
Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 19:50, 8 июля 2008; Лайонелла (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: Category:EverQuest IICategory:Руководства пользователя Fame is all fine and dandy, but what every adventurer dreams of is fortune! The sound a chest makes ...)
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Fame is all fine and dandy, but what every adventurer dreams of is fortune! The sound a chest makes when it drops is almost as greatly anticipated as the Ding! sound. Here is a list of the types of chests found in EverQuest II.

Маленький сундук

Common in frequency, these chests usually contain crafting tomes, Adept I spell books or other low value treasure. See also Small Chest, a common monster in Estate of Unrest!

Note that on the Outpost of the Overlord and the Queen's Colony this same graphic may be used for Ornate Chests (visual proof: pic).

Also note that in some raid zones such as the Inner Temple of The Silent City (where Godking Anuk resides), a small chest may drop containing 10+ rare adept spells. It will have the same graphic as the small chest shown here, but it will be called "a small chest" not "Small Chest" and should not be confused with the chests that are actually mobs or traps in other zones.

Small chests are never trapped, and as such do not require your scout to disarm them. Disarming them will, however, give the opportunity for skill ups in Disarming.

Сундук с сокровищами

Adept tomes are the most common items found in these chests, although some decent armor will sometimes appear. Contains at least one item tagged with the "Treasured" title. May contain rare crafting raws, depending on the teir.

Узорчатый сундук

Contains at least one Legendary item. Usually drops from named creatures, but has chances to drop from epic "trash" and heroic "trash" of many zones. Specifically, Acadechism has a reputation for the most Ornate Chests from non-named mobs.

Изысканный сундук

Exquisite Chest

The motherload, these chests are usually only seen on raids and will contain 2-6 pieces of treasure from Masters and Fabled armor to Relic pieces and rare advanced crafting recipes. Contains at least one fabled item, either Relic, equipment or master spell, and the rare fabled crafting components.

False Chests

A false chest in the Estate of Unrest

Not all chests offer up treasure and riches. Some chests in game appear when monsters are killed but contain other monsters. The appearance of these chests is slightly different from regular treasure chests, although you may see the same name on them as the regular treasure chest (e.g., a small chest). These mimics can be safely ignored, and as long as you don't try to pick their locks or otherwise open them like a normal treasure chest, they will disappear like other chests or remain otherwise inert.

Companion Chests

...for the people who are still alive...

The cloak may be a lie, but the treasure chests aren't. On April 1st 2008, treasure chests were changed into what can not be denied is a Norrath version of Portal's 'Weighted Companion Cube'.

Fame is all fine and dandy, but what every adventurer dreams of is fortune! The sound a chest makes when it drops is almost as greatly anticipated as the Ding! sound. Here is a list of the types of chests found in EverQuest II.

Маленький сундук

Common in frequency, these chests usually contain crafting tomes, Adept I spell books or other low value treasure. See also Small Chest, a common monster in Estate of Unrest!

Note that on the Outpost of the Overlord and the Queen's Colony this same graphic may be used for Ornate Chests (visual proof: pic).

Also note that in some raid zones such as the Inner Temple of The Silent City (where Godking Anuk resides), a small chest may drop containing 10+ rare adept spells. It will have the same graphic as the small chest shown here, but it will be called "a small chest" not "Small Chest" and should not be confused with the chests that are actually mobs or traps in other zones.

Small chests are never trapped, and as such do not require your scout to disarm them. Disarming them will, however, give the opportunity for skill ups in Disarming.

Сундук с сокровищами

Adept tomes are the most common items found in these chests, although some decent armor will sometimes appear. Contains at least one item tagged with the "Treasured" title. May contain rare crafting raws, depending on the teir.

Узорчатый сундук

Contains at least one Legendary item. Usually drops from named creatures, but has chances to drop from epic "trash" and heroic "trash" of many zones. Specifically, Acadechism has a reputation for the most Ornate Chests from non-named mobs.

Изысканный сундук

Exquisite Chest

The motherload, these chests are usually only seen on raids and will contain 2-6 pieces of treasure from Masters and Fabled armor to Relic pieces and rare advanced crafting recipes. Contains at least one fabled item, either Relic, equipment or master spell, and the rare fabled crafting components.

False Chests

A false chest in the Estate of Unrest

Not all chests offer up treasure and riches. Some chests in game appear when monsters are killed but contain other monsters. The appearance of these chests is slightly different from regular treasure chests, although you may see the same name on them as the regular treasure chest (e.g., a small chest). These mimics can be safely ignored, and as long as you don't try to pick their locks or otherwise open them like a normal treasure chest, they will disappear like other chests or remain otherwise inert.

Companion Chests

...for the people who are still alive...

The cloak may be a lie, but the treasure chests aren't. On April 1st 2008, treasure chests were changed into what can not be denied is a Norrath version of Portal's 'Weighted Companion Cube'.