Чтобы увидеть упорядоченный список статей, посвященных домам, см.: Категория:Домоводство.

Each character in Everquest 2 is entitled to buy a room or rooms in an inn or a house. The cost of housing depends on the size, quality and quantity of the rooms that they buy. Prices can range from a few silver to several platinum and a large number of status points. Housing also serves as a place from which a player is able to sell his or her goods to other players via the broker. The number of broker slots granted to the player ranges from 1 up to 6, and depends on the size and cost of the house.


Покупка жилья

См. также: Список домов

To buy a house in a city, the player must be a citizen of that city. Each character can own one house at a time. If the player buys a new house, then their old house is automatically relinquished. The furniture from the old house is automatically moved to the new house (and will be found in a moving crate).

A house is purchased by clicking on its front door. The window informs you of the house's address and price. Before buying, you can take a tour of the house to decide whether it's the right place for you. To do this, right-click on the front door and choose "tour."

Some housing is available in two versions: one with a pure coin cost and one with a mixed coin/status cost. For example, a two-room apartment in Irontoe's East has two prices:

  • Non-status version: ~~24з to buy + ~/week in rent.
  • Status version: 14з 22,000 ОС to buy + ~60с 3,000 ОС/week in rent.

The weekly status cost for the status version of this housing can be reduced further if you buy, win, or quest for furniture and house items with status reduction values (as show in each item's description).


Вы можете настроить внешний вид потолка, стен, пола и внутренней отделки вашего жилища. Наведите указатель мыши на элемент комнаты, вид которого вы хотите изменить. Указатель примет вид молотка и пилы. Вызовите контекстное меню нажатием правой кнопки мыши и выберите пункт “настроить”. Вы увидите список доступных вариантов с указанием цены приобретения каждого из них. Выберите понравившийся вам вариант и нажмите кнопку “Купить”. Теперь приобретенный вариант декора будет находиться в верхней части окна. Выберите его и нажмите кнопку “Установить” – за это дополнительно взимается небольшая плата. Вы можете свободно менять приобретенные виды отделки один на другой, каждый раз уплачивая стоимость смены интерьера.


См. также: Список предметов обстановки

Many players will want to decorate their houses with furniture, to add a personalized touch. In general, furniture can be player made or bought from a city merchant with status points and coin, though some items are results of quests. Most heritage quests will give a reward that can optionally be placed in a house when not in use. Collection rewards sometimes have a reward that can be placed in your house. There are several types of furniture, each with a different function:

  • Декоративная - Both player made and store bought. Can be placed in house. No other function
  • Понижение арендной платы - Once placed in the home, these items will reduce the number of status points to be paid for rent each week.
  • Домашние животные - Pets can be bought from a vendor, rewarded when players complete quests or compete in the Arena, or claimed as an adventure reward after your EverQuest account has reached a certain age. Pets will wander around the house, and normally have several options (such as play dead, dance, etc) available when examined that will trigger various animations.
  • Ремесленные станки - Tradeskill stations can be purchased from city merchants. The lower qualities of worktables have been recently changed to be decorative only since the changes in tradeskilling removed less then pristine items.
  • Торговые витрины - Depending on the size and quality of the house, players will be able to place one or more sales displays in their house. Sales displays are player made items (crafted by a carpenter) or game rewards that can be placed in a broker slot and subsequently placed in the house, enabling the sales of large numbers of goods and thus avoiding the commission charged by the broker. Some sales displays are specialized and only allow one type of item to be placed within them (eg. bag stands may only contain bags), though salesman's crates that can contain any type of item are available.


Существует несколько уровней доступа к жилью. В соответствии с этим уровнем доступны различные функции:

  • Владелец: Вы, владелец жилья. Владельцем жилья может быть только один единственный игрок - тот, кто жилье приобрел.
  • Доверенное лицо: игрок может делать все, что и сам владелец (в том числе и оплачивать жилье), даже устанавливать уровни доступа для всех, кроме владельца.
  • Друг: игрок может входить и выходить в любое время, передвигать мебель (но не ломать и не уносить), а также взаимодействовать с домашними животными и растениями.
  • Посетитель: игрок может входить и выходить в любое время, но не может передвигать мебель и взаимодействовать с домашними животными и растениями.
  • Нет: Никто, кроме вас не сможет входить в ваш дом.
Чтобы увидеть упорядоченный список статей, посвященных домам, см.: Категория:Домоводство.

