Верховный шаман Вован

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Плачущее Око: Сбор (LU46)
Раса Гоблин
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Эпический х2
Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?

Групппа аддов Верховного шамана Вована


One of the strategies to this boss is: Have an enchanter mez Usla as the tank pulls the High Shaman, and have the rest of the DPS get on Bergo (who heals despite being mezzed). The next thing that can be done is the mez the remainded 2 adds as quickly as possible and have the chanter keep them mezzed for the duration of the fight (they despawn once the boss dies), or DPS can kill one by one while the tank and healers maintain Vohan. The adds DO hit hard though.

To make things a little easier on the pull, as the chanter is mezzing usla, another of the group can root/stun/snare one of the other adds to give the chanter an opportunity to get all of them.

Раса: Гоблин - чтобы загрузить индивидуальное изображение, нажмите здесь
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Плачущее Око: Сбор (LU46)
Раса Гоблин
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Эпический х2
Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?

Групппа аддов Верховного шамана Вована


One of the strategies to this boss is: Have an enchanter mez Usla as the tank pulls the High Shaman, and have the rest of the DPS get on Bergo (who heals despite being mezzed). The next thing that can be done is the mez the remainded 2 adds as quickly as possible and have the chanter keep them mezzed for the duration of the fight (they despawn once the boss dies), or DPS can kill one by one while the tank and healers maintain Vohan. The adds DO hit hard though.

To make things a little easier on the pull, as the chanter is mezzing usla, another of the group can root/stun/snare one of the other adds to give the chanter an opportunity to get all of them.