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Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 08:43, 2 августа 2009; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад) (Создана новая страница размером {{QuestInformation| timeline = | jcat = Разное| level = 65| diff = Героическое| szone = Великий...)
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Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Разное
Уровень 65 (Тир 7)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Великий Фейдарк еще (Echoes of Faydwer)
Начало задания Задание начинается с разговора с Теринью Фезерлайтом, Коада'Дал, стоящим в небольшой палатке в Великом Фейдарке у дороги, ведущей в Стимфонтские Горы ( -425, 125, 490 ) /waypoint -425, 125, 490

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Teriniu will ask you to find clues about his sister's whereabouts. Updates are clickable, so you can get them while mobs are trying to kill you and probably also while invis.
    1. Go near the New Tunaria zone-in in Greater Faydark.
    2. Find a hammer right in front of the NPC guard Commander Marcus Traeis ( -1005, 83, 656 ) /waypoint -1005, 83, 656
    3. Return to Teriniu
  2. Teriniu describes what else we could look for, jewelry and armor is mentioned.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find an earring by taking a right on the first bridge and follow the trail down. The earring is very small, but has a bright color. ( -41, 25, -795 ) /waypoint -41, 25, -795
      Файл:Earring New Tunaria.jpg
      The earring (maximum zoom on 1024x768 resolution)
    3. Return to Teriniu
  3. You tell him you'll gather some companions and get more evidence, obviously we're gonna solo.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find a piece of armor by taking the trail going north, after having passed the Temple of Growth (that's the big temple you can see shortly after entering the zone.) ( -535, 69, -1078 ) /waypoint -535, 69, -1078
    3. Return to Teriniu
  4. Teriniu has given up all hope, but we continue.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find the body of a dead female elf in New Tunaria on a rock in middle of water ( -746, -2, -1201 ) /waypoint -746, -2, -1201 and hail her.
  5. Return to Teriniu for your reward


  • At least  85с 50м
Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Разное
Уровень 65 (Тир 7)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Великий Фейдарк еще (Echoes of Faydwer)
Начало задания Задание начинается с разговора с Теринью Фезерлайтом, Коада'Дал, стоящим в небольшой палатке в Великом Фейдарке у дороги, ведущей в Стимфонтские Горы ( -425, 125, 490 ) /waypoint -425, 125, 490

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Teriniu will ask you to find clues about his sister's whereabouts. Updates are clickable, so you can get them while mobs are trying to kill you and probably also while invis.
    1. Go near the New Tunaria zone-in in Greater Faydark.
    2. Find a hammer right in front of the NPC guard Commander Marcus Traeis ( -1005, 83, 656 ) /waypoint -1005, 83, 656
    3. Return to Teriniu
  2. Teriniu describes what else we could look for, jewelry and armor is mentioned.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find an earring by taking a right on the first bridge and follow the trail down. The earring is very small, but has a bright color. ( -41, 25, -795 ) /waypoint -41, 25, -795
      Файл:Earring New Tunaria.jpg
      The earring (maximum zoom on 1024x768 resolution)
    3. Return to Teriniu
  3. You tell him you'll gather some companions and get more evidence, obviously we're gonna solo.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find a piece of armor by taking the trail going north, after having passed the Temple of Growth (that's the big temple you can see shortly after entering the zone.) ( -535, 69, -1078 ) /waypoint -535, 69, -1078
    3. Return to Teriniu
  4. Teriniu has given up all hope, but we continue.
    1. Enter New Tunaria.
    2. Find the body of a dead female elf in New Tunaria on a rock in middle of water ( -746, -2, -1201 ) /waypoint -746, -2, -1201 and hail her.
  5. Return to Teriniu for your reward


  • At least  85с 50м