
Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Оберег Стихий (LU51)
Раса Дракон
Уровень 86▲▲▲ Тир 9 Эпический х2
Местонахождение Доктрина очищения
  • <item>Ящик с головой существа: Эйден</item>
  • <item>Кристалл сосредоточения суллонитов</item>
  • <item>Хламида боевого жреца</item>
  • \aITEM 2063021055 -7022402:Drape of the Enraged Elemental\/a

-- Формы для эпического сета --

  • <item>Форма наплечного доспеха покорителя стихий</item>
  • \aITEM 1050656148 -1977340923:Elemental Champion's Spaulder Mold\/a
  • \aITEM -879474400 -642827070:Elemental Conquerer's Shoulderguard Mold\/a
  • \aITEM 165603162 -1501859046:Elemental Gladiator's Shoulderguard Mold\/a
  • <item>Форма поножей гладиатора стихий</item>

Дополнительная база: LootDB

Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Climb wall and look on other side and in lava. That is where you get ported in step 4.
  2. Have MT tank Aiden where he stands, face mob into center.
  3. Rest of the raid stands behind mob to negate knock-back.
  4. One member of raid will be ported outside. That member must harvest a boulder, jump onto one of the flame twisters in the lava. They will be flung up into the air and can land back with raid. Hotkey the boulder and place it in front of all five portals. Place the boulder, get a message saying you placed the boulder, then move it to the next portal. Place the same boulder in front of all five portals. Every portal left unblocked will spawn adds, lots of them. (NOTE: You can climb wall and jump over to boulders and harvest them before someone gets ported. Fae fall, Cloak of the Harvester, or any other slow fall method makes this easy.)
  5. Repeat step 4 the second time someone gets ported.
  6. Kick Aiden's tail.
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Оберег Стихий (LU51)
Раса Дракон
Уровень 86▲▲▲ Тир 9 Эпический х2
Местонахождение Доктрина очищения
  • <item>Ящик с головой существа: Эйден</item>
  • <item>Кристалл сосредоточения суллонитов</item>
  • <item>Хламида боевого жреца</item>
  • \aITEM 2063021055 -7022402:Drape of the Enraged Elemental\/a

-- Формы для эпического сета --

  • <item>Форма наплечного доспеха покорителя стихий</item>
  • \aITEM 1050656148 -1977340923:Elemental Champion's Spaulder Mold\/a
  • \aITEM -879474400 -642827070:Elemental Conquerer's Shoulderguard Mold\/a
  • \aITEM 165603162 -1501859046:Elemental Gladiator's Shoulderguard Mold\/a
  • <item>Форма поножей гладиатора стихий</item>

Дополнительная база: LootDB

Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Climb wall and look on other side and in lava. That is where you get ported in step 4.
  2. Have MT tank Aiden where he stands, face mob into center.
  3. Rest of the raid stands behind mob to negate knock-back.
  4. One member of raid will be ported outside. That member must harvest a boulder, jump onto one of the flame twisters in the lava. They will be flung up into the air and can land back with raid. Hotkey the boulder and place it in front of all five portals. Place the boulder, get a message saying you placed the boulder, then move it to the next portal. Place the same boulder in front of all five portals. Every portal left unblocked will spawn adds, lots of them. (NOTE: You can climb wall and jump over to boulders and harvest them before someone gets ported. Fae fall, Cloak of the Harvester, or any other slow fall method makes this easy.)
  5. Repeat step 4 the second time someone gets ported.
  6. Kick Aiden's tail.