Потемневший осколок

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Перейти к: навигация, поиск
Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Громовые Степи
Уровень зависит от уровня игрока
Сложность Соло
Стартовая зона Громовые Степи еще (The Splitpaw Saga)
Начало задания Получите из наград (команда /claim) потемневший лазурный осколок и изучите его в зоне Громовые Степи.
Панель навигации
Серия Сага Треснолапов
Потемневший осколок, часть 2

Что означает эта информация?


Найти видение

  1. Изучите потемневший лазурный осколок, выберите пункт "Продолжить изучение", затем пункт "Сосредоточиться на образе". Вы увидите вход в зону Треснувшая Лапа: Погружение во мрак под названием Террапортер.
  2. Разыщите любой из Террапортеров в зоне Громовые Степи для обновления задания. Всего их 4, расположенных вдоль Дороги Грозовых Туманов:
    • ( 548, -1, -507 ) /waypoint 548, -1, -507
    • ( 710, -2, -414 ) /waypoint 710, -2, -414
    • ( 1023, -1, 247 ) /waypoint 1023, -1, 247
    • ( 1267, -3, 208 ) /waypoint 1267, -3, 208
  3. После того, как найдете террапортер, щелкните по нему, чтобы войти в зону Треснувшая Лапа: Погружение во мрак. Помните следующее:
    • This is intended to be a solo instance. However it can be done as a group. Remember that each person who has the quest must get close enough to the terraporter to get a quest update before being pulled into the zone. This can be accomplished by simply telling everyone to let the last person who approaches do the clicking (risky because of abductors) or by having one person at a time approach and click on the terraporter and the rest of the group members hang back far enough not to be drawn into the instance with that person.
    • Do not allow yourself to be attacked by any abductor gnolls guarding the terraporter. If you are captured or killed by the abductor, you will be sent to a different instance called Sundered Splitpaw: Captive Audience which does not advance this quest.

Найти драгоценный камень

Once inside, you must find what the cave has to do with the gem. To do this, you need to open up a chest located at the bottom of the dungeon.

  1. The copper key that unlocks the chest is held by The Tesch Val Fanatic. He is found at ( -126, -68, -99 ) /waypoint -126, -68, -99. Once you have slain the Fanatic and obtained the key, you'll find that the chest is located on top of a pillar nearby, far out of reach.
  2. Find the crates lying throughout the zone and stack them one on top of the other at the base of the pillar to build yourself a staircase up to the chest.
  3. Climb to the top of the pillar and open the chest (everyone in the group can do this). When you open the chest you will find a slightly glowing shard.
  4. Examine the slightly glowing shard while still in the zone to make it fuse together with the original a darkened azure shard. The new shard will disappear and then update your quest journal.
  5. You can now exit via the terraporter at the entrance at ( -54, -65, -226 ) /waypoint -54, -65, -226 to proceed with the quest. (There's a broken terraporter nearby, so don't confuse the two.) You will end up in Village of Thundermist in The Thundering Steppes.


Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Громовые Степи
Уровень зависит от уровня игрока
Сложность Соло
Стартовая зона Громовые Степи еще (The Splitpaw Saga)
Начало задания Получите из наград (команда /claim) потемневший лазурный осколок и изучите его в зоне Громовые Степи.
Панель навигации
Серия Сага Треснолапов
Потемневший осколок, часть 2

Что означает эта информация?


Найти видение

  1. Изучите потемневший лазурный осколок, выберите пункт "Продолжить изучение", затем пункт "Сосредоточиться на образе". Вы увидите вход в зону Треснувшая Лапа: Погружение во мрак под названием Террапортер.
  2. Разыщите любой из Террапортеров в зоне Громовые Степи для обновления задания. Всего их 4, расположенных вдоль Дороги Грозовых Туманов:
    • ( 548, -1, -507 ) /waypoint 548, -1, -507
    • ( 710, -2, -414 ) /waypoint 710, -2, -414
    • ( 1023, -1, 247 ) /waypoint 1023, -1, 247
    • ( 1267, -3, 208 ) /waypoint 1267, -3, 208
  3. После того, как найдете террапортер, щелкните по нему, чтобы войти в зону Треснувшая Лапа: Погружение во мрак. Помните следующее:
    • This is intended to be a solo instance. However it can be done as a group. Remember that each person who has the quest must get close enough to the terraporter to get a quest update before being pulled into the zone. This can be accomplished by simply telling everyone to let the last person who approaches do the clicking (risky because of abductors) or by having one person at a time approach and click on the terraporter and the rest of the group members hang back far enough not to be drawn into the instance with that person.
    • Do not allow yourself to be attacked by any abductor gnolls guarding the terraporter. If you are captured or killed by the abductor, you will be sent to a different instance called Sundered Splitpaw: Captive Audience which does not advance this quest.

Найти драгоценный камень

Once inside, you must find what the cave has to do with the gem. To do this, you need to open up a chest located at the bottom of the dungeon.

  1. The copper key that unlocks the chest is held by The Tesch Val Fanatic. He is found at ( -126, -68, -99 ) /waypoint -126, -68, -99. Once you have slain the Fanatic and obtained the key, you'll find that the chest is located on top of a pillar nearby, far out of reach.
  2. Find the crates lying throughout the zone and stack them one on top of the other at the base of the pillar to build yourself a staircase up to the chest.
  3. Climb to the top of the pillar and open the chest (everyone in the group can do this). When you open the chest you will find a slightly glowing shard.
  4. Examine the slightly glowing shard while still in the zone to make it fuse together with the original a darkened azure shard. The new shard will disappear and then update your quest journal.
  5. You can now exit via the terraporter at the entrance at ( -54, -65, -226 ) /waypoint -54, -65, -226 to proceed with the quest. (There's a broken terraporter nearby, so don't confuse the two.) You will end up in Village of Thundermist in The Thundering Steppes.
