
Секретные предания ч.2 IV

872 байта добавлено, 09:38, 13 августа 2009
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Image:Glass3 500.jpg|Третья пластина
==Первая пластина==
'''From the vaults of Elrarad'''
'''Первая пластина'''I have managed to translate the second set of the researchers notes I found within the vaults. After reading through thisaccount of what was very likely a turning point in the history of my people, I am compelled (to) see if there is still more to this story.
'''Вторая пластина'''I am increasingly convinced that getting this information out to the people of Norrath is important for many reasons, not the least of which is to discover the truth of what became of the Erudites lost ancesteal home.
'''As much as I would like to deliver this information personally, I have already fallen under scrutiny and I fear that leaving here might prove a fatal mistake. Thus I have been forced to put the translated tome within a stasis pocket, a teleportation tear for lack of a better term, that should anyone should be able to access if they have the key. ==Вторая пластина== ==Третья пластина'''==
[[Категория:Секретные предания]]