Кристаллизованная эссенция огня

Версия от 13:17, 5 февраля 2010; Томдед (обсуждение | вклад) (about the Steel Circlet)

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EverQuest II информация о предмете
Кристаллизованная эссенция огня Драгоценный камень иконка 01.jpg
Этот драгоценный камень из концентрированного пламени был вырван из сердца Даякары.

</ItemInformation> Как получить: Трофей из узорчатого сундука с Даякары в зоне Оберег Стихий.</ItemInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM 828485569 1348678312:Crystalized Essence of Fire\/a \aITEM 828485569 1348678312:Crystalized Essence of Fire\/a

Что означает эта информация?



Used to for Unadorned Steel Circlet which can be purchased from Edric Fyrecog on the docks of Lavastorm. The cost is 2 shards.

about the Steel Circlet

If you examine it you get a box that says, "This finely wrought circlet bears ten empty sockets that must once have held sizable gems. A tingle in the metal hits of enormous elemental energies that will be released should those sockets be filled."

Choices under it say "But which gems should one use?", "insert the gems into the sockets", and "Release the circlet".

If you click on the first option, you get the following message: "As soon as you even begin to formulate the query in your head, a wave of foreign consciousness invades you. Your brain feelsfit to burst as the entity attempts to occupy a space too small to house it. The sensation is brief but skull splitting, and as the entity leaves you, you are suddenly aware of what the circlet desires.

You must fill the sockets around the edges with the following:

So, you need:

Классы Воздух Вода Огонь Земля
Волшебник 3 4 2 1
Чернокнижник 4 3 2 1
Заклинатель 2 1 4 3
Некромант 2 1 3 4
Иллюзионист 2 3 2 3
Гипнотизер 2 3 2 3

Эта эссенция падает с именных мобов в Оберег Стихий.

The item record for this has not, yet, been imported into the database. It should appear with the next import following its discovery on the Live servers.

List of Items obtained via the Unadorned Steel Circlet


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EverQuest II информация о предмете
Кристаллизованная эссенция огня Драгоценный камень иконка 01.jpg
Этот драгоценный камень из концентрированного пламени был вырван из сердца Даякары.

</ItemInformation> Как получить: Трофей из узорчатого сундука с Даякары в зоне Оберег Стихий.</ItemInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM 828485569 1348678312:Crystalized Essence of Fire\/a \aITEM 828485569 1348678312:Crystalized Essence of Fire\/a

Что означает эта информация?


Used to for Unadorned Steel Circlet which can be purchased from Edric Fyrecog on the docks of Lavastorm. The cost is 2 shards.

about the Steel Circlet

If you examine it you get a box that says, "This finely wrought circlet bears ten empty sockets that must once have held sizable gems. A tingle in the metal hits of enormous elemental energies that will be released should those sockets be filled."

Choices under it say "But which gems should one use?", "insert the gems into the sockets", and "Release the circlet".

If you click on the first option, you get the following message: "As soon as you even begin to formulate the query in your head, a wave of foreign consciousness invades you. Your brain feelsfit to burst as the entity attempts to occupy a space too small to house it. The sensation is brief but skull splitting, and as the entity leaves you, you are suddenly aware of what the circlet desires.

You must fill the sockets around the edges with the following:

So, you need:

Классы Воздух Вода Огонь Земля
Волшебник 3 4 2 1
Чернокнижник 4 3 2 1
Заклинатель 2 1 4 3
Некромант 2 1 3 4
Иллюзионист 2 3 2 3
Гипнотизер 2 3 2 3

Эта эссенция падает с именных мобов в Оберег Стихий.

The item record for this has not, yet, been imported into the database. It should appear with the next import following its discovery on the Live servers.

List of Items obtained via the Unadorned Steel Circlet
