
Звездная Вершина

710 байт добавлено, 10:48, 23 июня 2008
Новая: <!-- BEGIN SUBSTITUTION This is the Example for ZoneInformation. You may remove this commented section from YOUR page Parameters: abbrev - common abbreviation of this zone (as in CL, ...
This is the Example for ZoneInformation. You may remove this commented section from YOUR page

abbrev - common abbreviation of this zone (as in CL, TS, Ant, SS, TT, etc) (default: blank)
introduced - name of expansion or advpack, or LU#
levelrange - recommended range of levels for adventuring in this zone.
azones - list of adjacent zones, or blank. INCLUDE BRACKETS!!!
instance - zone difficulty/instancing. Public, Solo, Group, or Raid
abbrev= |
introduced = |
levelrange = All|
azones = [[South Qeynos]], [[The Peat Bog]]|
instance = Village|
uid = 184|

Starcrest Commune is home to [[Erudite (Character Race)|Erudites]].