LU54 — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Строка 44: Строка 44:
*Улучшен приоритет загрузки различных типов объектов.
*Улучшен приоритет загрузки различных типов объектов.
==Обновление 5 ноября 2009г.==
==Обновление 05 ноября 2009г.==
Строка 116: Строка 116:
*Items that have an item level above the max level in game will now show when doing a default broker search.
*Items that have an item level above the max level in game will now show when doing a default broker search.
*Hair of the Dog will now suspend mounts while the effect is active.
*Hair of the Dog will now suspend mounts while the effect is active.
*It is now easier to find the lost items for “Vaughn’s Stuff” in the Forest Ruins.
*Defeating the Corpuspasm will now count toward progressing third stage of the quest, "The Symbol in the Flesh".
*The Wantia Coins and Nayad Scales collections now grant a small amount of coin when completed.
*Questgivers and merchants in the enchanted grottos will now also vanish when their mushroom rings vanish.
*The cleansing water for the quest "Pollution Problem" is now removed upon quest completion.
*Cvaka Zichovani in The Feerrott is now willing to update the quest "The Plague?" regardless of whether you have the quest "Shattered Hand".
*You are now able to get the third quest again if you decline it after completing the quest “Human Cargo.”
*The Reanimated Seeress should no longer continually reset herself for the quest “Once in Life as Well in Undeath” for the Rodcet Nife deity quests.
*Angus Fallowfur, Marus Donoval, and Dunda Frostgrip should all respawn in Greystone Yard if they happen to be killed during the quest “A Time for Fighting.”
*The Guard Captain in the zone “The Defector” should now “change his mind” regardless of the option the player choses. The guards in the zone should act accordingly to catch the sneaky little defector!
*The quest “Entrance into the Obelisk” is now labeled as Heroic since you are required to kill heroic mobs.
*The quest “In Quest of a Lucky Charm” should now give an appropriate reward rather than a handcrafted necklace.
*The quest “The Path of the Sunwolf” is now able to be completed in the Peat Bog.
*The reward for the quest “Shareth’s Missing Book” in Greater Faydark has been changed to be more in line with the difficulty.
*The quest “Building Fawn’s Guarden” now asks for Coldwind Barracuda instead of Coldwind fish.
*The quest “Step One: One Head of the Hydra” in Timorous Deep should no longer give an error when completed.
*The quest “The Calling of Thule” in the Temple of Cazic Thule is now marked as Heroic.
*The mission “Martini of the Macabre” should now correctly state that it needs you to contaminate the distilleries instead of claiming you had already done it.
*The quest items “Chokeball” and “Meta-Siphon” Now correctly state that the creature must be below 25% to use this item.
*All named creatures in Nest of the Great Egg will now grant Alternate Advancement experience when defeated.
*The book for the collection quest, The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth, should now always be attainable.
*The object that grants the Burynai Lore and Legend quest no longer gives an incorrect icon when moused over.
*Corrected a typo in Flaxen's dialog for the quest "An Ugly Bounty".
*Update the quest helper text for the quest "Round Up" to make the objective for the first step more clear.
*Corrected a typo in the quest journal for the quest "The Triumph of Fear".
*Added a weapon reward for monks and bruisers for the quest "Conciliatory Delivery".
*The book "On the Origins of the Phylactery" will no longer show in the dressing room to avoid an appearance inconsistency.
*The statues required for the quest "Lost Long Ago" should now be properly removed when the quest is completed.
*The quest "Merciful Banishment" should have an update counter now.
*The quest "The Triumph of Fear" should have an update counter now.
*Fixed the spelling of "sabretooth" during the update notification for the quests "Handed Down" and "Toothy Maws".
*Moved one of the barrels necessary for the quest "Barrel Full of... Something" out of the room with the Gukish Chef.
