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НПС-брокера можно найти во всех городах, дворах Мадж'Дула, купить и установить в Зале Гильдии acts as one of the two interfaces to the Broker system in Everquest II — that is, the market. To avoid ambiguities, we refer to the market system as Market below.

The other interface is the market bulletin board that you can buy and use from your home. The broker NPCs are the only place where you can both buy and sell items; from the market bulletin board, you can only place items for sale and find prices.

You can sell any and all items on the Market, with the following exceptions:

  • You can only ever have one LORE item at a time. Items in your inventory, bags, bank and Sales Display will all count towards that one.
  • Items that are NO-TRADE

In specific, you can sell things that are NO-VALUE, on brokers to other players. Some of the most notable and most wanted NO-VALUE items include some collection items and harvestables, especially rare harvestables. (Common Roots and clusters from ores also often sell at high prices if you've got big stacks.)

Selling stuff on the Market

To sell anything through on the Market, there are two options:

  1. Use any kind of bag, and place it on your "Vendor Slot". After this, you can place any items to the bag for sale. These items will only be buyable through the Broker NPCs, and there will be a 10—40 % broker fee to the buyers. (Depending on many variables, from special cases to the faction of the city listed in.)
  2. Craft or buy a Sales Display. First of all, you can use these items as any other bag. However, you can also place the Display in your home to allow people to buy stuff directly from your home, thus avoiding the broker fee. To place the sales display in your home:
    1. Enter your home.
    2. Use your market bulletin board to open the Market Window.
    3. Place the Sales Display to one of your Vendor Slots.
    4. Right-click on the Sales Display when it is on the Vendor Slot, and choose "Place".
    5. Place the display anywhere in your house (somewhere near the entrance to your home, where visitors can easily spot it, is a typical choice). The display, like any house item, is placeable to any spot where it has a green tint to it, and unplaceable where it has a red tint.
    6. If you succeeded in placing the display, guest visiting rights will automatically be set for your home for everyone.
    7. To check if people can now use your Sales Display:
      1. Open the Market Window from your market bulletin board.
      2. Place an item in the Display by left-clicking on the item and dragging it to the display window (either targetting the bag or the list of items for sale after you left-click on a bag).
      3. Left-click on the item on your Sales Display list, and use the "Search Broker" button.
      4. A list of items for sale under that name will appear. If the item is for sale from your home, you will see on the "Seller Name" column "Visit <your name> at <your home location>.

Note: after you've placed the Sales Display in your house, you can place and remove items on it from any Broker NPC. Any items you place through the Broker NPC will also be available from your home. In other words: even if you don't visit your house often, but sell a lot of items, it's still often worthwhile to obtain a Sales Display and place it in your house.

Buying stuff from people's houses

To buy something from a Sales Display,

  1. Find the name, home zone and, possibly, street name and number of the seller by searching the broker. (Villages or districts don't have street names for the houses, since they only hold one house per zone.)
  2. Travel to the zone and find the street name and number you're looking for. To find the house within a zone, you may either use the EQ2MAP User Interface modification or use the signposts that are scattered around the city zones.
  3. At the door of the house, right-click on the door, and choose Visit.
  4. Type in the name of the person you're looking for, and click Enter. (Sometimes you can't enter people's homes because they haven't paid their rent — this means you will have to use the broker.)
  5. Within the house, search the Sales Display. This is a clickable crate, case or rack within the house. Click it.
  6. Search for the item you're looking for, click on it and click on the button "Buy". (You may also choose to right-click and examine it before buying.) Note that if an item isn't available in one display, there may be several others scattered around the seller's house.
Источник — «https://norrath.ru/Брокер»