
Призрачный лук Билза

1907 байт добавлено, 16:03, 3 марта 2009
Новая: <!-- Please see Template:EquipInformation for a complete list and explanation of the parameters -->{{EquipInformation| iname = | <!-- picture of examine window --> idesc = | iname...
<!-- Please see Template:EquipInformation for a complete list and explanation of the parameters
iname = | <!-- picture of examine window -->
idesc = |
iname2 = | <!-- picture showing look when worn (OPTIONAL) -->
idesc2 = |
desc = |
icat = ценный|
flags = не перед.|
str = +10|
sta = |
agi = +9|
wis = |
int = |
health = +30|
power = +45|
vsslash = |
vscrush = |
vspierce= |
vsheat = |
vscold = |
vsmagic = |
vsmental= |
vsdivine= |
vspoison= |
focus = |
slash = |
crush = |
pierce = |
ranged = +2|
parry = |
defense = |
offense = |
haste = |
effectlist=| <!-- list the effects names only, comma separated -->
| <!-- enter the complete description of the effects here. Use asterisks to the left! -->
wtype = Лук| <!-- weapon type, or blank -->
dtype = | <!-- damage type, armor type or item type -->
slot = Дальнобойное оружие|
slot2 = |
charges = | <!-- if this is a Charm and has charges, put number or Unlimited here -->
charmopt= | <!-- put yes here if this charm does not have to be equipped to use -->
mit = |
prot = |
dmg = 65-585|
drating = 72,3|
delay = 9.0|
wt = 5.0|
level = 59|
classes = | <!-- If blank, wtype and dtype will be used to guess classes -->
itemlink= |
obtain = {{QuestReward|Операция Монета: Святилище Наследников Чешуи|Святилище Наследников Чешуи}}|
set = | <!-- new with EoF, armor can be a member of a set -->


<!-- Categories go below here! If this item modifies a stat or skill not listed above, link it here.
For example, if this item has Flowing Thought, use [[Category:Flowing Thought]] -->