*The quest “The Story of the Rat Queen” in Vermin’s Snye has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “What’s in Demand?” in Darklight Woods have been changed so that only zombies near the camp update the quest.
*The JumJum Jars in Rivervale that are associated with the event to spawn "The Unseelie JumJum Thief” are no longer floating in the air.
*A spelling error in the quest “Seaside Stew” has been corrected.
*The quest “Find Pythus the Rogue” in South Freeport now correctly points to Kaeso Polluvius near the docks.
*The quest “Court of Truth” in Maj’Dul has been changed to Heroic difficulty to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “A Small Matter of Bristles” in the Enchanted Lands has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Back and Forth” in The Serpent Sewer has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “From Sea to Sea” in Qeynos Harbor has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “A Journey Outside the City” has been correctly categorized for The Ruins.
*The quest “Vibia’s Wailing Cave Ingredients” in North Freeport has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “The Ashes of Conquest” in Maj’Dul has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Ruins of Varsoon: Revealing the Entrance” in the Vermin’s Snye has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Ceremony of the Fanged Necklace” in Nektulos Forest has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Ingredients for Valetail Stout” in Rivervale has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Gut Ripper” in Zek, the Orcish Wastes has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “Recovery of the Bloodsaber Plans” in the Elddar Grove has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “On the Shoulders of Legionnaires” in Crushbone Keep has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
*The quest “The Tomb of the Shadow Lords” for Timorous Deep no longer shows an invalid text when completed.
*The quest “The Pirate’s Bride” can now be updated by examining the assassination contract in Mystic Lake rather than having to bring it back to Village of Shin to update.
*The “fancy jewelry case” for the quest “Token for Snouts” in Fens of Nathsar has been moved slightly to make it easier to collect.
*Exiting the fight club for the quest “Practice Makes Perfect” no longer puts you right next to a very angry guard.
*Antonica quest -The quest journal for "A Foul Wind" now gives consistent directions to Firemyst Gully.
*Jabber Longwind in Tenebrous Tangle now responds to players level 50 and above, when they are on the quest "On The Overlord's Secret Service ".
*A punctuation error was fixed in the Nektropos quest, "Visions of Hatred".
*The quest, "Searching the Temple Depths", is now categorized as a Heroic quest due to its targets.
*The quest, "Conflict Among the Kobolds", now checks to make sure the player has all the items required by Watchman Plarg.
*The first stage of the quest, "The Crossing of the Fanged Sea", no longer requires the player to be in the Enchanted Lands to update.
*Completing the collection, "Trinni's Adventure Abound", should reward the player with a tome bearing the same name.
*Deputy Nettlebrine will give the player another 'Unusual Object' if they delete and then accept the quest, "What's This Thing Do?"
*The quest, "The Cove of Decay - Reforming Stormsunder" is now considered a level 31 Heroic quest.
*The "Dom of the Elani" quest in Loping Plains can now be completed when players have "The Symbol in the Flesh" and the Ghoulbane questline active.
*For the quest "Rust Buckets" in Moors of Ykesha the Thalz'Iz'Zaz All-Purpose Cleaner will now notify players if "This assessment bot has recently been cleaned. Please try again later." or "You can only use this item on an assessment bot."
*The kitten sack will now be removed from inventory when players delete the quest "Prove Ye Be a Swabber!" in the Moors of Ykesha.
*In the quest "Officer Training - Chieftain Irtzit Bloodweaver", Petty Officer Kimtiz now correctly asks for Bloodweaver's staff, instead of asking for Skullcleave's staff. Petty Officer Kimtiz has received 50 lashings for his error.

