogre War Galley. Numerous stories of ghostly ships abound and cause many mariners to shun this body of water.

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