Пламя, которое не погаснет

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Нора  (ОД)
Уровень 90 (Тир 10)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Нора еще (Sentinel's Fate)
Начало задания изучите маленький шарик в зоне Бездонный Омут: Оранжерея ( 2, 84, 90 ) /waypoint 2, 84, 90 (под водой, недалеко от последнего моба)

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Talk to Dahlia in Paineel
  2. Talk to Vima Madrigan in Lavastorm
  3. Travel into the underfoot side of The Hole and kill the following in order:
    1. Recover a spike shard from a shimmering guardian
    2. <trash mob name needed>
    3. Kill The Gorgon Wrangler
  4. Now Collect Flames
    1. Get an uncommon update off the Wyrms just outside of Veeshan's Peak in Jarsath Wastes
    2. Убейте Измененного Маголемуса в Огненной Крепости Найены
    3. Kill Gordnor in Vasty Deep:The Abandoned Labs (a linked mob with PC)
  5. Now off to library where you have to kill ALL EIGHT different Scholar Primarchs
  6. Collect materials to bind the globe
    • Kill Blacksmith Lava-eye in The Hole
    • Get 4 uncommon updates off of A Temple Sentinel (part of the ring event in The Temple of The Ice Lady in Jarsath Wastes)
    • Must kill Queen Gwarthlea in Vasty Deep:The Vestigial Cella
  7. Now you must venture into Deep Forge
    • Everburning Coals by killing FireLord Kaern
    • Then click on the forge by the first named (note: these appear at the same time but you must have the Everburning Coals in your inventory to be able to update this step.)
  8. Return to Scholar Dahlia Dominique in Paineel your reward.


Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Нора  (ОД)
Уровень 90 (Тир 10)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Нора еще (Sentinel's Fate)
Начало задания изучите маленький шарик в зоне Бездонный Омут: Оранжерея ( 2, 84, 90 ) /waypoint 2, 84, 90 (под водой, недалеко от последнего моба)

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Talk to Dahlia in Paineel
  2. Talk to Vima Madrigan in Lavastorm
  3. Travel into the underfoot side of The Hole and kill the following in order:
    1. Recover a spike shard from a shimmering guardian
    2. <trash mob name needed>
    3. Kill The Gorgon Wrangler
  4. Now Collect Flames
    1. Get an uncommon update off the Wyrms just outside of Veeshan's Peak in Jarsath Wastes
    2. Убейте Измененного Маголемуса в Огненной Крепости Найены
    3. Kill Gordnor in Vasty Deep:The Abandoned Labs (a linked mob with PC)
  5. Now off to library where you have to kill ALL EIGHT different Scholar Primarchs
  6. Collect materials to bind the globe
    • Kill Blacksmith Lava-eye in The Hole
    • Get 4 uncommon updates off of A Temple Sentinel (part of the ring event in The Temple of The Ice Lady in Jarsath Wastes)
    • Must kill Queen Gwarthlea in Vasty Deep:The Vestigial Cella
  7. Now you must venture into Deep Forge
    • Everburning Coals by killing FireLord Kaern
    • Then click on the forge by the first named (note: these appear at the same time but you must have the Everburning Coals in your inventory to be able to update this step.)
  8. Return to Scholar Dahlia Dominique in Paineel your reward.