Версия 07:08, 6 ноября 2009

Для просмотра статей относящихся к этому игровому обновлению, смотри Категория:LU54

  • Дата установки обновления на тест-сервер: нет
  • Дата установки полного контента на тест-сервер: нет
  • Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера - середина декабря 2009г.

Шейдеры 3.0

  • Обработка изображений будет передана на видеокарту (GPU), если она совместима с шейдерами версии 3.0.
  • Шейдеры будут выдавать гораздо большую четкость картинки с большим количеством световых эффектов, а также изображений при максимальном приближении камеры.
  • Шейдеры 3.0 позволят дизайнерам намного проще создавать улучшенные эффекты и позволят в будущем значительно улучшить графику игры в целом.
  • За счет новой системы можно ожидать оптимизации скорости игры. Кроме того, шейдеры 3.0 гораздо лучше работают с современными мощными видеокартами.
  • Новые шейдеры созданы с нуля с использованием мощного языка программирования HLSL. Каждый графический эффект игры (за небольшим количеством исключений) был переработан для шейдеров 3.0 и по возможности улучшен, чтобы сделать игру более совершенной.
  • Галерею скриншотов можно увидеть на официальном форуме -

Фракции Кунарка

  • Для персонажей, желающих улучшить отношения с фракциями Кунарка (Караульная Бригады Батезида, Рилисс и Легион Данака), появится возможность выполнять ежедневные миссии, аналогичные тем, которые выдаются в Топях Йкеши для фракций Гробба, Тупты и Фирмрут-Мута.
  • Всего будет добавлено по 4 предписания на каждую из фракций и они будут ежедневно поочередно меняться. Таким образом, при желании, игроки смогут раз в день выполнить по одному заданию на фракцию.
  • Так же как и с существующими предписаниями, новые миссии можно будет получать до достижения уровня в 30000 очков. Количество очков за выполнение точно не определено, но предполагается, что это будет улучшение от 1000 до 2000.
  • Существующие предписания останутся в игре в неизменном виде. При установке обновления рядом с НПС, выдающим предписания, появится новый НПС, который и будет предлагать миссии.


  • 21 октября разработчики представили бета-версию нового стрим-клиента, который будет осуществлять закачку файлов по мере необходимости - только для тех зон, которые посещает игрок. Скачивание и установка полного пакета EQII (свыше 10Гб) для начала игры с новым клиентом больше не требуется.
  • Подробная информация и линк на загрузку установочного файла стрим клиента можно найти на странице Стрим-клиент.
  • В настоящее время стрим-клиент функционирует только на тестовых серверах, но после первичной отладки его можно будет опробовать всем желающим.
  • Стрим-клиент формально не является частью LU54, но выйдет примерно в эти же сроки, чтобы его можно было использовать при запуске дополнения Sentinel's Fate.

Окно заданий

  • Разработчики продолжают работу над улучшением функциональности интерфейса игры и представили на суд игроков обновленное окно заданий, в котором теперь можно будет выбирать сразу несколько квестов по текущей зоне.
  • Тестовый вариант можно увидеть на скриншоте, размещенном на сайте

Обновления тест-сервера

Обновление 10 октября 2009г.

Жилища игроков

  • Предметы, размещенные под лестницами или в углах комнаты больше не будут исчезать при использовании команды /load_layout.

Пользовательский интерфейс

  • Исправлена ошибка из-за которой окно агрометра мигало или исчезало, вместо нормального отображения.

Обновление 27 октября 2009г.


  • Индикатор загрузки стрим-клиента теперь можно перемещать, кроме того он будет исчезать после загрузки интерфейса.
  • Индикатор загрузки при переходе в другую зону будет отображать правильные данные по общему объему загрузки после 20%
  • Улучшен приоритет загрузки различных типов объектов.

Обновление 05 ноября 2009г.


