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Шейдеры 3.0

  • Обработка изображений будет передана на видеокарту (GPU), если она совместима с шейдерами версии 3.0

It's a new graphics pipeline, meaning all that code to manage objects drawing over and over for each little detail is wrapped up and re-coded for Shader 3.

It's better precision, so larger lighting effects and close-up viewing of object lighting is much more realistic and pixel perfect. In other words the new Shader 3.0 lighting code is all new and improved for precise per-pixel lighting.

It gives us much more power. Composing better effects is much easier and even possible now with Shader 3.0. This will help a lot for future graphics updates to the game, as well as give our artists a lot more creative power.

It opens doors for optimized speeds. For one, the combined shader 3 effect is friendly for performance in higher end graphics cards. Also, we have new and obvious ways to increase the speed of the game in the future.

They're all new shaders built from scratch using the powerful HLSL language. Each graphical effect in the game (with some exceptions) have been translated and re-engineered for 3.0 shaders, as well as improved somewhat along the way for a more vibrant game.

Источник — «https://norrath.ru/LU54»