Возвращение света

Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Наследие  (ОД)
Уровень 20 (Тир 3)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Свободные Земли еще (Расколотые Земли)
Начало задания Изучите выгоревший свет-камень, выпадающий из Светоносного огонька (уровень 18), к северу от Круга Друидов в Свободных землях около точки ( 800, -60, -200 ) /waypoint 800, -60, -200.
Панель навигации
Серия заданий наследия

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Поговорите с Канниксом Сильверфлеймом в Свободных Землях. Его можно найти к западу от Перекрестка ( -310, -47, -361 ) /waypoint -310, -47, -361.
  2. Коснитесь Оплаканного и Забытого. Это интерактивные объекты в Свободных Землях.
    • Забытый ( 172, -45, 260 ) /waypoint 172, -45, 260 (западная часть карты Свободных Земель)
    • Оплаканный( -590, -48, -629 ) /waypoint -590, -48, -629 (к югу от станции "Фрипорт")
  3. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей первой награды - слабо мерцающего свет камня.
  4. Kill Rama'nai (18 with two 18-- adds) at ( 878, -58, 11 ) /waypoint 878, -58, 11. [Respawn time clocked @ 6 minutes (12.23.2007)] THERE ARE NO PLACEHOLDERS.
  5. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей второй награды - Dimly Lit Lightstone.
  6. Kill two orc captains - Captain Ogof and Captain Gaer, both found in areas near the orc towers in southeast Commonlands. After LU37 these orcs now always spawn.
    • Captain Gaer Level 17 with two 17-- adds spawns at ( -855, -48, 668 ) /waypoint -855, -48, 668. [Respawn time clocked @ 5 minutes (02.11.2007)]
    • Captain Ogof Level 14 heroic with four 14-- adds. Roamer, can be found near ( -645, -48, 461 ) /waypoint -645, -48, 461.
  7. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей третьей награды - Softly Glowing Lightstone.
  8. Kill the High Priest of Val'Marr (level 20 with two 20-- friends) in the Commonlands.
    • He spawns at the top of the tower at ( 378, -47, 223 ) /waypoint 378.41, -47.14, 222.67 Eq2map.gif. He now spawns every time at top this tower, no placeholders.
  9. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей четвертой награды - Glimmering Lightstone.
  10. Kill General Drull (level 22^^^). He can be found in the heroic instance, Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold.
    • To get to this instance, head to ( 215, -48, 667 ) /waypoint 215, -48, 667 in Commonlands, then head east down the narrow valley from there. The entrance is at ( -4, -48, 729 ) /waypoint -4, -48, 729.
    • Starting with LU24, access for Bloodskull Valley is no longer required for those with the quest The Return of the Light.
    • In order to enter the Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold instance any group or raid member must talk to Amulius Ramio at ( 24, -46, 725 ) /waypoint 24, -46, 725. He is crouching behind a big rock just outside the BSV entrance. Just hail him repeatedly until he goes through his entire dialog.
    • Drull is in the fourth wave of a horde of mostly 20^^, they come in large groups of 5-10 it seems. More will aggro after a specific time. If you die, it does not take you out of the instance, keep hacking away until the General shows up, kill him and exit. **NOTE** Do not exit the zone before you are done or you will be incurr an 12 hours lockout timer before you may re-enter.
  11. Speak to Cannix. A group of Lucanic Knights will spawn, kill him, and then attack you. Pry your reward from their cold, dead hands.


Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Наследие  (ОД)
Уровень 20 (Тир 3)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Свободные Земли еще (Расколотые Земли)
Начало задания Изучите выгоревший свет-камень, выпадающий из Светоносного огонька (уровень 18), к северу от Круга Друидов в Свободных землях около точки ( 800, -60, -200 ) /waypoint 800, -60, -200.
Панель навигации
Серия заданий наследия

Что означает эта информация?


  1. Поговорите с Канниксом Сильверфлеймом в Свободных Землях. Его можно найти к западу от Перекрестка ( -310, -47, -361 ) /waypoint -310, -47, -361.
  2. Коснитесь Оплаканного и Забытого. Это интерактивные объекты в Свободных Землях.
    • Забытый ( 172, -45, 260 ) /waypoint 172, -45, 260 (западная часть карты Свободных Земель)
    • Оплаканный( -590, -48, -629 ) /waypoint -590, -48, -629 (к югу от станции "Фрипорт")
  3. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей первой награды - слабо мерцающего свет камня.
  4. Kill Rama'nai (18 with two 18-- adds) at ( 878, -58, 11 ) /waypoint 878, -58, 11. [Respawn time clocked @ 6 minutes (12.23.2007)] THERE ARE NO PLACEHOLDERS.
  5. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей второй награды - Dimly Lit Lightstone.
  6. Kill two orc captains - Captain Ogof and Captain Gaer, both found in areas near the orc towers in southeast Commonlands. After LU37 these orcs now always spawn.
    • Captain Gaer Level 17 with two 17-- adds spawns at ( -855, -48, 668 ) /waypoint -855, -48, 668. [Respawn time clocked @ 5 minutes (02.11.2007)]
    • Captain Ogof Level 14 heroic with four 14-- adds. Roamer, can be found near ( -645, -48, 461 ) /waypoint -645, -48, 461.
  7. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей третьей награды - Softly Glowing Lightstone.
  8. Kill the High Priest of Val'Marr (level 20 with two 20-- friends) in the Commonlands.
    • He spawns at the top of the tower at ( 378, -47, 223 ) /waypoint 378.41, -47.14, 222.67 Eq2map.gif. He now spawns every time at top this tower, no placeholders.
  9. Поговорите с Канниксом для получения вашей четвертой награды - Glimmering Lightstone.
  10. Kill General Drull (level 22^^^). He can be found in the heroic instance, Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold.
    • To get to this instance, head to ( 215, -48, 667 ) /waypoint 215, -48, 667 in Commonlands, then head east down the narrow valley from there. The entrance is at ( -4, -48, 729 ) /waypoint -4, -48, 729.
    • Starting with LU24, access for Bloodskull Valley is no longer required for those with the quest The Return of the Light.
    • In order to enter the Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold instance any group or raid member must talk to Amulius Ramio at ( 24, -46, 725 ) /waypoint 24, -46, 725. He is crouching behind a big rock just outside the BSV entrance. Just hail him repeatedly until he goes through his entire dialog.
    • Drull is in the fourth wave of a horde of mostly 20^^, they come in large groups of 5-10 it seems. More will aggro after a specific time. If you die, it does not take you out of the instance, keep hacking away until the General shows up, kill him and exit. **NOTE** Do not exit the zone before you are done or you will be incurr an 12 hours lockout timer before you may re-enter.
  11. Speak to Cannix. A group of Lucanic Knights will spawn, kill him, and then attack you. Pry your reward from their cold, dead hands.