  • The Nightsong Opera House in Neriak is proud to present their production of “Hate Gives Rise To Another Superior Race!”
  • Grave Elemental’s Affliction no longer displays error messages when triggering.
  • The Jum Jum Thief in Enchanted Lands should now correctly award AA experience.
  • The mobs in 2nd floor of Poet’s Place should no longer spawn and fall to the 1st floor.
  • Fixed the pathing issue for “stone hive sentinel” mobs in Drafling Tower.
  • The “Char’Gin fishermen” will no longer fish beneath the water from their boat.
  • Kelethin coins can now be collected within Greater Faydark.
  • The Freeport Militia in The Ruins should no longer attack and kill players who have charmed NPCs within the zone.
  • Corrected a grammar issue on Guard Tellik.
  • Corrected a grammar issue on Pulnil the Haggler.
  • Fixed a grammar error in the dialog of the Chronomagi Tasker.
  • All References to “Hollow Hedge” should now be “Hedge Hollow” for consistency.
  • When changing faction from Kelethin to Qeynos multiple times you should no longer be gated from completing your access to Qeynos.
  • The unlucky adventurers in The Shattered Vale no longer turn toward players, despite having been slain.
  • The Eternal Gorge: Death Marrow and Zarvonn's creation have both had their loot adjusted to the appropriate level.
  • Nektropos Castle: Master Eldrin Necrosis no longer repeats himself.
  • The Scale Yard: Malachi Sleetspear has learned the common language!
  • The Graveyard: Zaddar no longer cares what city you are a citizen of.
  • The Boarfiend Refuse Shovel will no longer poke through walls in homes and guild halls.
  • Shu Fan Qi will no longer address herself when speaking about you.
  • A steelslave toiler will no longer grant AA experience when slain.
  • You will now face in the correct direction when entering The Poets Palace: Return raid zone.
  • Chests in the zone “Invasion of the Vale” will no longer be unreachable behind the swirling leaves.  
  • Unstable Void Tunnel should no longer spend a charge if engaged in PVP combat.  
  • The Tombs of Night: Retribution - Dvith N'Zur has moved a bit east from his previous spawn point and can now be attacked using melee attacks.
  • Most TSO raid creatures no longer use hostile class specific spells that have a duration longer than 1 sec.  This will make curing these encounters somewhat less complicated.
  • Captain Ista will now properly insult you when hailed.
  • A new server title for former residents of Venekor has been added.
  • Sandfury elders are no longer granting AA experience.
  • There is no longer a stack of books floating off of the bookshelves in the Office of the Overlord.
  • Qunard Ashenclaw and the Hive wasps associated with his encounter should reset much more reliably now and not occasionally become stuck in a state that prevented the ring event from progressing
  • Grash, Timant, and Tival should now grant AA if players have already defeated Oranti the Risen
  • Rath'Adran is now more resilient and should no longer occasionally allow players to gate The Crossing of the Fanged Sea by one-shotting him
  • Bi’lithu of the Old Ways should no longer occasionally kill himself with Unholy Feast, nor sometimes complete-heal himself
  • Undertow’s lifetap no longer complete-heals himself when casting Siphoning Suckers
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Ironcast will now offer writs to players who are either mentored or chronolocked
  • Et'sipe Ymeresh should once again spawn at the end of his ring event
  • Should players have the misfortune of dying at The Eternal Wellspring, they are no longer forced to choose a different respawn location
  • NPCs in Deathfist Citadel should no longer be prone to freezing in place when entering the elevators. Vertigo is apparently prominent among orcs
  • Anashti Sul should now be wearing the items that were intended for her in all instances.
  • You can now destroy an item from your overflow slot.
  • /hide will now execute the illusion hide instead of the achievement hide.
  • Ranged auto attack will not stop when using a melee combat art and vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug where players could lose the ability to converse with NPCs after speaking with a respec merchant.
  • Captured specimens in Klak’anon should be much less likely to agro players through their cages
  • The Far Pelican Wheelman will no longer turn to face players…taking the ship’s wheel with him
  • Players should no longer be facing the door when entering Castle Mistmoore from the Mistmoore Catacombs
  • Banish devices in the Anchor of Bazzul now have consistent verb messages.
  • Corrected facing for Fountain of Life respawn locs. Additionally, evac should no longer teleport players from the Fountain of Life to Stormhold.
  • The portal to exit the Obelisk of Ahkzul is now much larger and easier to find.
  • Leaving then returning to the Maiden’s Chamber after defeating Drusella’s Handmaidens will no longer cause the door to Drusella’s chambers to close and no longer open.
  • Players who spawn Cookie’s Monster cannot do so again for 6 minutes.
  • Evac in Kurn’s Tower and Kurn’s Tower: The Invasion should now only take players to the entrance, never to the earned respawn.


  • Now Erollisi's Lost Longbow, the Longbow of Valor, the Buckler of the Broken Heart and the Tower of Love can each be turned into a trophy item to be placed within your house.
  • The Behavioral Modificatinator Stereopticon now has a small chance to reduce hate position.
  • The Robe of Radiant Hues is slightly more radiant.
  • The Ceremonial Armor of the Brethren is now heirloom attuneable.
  • Basilisks in Butcherblock, Drakes in Darklight Wood and Seedlings in The Peat Bog now drop corpse items.
  • Plant fertilizer/bone/water and faction loot items now stack to 200.
  • A spelling error in the house item book “Rise of the Orcs – The Deadtime” on page 9 was fixed.
  • Anemone Arms are no longer No Value.
  • The Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction no longer displays charges, as it does not have charges.
  • The item “Blanket of Fog” should not lose its icon when placing it if placed more than once.
  • The 5-piece setbonus on the Atramentous Shadowplate set now applies its mitigation bonus independent of the Bloodletter buff.
  • Kingdom of Sky Relic patterns are now Heirloom.
  • Items that have an item level above the max level in game will now show when doing a default broker search.
  • Hair of the Dog will now suspend mounts while the effect is active.