Each character in Everquest 2 is entitled to buy a room or rooms in an inn or a house. The cost of housing depends on the size, quality and quantity of the rooms that they buy. Prices can range from a few silver to several platinum and a large number of status points. Housing also serves as a place from which a player is able to sell his or her goods to other players via the broker. The number of broker slots granted to the player ranges from 1 up to 6, and depends on the size and cost of the house.

Покупка жилья

См. также: Список домов

To buy a house in a city, the player must be a citizen of that city. Each character can own one house at a time. If the player buys a new house, then their old house is automatically relinquished. The furniture from the old house is automatically moved to the new house (and will be found in a moving crate).

A house is purchased by clicking on its front door. The window informs you of the house's address and price. Before buying, you can take a tour of the house to decide whether it's the right place for you. To do this, right-click on the front door and choose "tour."

Some housing is available in two versions: one with a pure coin cost and one with a mixed coin/status cost. For example, a two-room apartment in Irontoe's East has two prices:

  • Non-status version: ~~24з to buy + ~/week in rent.
  • Status version: 14з 22,000 ОС to buy + ~60с 3,000 ОС/week in rent.

The weekly status cost for the status version of this housing can be reduced further if you buy, win, or quest for furniture and house items with status reduction values (as show in each item's description).


Вы можете настроить внешний вид потолка, стен, пола и внутренней отделки вашего жилища. Наведите указатель мыши на элемент комнаты, вид которого вы хотите изменить. Указатель примет вид молотка и пилы. Вызовите контекстное меню нажатием правой кнопки мыши и выберите пункт “настроить”. Вы увидите список доступных вариантов с указанием цены приобретения каждого из них. Выберите понравившийся вам вариант и нажмите кнопку “Купить”. Теперь приобретенный вариант декора будет находиться в верхней части окна. Выберите его и нажмите кнопку “Установить” – за это дополнительно взимается небольшая плата. Вы можете свободно менять приобретенные виды отделки один на другой, каждый раз уплачивая стоимость смены интерьера.


См. также: Список предметов обстановки

Many players will want to decorate their houses with furniture, to add a personalized touch. In general, furniture can be player made or bought from a city merchant with status points and coin, though some items are results of quests. Most heritage quests will give a reward that can optionally be placed in a house when not in use. Collection rewards sometimes have a reward that can be placed in your house. There are several types of furniture, each with a different function:

  • Декоративная - Both player made and store bought. Can be placed in house. No other function
  • Понижение арендной платы - Once placed in the home, these items will reduce the number of status points to be paid for rent each week.
  • Домашние животные - Pets can be bought from a vendor, rewarded when players complete quests or compete in the Arena, or claimed as an adventure reward after your EverQuest account has reached a certain age. Pets will wander around the house, and normally have several options (such as play dead, dance, etc) available when examined that will trigger various animations.
  • Ремесленные станки - Tradeskill stations can be purchased from city merchants. The lower qualities of worktables have been recently changed to be decorative only since the changes in tradeskilling removed less then pristine items.
  • Торговые витрины - Depending on the size and quality of the house, players will be able to place one or more sales displays in their house. Sales displays are player made items (crafted by a carpenter) or game rewards that can be placed in a broker slot and subsequently placed in the house, enabling the sales of large numbers of goods and thus avoiding the commission charged by the broker. Some sales displays are specialized and only allow one type of item to be placed within them (eg. bag stands may only contain bags), though salesman's crates that can contain any type of item are available.


Существует несколько уровней доступа к жилью. В соответствии с этим уровнем доступны различные функции:

  • Владелец: Вы, владелец жилья. Владельцем жилья может быть только один единственный игрок - тот, кто жилье приобрел.
  • Доверенное лицо: игрок может делать все, что и сам владелец (в том числе и оплачивать жилье), даже устанавливать уровни доступа для всех, кроме владельца.
  • Друг: игрок может входить и выходить в любое время, передвигать мебель (но не ломать и не уносить), а также взаимодействовать с домашними животными и растениями.
  • Посетитель: игрок может входить и выходить в любое время, но не может передвигать мебель и взаимодействовать с домашними животными и растениями.
  • Нет: Никто, кроме вас не сможет входить в ваш дом.