

208 байт убрано, 11:30, 31 декабря 2009
Нет описания правки
idesc = |
type = |
race = Огонек| class = | <!-- Archetype, Class or Subclass of this monster --> levellow = 66| <!-- low end of range, if any --> levellowmod=|<!-- arrows --> level = 67| <!-- number ONLY! --> levelmod = | <!-- arrows --> diff = | <!-- Heroic or Epic. Default is Solo -->
zone = Костяная Трясина|
patch = Kingdom of Sky| group = | <!-- social grouping that is NOT a faction, if any --> agro = y| <!-- anything here will label this monster as Aggresive --> social = y| <!-- anything here will label this monster as Social -->
location = [[Какотоксическое Пятно]]|
mapref = x| <!-- /loc result, *=see below, X=suppress --> uid =x
==Связанные задания==
*[[Каталог обитателей Костяной Трясины ]]