  • It is now easier to find the lost items for “Vaughn’s Stuff” in the Forest Ruins.
  • Defeating the Corpuspasm will now count toward progressing third stage of the quest, "The Symbol in the Flesh".
  • The Wantia Coins and Nayad Scales collections now grant a small amount of coin when completed.
  • Questgivers and merchants in the enchanted grottos will now also vanish when their mushroom rings vanish.
  • The cleansing water for the quest "Pollution Problem" is now removed upon quest completion.
  • Cvaka Zichovani in The Feerrott is now willing to update the quest "The Plague?" regardless of whether you have the quest "Shattered Hand".
  • You are now able to get the third quest again if you decline it after completing the quest “Human Cargo.”
  • The Reanimated Seeress should no longer continually reset herself for the quest “Once in Life as Well in Undeath” for the Rodcet Nife deity quests.
  • Angus Fallowfur, Marus Donoval, and Dunda Frostgrip should all respawn in Greystone Yard if they happen to be killed during the quest “A Time for Fighting.”
  • The Guard Captain in the zone “The Defector” should now “change his mind” regardless of the option the player choses. The guards in the zone should act accordingly to catch the sneaky little defector!
  • The quest “Entrance into the Obelisk” is now labeled as Heroic since you are required to kill heroic mobs.
  • The quest “In Quest of a Lucky Charm” should now give an appropriate reward rather than a handcrafted necklace.
  • The quest “The Path of the Sunwolf” is now able to be completed in the Peat Bog.
  • The reward for the quest “Shareth’s Missing Book” in Greater Faydark has been changed to be more in line with the difficulty.
  • The quest “Building Fawn’s Guarden” now asks for Coldwind Barracuda instead of Coldwind fish.
  • The quest “Step One: One Head of the Hydra” in Timorous Deep should no longer give an error when completed.
  • The quest “The Calling of Thule” in the Temple of Cazic Thule is now marked as Heroic.
  • The mission “Martini of the Macabre” should now correctly state that it needs you to contaminate the distilleries instead of claiming you had already done it.
  • The quest items “Chokeball” and “Meta-Siphon” Now correctly state that the creature must be below 25% to use this item.
  • All named creatures in Nest of the Great Egg will now grant Alternate Advancement experience when defeated.
  • The book for the collection quest, The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth, should now always be attainable.
  • The object that grants the Burynai Lore and Legend quest no longer gives an incorrect icon when moused over.
  • Corrected a typo in Flaxen's dialog for the quest "An Ugly Bounty".
  • Update the quest helper text for the quest "Round Up" to make the objective for the first step more clear.
  • Corrected a typo in the quest journal for the quest "The Triumph of Fear".
  • Added a weapon reward for monks and bruisers for the quest "Conciliatory Delivery".
  • The book "On the Origins of the Phylactery" will no longer show in the dressing room to avoid an appearance inconsistency.
  • The statues required for the quest "Lost Long Ago" should now be properly removed when the quest is completed.
  • The quest "Merciful Banishment" should have an update counter now.
  • The quest "The Triumph of Fear" should have an update counter now.
  • Fixed the spelling of "sabretooth" during the update notification for the quests "Handed Down" and "Toothy Maws".
  • Moved one of the barrels necessary for the quest "Barrel Full of... Something" out of the room with the Gukish Chef.
  • The quest “The Story of the Rat Queen” in Vermin’s Snye has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “What’s in Demand?” in Darklight Woods have been changed so that only zombies near the camp update the quest.
  • The JumJum Jars in Rivervale that are associated with the event to spawn "The Unseelie JumJum Thief” are no longer floating in the air.
