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Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 17:58, 25 ноября 2011; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{test}} TRADESKILL APPRENTICES Coldain Tradeskill Apprentices have traveled to Freeport and Qeynos. They are seeking the help of experienced crafters! These Co...»)
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Данная статья относится к игровому обновлению, которое в данный момент проходит тестирование.
Приведенная информация является предварительной и может быть частично или полностью изменена разработчиками при установке на игровые сервера.
Для названий зон, инстансов, НПС и мобов сделан вольный перевод с английского или наименование оставлено без перевода.
После установки контента на русскоязычные игровые сервера, названия будут приведены в соответствие с терминами локализаторов.
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Coldain Tradeskill Apprentices have traveled to Freeport and Qeynos. They are seeking the help of experienced crafters! These Coldain Apprentices can be found at the major crafting hubs in Freeport and Qeynos. You must be a level 10+ tradeskiller to mentor a Coldain Tradeskill Apprentice. In exchange for a roof over their heads and tutelage, Coldain Tradeskill Apprentices will research recipes to share with you. This research takes a good amount of time, so choose your desired recipe research wisely. Up to 100 new recipes for each Tradeskill Class, spanning from level 10 to 90. These recipes produce powerful items, all of them with unique effects, and many with unique appearances! Additionally, 10 Unique Reforging decoration recipes are available for research. These recipes require a dropped component out of heroic adventuring zones. Quality goods require quality components! You can mentor your Tradeskill Apprentice once per day to speed up their current research task. You can customize the uniform and name of your Tradeskill Apprentice.

Contested zones were not excluded from the reactant drop locations. Reactants will not be available from every zone in a tier, but they will be available from several, instances and contesteds included. The only exception is the level 90 reactants, which we are currently only dropping from the highest tiers of heroic content (due to the items they create being very powerful).

Apprentices now come in the option of male coldain and othmir! Of course, you can't dress the othmir, but this is a very happy development. (Remember when trading in contracts that you lose all your research progress!)

You can now also speed up your research with some crafting (there won't be a quest feather over their head, just hail your apprentice). However, the Recipe: A Sturdy Titanium Knife is bugged, so you can't test this feature on your level 80+ crafters.

If anyone has lower level crafters (minimum level 10 for apprentices), the lower level quests will need serious testing - we just won't have the eyeballs on 'em because folks would have to grind up crafting traditionally to test it in each tier. (Omougi, please note this - you may want to re-eye the lower level recipes since you won't be getting proper beta eyes on them)

Данная статья относится к игровому обновлению, которое в данный момент проходит тестирование.
Приведенная информация является предварительной и может быть частично или полностью изменена разработчиками при установке на игровые сервера.
Для названий зон, инстансов, НПС и мобов сделан вольный перевод с английского или наименование оставлено без перевода.
После установки контента на русскоязычные игровые сервера, названия будут приведены в соответствие с терминами локализаторов.
После установки обновления на игровые сервера вы можете проверить статью на правильность и убрать тэг {{test}} из кода страницы
Мы будем благодарны, если вы сможете проверить и другие статьи с тестового сервера - см. Категория:Test


Coldain Tradeskill Apprentices have traveled to Freeport and Qeynos. They are seeking the help of experienced crafters! These Coldain Apprentices can be found at the major crafting hubs in Freeport and Qeynos. You must be a level 10+ tradeskiller to mentor a Coldain Tradeskill Apprentice. In exchange for a roof over their heads and tutelage, Coldain Tradeskill Apprentices will research recipes to share with you. This research takes a good amount of time, so choose your desired recipe research wisely. Up to 100 new recipes for each Tradeskill Class, spanning from level 10 to 90. These recipes produce powerful items, all of them with unique effects, and many with unique appearances! Additionally, 10 Unique Reforging decoration recipes are available for research. These recipes require a dropped component out of heroic adventuring zones. Quality goods require quality components! You can mentor your Tradeskill Apprentice once per day to speed up their current research task. You can customize the uniform and name of your Tradeskill Apprentice.

Contested zones were not excluded from the reactant drop locations. Reactants will not be available from every zone in a tier, but they will be available from several, instances and contesteds included. The only exception is the level 90 reactants, which we are currently only dropping from the highest tiers of heroic content (due to the items they create being very powerful).

Apprentices now come in the option of male coldain and othmir! Of course, you can't dress the othmir, but this is a very happy development. (Remember when trading in contracts that you lose all your research progress!)

You can now also speed up your research with some crafting (there won't be a quest feather over their head, just hail your apprentice). However, the Recipe: A Sturdy Titanium Knife is bugged, so you can't test this feature on your level 80+ crafters.

If anyone has lower level crafters (minimum level 10 for apprentices), the lower level quests will need serious testing - we just won't have the eyeballs on 'em because folks would have to grind up crafting traditionally to test it in each tier. (Omougi, please note this - you may want to re-eye the lower level recipes since you won't be getting proper beta eyes on them)