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135 байт добавлено, 20:46, 7 августа 2011
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Used to for [[Unadorned Steel Circlet]] which can be purchased from Edric Fyrecog on the docks of LavastormСначало купите Стальную тиару без драгоценных камней у НПЦ Эдрик Фирког в Лавасторме за 2 шарда. The cost is 2 shardsИзучи ее, появиться меню дальше все сами поймете.
==about the Steel Circlet ==
If you examine it you get a box that says, "This finely wrought circlet bears ten empty sockets that must once have held sizable gems. A tingle in the metal hits of enormous elemental energies that will be released should those sockets be filled."
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