  • A spelling error in the quest “Seaside Stew” has been corrected.
  • The quest “Find Pythus the Rogue” in South Freeport now correctly points to Kaeso Polluvius near the docks.
  • The quest “Court of Truth” in Maj’Dul has been changed to Heroic difficulty to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “A Small Matter of Bristles” in the Enchanted Lands has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Back and Forth” in The Serpent Sewer has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “From Sea to Sea” in Qeynos Harbor has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “A Journey Outside the City” has been correctly categorized for The Ruins.
  • The quest “Vibia’s Wailing Cave Ingredients” in North Freeport has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “The Ashes of Conquest” in Maj’Dul has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Ruins of Varsoon: Revealing the Entrance” in the Vermin’s Snye has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Ceremony of the Fanged Necklace” in Nektulos Forest has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Ingredients for Valetail Stout” in Rivervale has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Gut Ripper” in Zek, the Orcish Wastes has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “Recovery of the Bloodsaber Plans” in the Elddar Grove has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “On the Shoulders of Legionnaires” in Crushbone Keep has been changed to Heroic to match the difficulty of the targets of the quest.
  • The quest “The Tomb of the Shadow Lords” for Timorous Deep no longer shows an invalid text when completed.
  • The quest “The Pirate’s Bride” can now be updated by examining the assassination contract in Mystic Lake rather than having to bring it back to Village of Shin to update.
  • The “fancy jewelry case” for the quest “Token for Snouts” in Fens of Nathsar has been moved slightly to make it easier to collect.
  • Exiting the fight club for the quest “Practice Makes Perfect” no longer puts you right next to a very angry guard.
  • Antonica quest -The quest journal for "A Foul Wind" now gives consistent directions to Firemyst Gully.
  • Jabber Longwind in Tenebrous Tangle now responds to players level 50 and above, when they are on the quest "On The Overlord's Secret Service ".
  • A punctuation error was fixed in the Nektropos quest, "Visions of Hatred".
  • The quest, "Searching the Temple Depths", is now categorized as a Heroic quest due to its targets.
  • The quest, "Conflict Among the Kobolds", now checks to make sure the player has all the items required by Watchman Plarg.
  • The first stage of the quest, "The Crossing of the Fanged Sea", no longer requires the player to be in the Enchanted Lands to update.
  • Completing the collection, "Trinni's Adventure Abound", should reward the player with a tome bearing the same name.
  • Deputy Nettlebrine will give the player another 'Unusual Object' if they delete and then accept the quest, "What's This Thing Do?"
  • The quest, "The Cove of Decay - Reforming Stormsunder" is now considered a level 31 Heroic quest.
  • The "Dom of the Elani" quest in Loping Plains can now be completed when players have "The Symbol in the Flesh" and the Ghoulbane questline active.
  • For the quest "Rust Buckets" in Moors of Ykesha the Thalz'Iz'Zaz All-Purpose Cleaner will now notify players if "This assessment bot has recently been cleaned. Please try again later." or "You can only use this item on an assessment bot."
  • The kitten sack will now be removed from inventory when players delete the quest "Prove Ye Be a Swabber!" in the Moors of Ykesha.
  • In the quest "Officer Training - Chieftain Irtzit Bloodweaver", Petty Officer Kimtiz now correctly asks for Bloodweaver's staff, instead of asking for Skullcleave's staff. Petty Officer Kimtiz has received 50 lashings for his error.
Для просмотра статей относящихся к этому игровому обновлению, смотри Категория:LU54

