Категория:Алтарь (подтип предмета)

Алтари являются местами поклонения недавно возвращенным Богам. Altars allow you "pray" to a deity and give them offerings in return for a specialized type of faction called "favor." You receive large chunks of favor by completing the progressive devotion quests, but you may also tithe items at your altar to gain small amounts of favor with your god. Current (unconfirmed) theories suggest that when enough followers of a deity pray at their altars and obtain the highest favor possible, deities will send Avatars to Norrath for a short time.

Favor can be spent on Blessings and Miracles, which provide temporary special abilities granted by your deity. Obtaining a better altar will allow you to purchase these special abilities at a discount. Despite reports to the contrary, you can have as many altars in your house as you have space for. However, you can only use the altars of your current god. You can worship at any altar of your god placed in someone's house. Seek out Deity Historians for locations of Prophets if you currently do not worship a deity and wish to become a follower of one.

The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: see discussion page for data supporting the cost values in the following table

Obtaining Deity Altars
Altar Quality Obtained Favor Discount First Blessing Cost First Miracle Cost
Humble Altar of quest reward from 1st Deity Quest 0% 750 1125
Altar of purchased from Deity Historian for 8% 690 1035
Crafted Altar of Изготавливает - carpenter, используя рецепт 35 уровня из книги рецептов 'Deity Altar Crafting'. 16% 630 945
Prophet's Altar of quest reward from 4th Deity Quest 18% 615 922
Blessed Altar of Treasure Chest or better in Castle Mistmoore [1] 20% 600 900
Imbued Altar of Изготавливает - carpenter, используя рецепт 65 уровня из книги рецептов 'Advanced Deity Altar Crafting'. 24% 570 885
Ordained Altar of drop from Mayong Mistmoore [2][3]SoE forums with % 36% 480 720

Each deity has its own themed altar model with each alignment of gods sharing a similar base design for their altars: stone cairn enclosure for neutral gods, round pedestal and table base for evil gods, or wooden art deco style base for good gods. Each god's altar comes in designs with and without candles. Altars with candles are typically of higher quality and reduce the amount of favor it costs to obtain Blessings and Miracles. A very nice selection of altar pictures can be found on a single page at EQ2 Traders.

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Алтари являются местами поклонения недавно возвращенным Богам. Altars allow you "pray" to a deity and give them offerings in return for a specialized type of faction called "favor." You receive large chunks of favor by completing the progressive devotion quests, but you may also tithe items at your altar to gain small amounts of favor with your god. Current (unconfirmed) theories suggest that when enough followers of a deity pray at their altars and obtain the highest favor possible, deities will send Avatars to Norrath for a short time.

Favor can be spent on Blessings and Miracles, which provide temporary special abilities granted by your deity. Obtaining a better altar will allow you to purchase these special abilities at a discount. Despite reports to the contrary, you can have as many altars in your house as you have space for. However, you can only use the altars of your current god. You can worship at any altar of your god placed in someone's house. Seek out Deity Historians for locations of Prophets if you currently do not worship a deity and wish to become a follower of one.

The information below has been verified with in-game data and the information on this page is correct, even if it looks stupid or makes no sense.
Fact: see discussion page for data supporting the cost values in the following table

Obtaining Deity Altars
Altar Quality Obtained Favor Discount First Blessing Cost First Miracle Cost
Humble Altar of quest reward from 1st Deity Quest 0% 750 1125
Altar of purchased from Deity Historian for 8% 690 1035
Crafted Altar of Изготавливает - carpenter, используя рецепт 35 уровня из книги рецептов 'Deity Altar Crafting'. 16% 630 945
Prophet's Altar of quest reward from 4th Deity Quest 18% 615 922
Blessed Altar of Treasure Chest or better in Castle Mistmoore [1] 20% 600 900
Imbued Altar of Изготавливает - carpenter, используя рецепт 65 уровня из книги рецептов 'Advanced Deity Altar Crafting'. 24% 570 885
Ordained Altar of drop from Mayong Mistmoore [2][3]SoE forums with % 36% 480 720

Each deity has its own themed altar model with each alignment of gods sharing a similar base design for their altars: stone cairn enclosure for neutral gods, round pedestal and table base for evil gods, or wooden art deco style base for good gods. Each god's altar comes in designs with and without candles. Altars with candles are typically of higher quality and reduce the amount of favor it costs to obtain Blessings and Miracles. A very nice selection of altar pictures can be found on a single page at EQ2 Traders.