  • Дата установки обновления на тест-сервер: нет
  • Дата установки полного контента на тест-сервер: нет
  • Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера - середина декабря 2009г.

Шейдеры 3.0

  • Обработка изображений будет передана на видеокарту (GPU), если она совместима с шейдерами версии 3.0.
  • Шейдеры будут выдавать гораздо большую четкость картинки с большим количеством световых эффектов, а также изображений при максимальном приближении камеры.
  • Шейдеры 3.0 позволят дизайнерам намного проще создавать улучшенные эффекты и позволят в будущем значительно улучшить графику игры в целом.
  • За счет новой системы можно ожидать оптимизации скорости игры. Кроме того, шейдеры 3.0 гораздо лучше работают с современными мощными видеокартами.
  • Новые шейдеры созданы с нуля с использованием мощного языка программирования HLSL. Каждый графический эффект игры (за небольшим количеством исключений) был переработан для шейдеров 3.0 и по возможности улучшен, чтобы сделать игру более совершенной.
  • Галерею скриншотов можно увидеть на официальном форуме -

Фракции Кунарка

  • Для персонажей, желающих улучшить отношения с фракциями Кунарка (Караульная Бригады Батезида, Рилисс и Легион Данака), появится возможность выполнять ежедневные миссии, аналогичные тем, которые выдаются в Топях Йкеши для фракций Гробба, Тупты и Фирмрут-Мута.
  • Всего будет добавлено по 4 предписания на каждую из фракций и они будут ежедневно поочередно меняться. Таким образом, при желании, игроки смогут раз в день выполнить по одному заданию на фракцию.
  • Так же как и с существующими предписаниями, новые миссии можно будет получать до достижения уровня в 30000 очков. Количество очков за выполнение точно не определено, но предполагается, что это будет улучшение от 1000 до 2000.
  • Существующие предписания останутся в игре в неизменном виде. При установке обновления рядом с НПС, выдающим предписания, появится новый НПС, который и будет предлагать миссии.


  • 21 октября разработчики представили бета-версию нового стрим-клиента, который будет осуществлять закачку файлов по мере необходимости - только для тех зон, которые посещает игрок. Скачивание и установка полного пакета EQII (свыше 10Гб) для начала игры с новым клиентом больше не требуется.
  • Подробная информация и линк на загрузку установочного файла стрим клиента можно найти на странице Стрим-клиент.
  • В настоящее время стрим-клиент функционирует только на тестовых серверах, но после первичной отладки его можно будет опробовать всем желающим.
  • Стрим-клиент формально не является частью LU54, но выйдет примерно в эти же сроки, чтобы его можно было использовать при запуске дополнения Sentinel's Fate.

Окно заданий

  • Разработчики продолжают работу над улучшением функциональности интерфейса игры и представили на суд игроков обновленное окно заданий, в котором теперь можно будет выбирать сразу несколько квестов по текущей зоне.
  • Тестовый вариант можно увидеть на скриншоте, размещенном на сайте

Обновления тест-сервера

Обновление 10 октября 2009г.

Жилища игроков

  • Предметы, размещенные под лестницами или в углах комнаты больше не будут исчезать при использовании команды /load_layout.

Пользовательский интерфейс

  • Исправлена ошибка из-за которой окно агрометра мигало или исчезало, вместо нормального отображения.

Обновление 27 октября 2009г.


  • Индикатор загрузки стрим-клиента теперь можно перемещать, кроме того он будет исчезать после загрузки интерфейса.
  • Индикатор загрузки при переходе в другую зону будет отображать правильные данные по общему объему загрузки после 20%
  • Улучшен приоритет загрузки различных типов объектов.

Обновление 5 ноября 2009г.


  • The Nightsong Opera House in Neriak is proud to present their production of “Hate Gives Rise To Another Superior Race!”
  • Grave Elemental’s Affliction no longer displays error messages when triggering.
  • The Jum Jum Thief in Enchanted Lands should now correctly award AA experience.
  • The mobs in 2nd floor of Poet’s Place should no longer spawn and fall to the 1st floor.
  • Fixed the pathing issue for “stone hive sentinel” mobs in Drafling Tower.
  • The “Char’Gin fishermen” will no longer fish beneath the water from their boat.
  • Kelethin coins can now be collected within Greater Faydark.
  • The Freeport Militia in The Ruins should no longer attack and kill players who have charmed NPCs within the zone.
  • Corrected a grammar issue on Guard Tellik.
  • Corrected a grammar issue on Pulnil the Haggler.
  • Fixed a grammar error in the dialog of the Chronomagi Tasker.
  • All References to “Hollow Hedge” should now be “Hedge Hollow” for consistency.
  • When changing faction from Kelethin to Qeynos multiple times you should no longer be gated from completing your access to Qeynos.
  • The unlucky adventurers in The Shattered Vale no longer turn toward players, despite having been slain.
  • The Eternal Gorge: Death Marrow and Zarvonn's creation have both had their loot adjusted to the appropriate level.
  • Nektropos Castle: Master Eldrin Necrosis no longer repeats himself.
  • The Scale Yard: Malachi Sleetspear has learned the common language!
  • The Graveyard: Zaddar no longer cares what city you are a citizen of.
  • The Boarfiend Refuse Shovel will no longer poke through walls in homes and guild halls.
  • Shu Fan Qi will no longer address herself when speaking about you.
  • A steelslave toiler will no longer grant AA experience when slain.
  • You will now face in the correct direction when entering The Poets Palace: Return raid zone.
  • Chests in the zone “Invasion of the Vale” will no longer be unreachable behind the swirling leaves.  
  • Unstable Void Tunnel should no longer spend a charge if engaged in PVP combat.  
  • The Tombs of Night: Retribution - Dvith N'Zur has moved a bit east from his previous spawn point and can now be attacked using melee attacks.
  • Most TSO raid creatures no longer use hostile class specific spells that have a duration longer than 1 sec.  This will make curing these encounters somewhat less complicated.
  • Captain Ista will now properly insult you when hailed.
  • A new server title for former residents of Venekor has been added.
  • Sandfury elders are no longer granting AA experience.
  • There is no longer a stack of books floating off of the bookshelves in the Office of the Overlord.
  • Qunard Ashenclaw and the Hive wasps associated with his encounter should reset much more reliably now and not occasionally become stuck in a state that prevented the ring event from progressing
  • Grash, Timant, and Tival should now grant AA if players have already defeated Oranti the Risen
  • Rath'Adran is now more resilient and should no longer occasionally allow players to gate The Crossing of the Fanged Sea by one-shotting him
  • Bi’lithu of the Old Ways should no longer occasionally kill himself with Unholy Feast, nor sometimes complete-heal himself
  • Undertow’s lifetap no longer complete-heals himself when casting Siphoning Suckers
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Ironcast will now offer writs to players who are either mentored or chronolocked
  • Et'sipe Ymeresh should once again spawn at the end of his ring event
  • Should players have the misfortune of dying at The Eternal Wellspring, they are no longer forced to choose a different respawn location
  • NPCs in Deathfist Citadel should no longer be prone to freezing in place when entering the elevators. Vertigo is apparently prominent among orcs
  • Anashti Sul should now be wearing the items that were intended for her in all instances.
  • You can now destroy an item from your overflow slot.
  • /hide will now execute the illusion hide instead of the achievement hide.
  • Ranged auto attack will not stop when using a melee combat art and vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug where players could lose the ability to converse with NPCs after speaking with a respec merchant.
  • Captured specimens in Klak’anon should be much less likely to agro players through their cages
  • The Far Pelican Wheelman will no longer turn to face players…taking the ship’s wheel with him
  • Players should no longer be facing the door when entering Castle Mistmoore from the Mistmoore Catacombs
  • Banish devices in the Anchor of Bazzul now have consistent verb messages.
  • Corrected facing for Fountain of Life respawn locs. Additionally, evac should no longer teleport players from the Fountain of Life to Stormhold.
  • The portal to exit the Obelisk of Ahkzul is now much larger and easier to find.
  • Leaving then returning to the Maiden’s Chamber after defeating Drusella’s Handmaidens will no longer cause the door to Drusella’s chambers to close and no longer open.
  • Players who spawn Cookie’s Monster cannot do so again for 6 minutes.
  • Evac in Kurn’s Tower and Kurn’s Tower: The Invasion should now only take players to the entrance, never to the earned respawn.


  • Now Erollisi's Lost Longbow, the Longbow of Valor, the Buckler of the Broken Heart and the Tower of Love can each be turned into a trophy item to be placed within your house.
  • The Behavioral Modificatinator Stereopticon now has a small chance to reduce hate position.
  • The Robe of Radiant Hues is slightly more radiant.
  • The Ceremonial Armor of the Brethren is now heirloom attuneable.
  • Basilisks in Butcherblock, Drakes in Darklight Wood and Seedlings in The Peat Bog now drop corpse items.
  • Plant fertilizer/bone/water and faction loot items now stack to 200.
  • A spelling error in the house item book “Rise of the Orcs – The Deadtime” on page 9 was fixed.
  • Anemone Arms are no longer No Value.
  • The Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction no longer displays charges, as it does not have charges.
  • The item “Blanket of Fog” should not lose its icon when placing it if placed more than once.
  • The 5-piece setbonus on the Atramentous Shadowplate set now applies its mitigation bonus independent of the Bloodletter buff.
  • Kingdom of Sky Relic patterns are now Heirloom.
  • Items that have an item level above the max level in game will now show when doing a default broker search.
  • Hair of the Dog will now suspend mounts while the effect is active.