Серия Легенды и предания

The table below lists all the lore and legend quests by level, including information about the starting locations for each quest. For a categorical list of all lore and legend quests, see Category:Lore and Legend Quests.

Раса Где найти книгу Локация EQ2MAP ID
10 Гноллы Антоника: A wooden chest in Keep of the Gnollslayers ( -2110, -43, 431 ) /waypoint -2110, -43, 431 19806
Орки Свободные Земли: Щит в башне в Перекрестке ( -436, -44, -283 ) /waypoint -436, -44, -283 1140
Крепость Костоломов: Оружейная стойка слева от входа ( 20, 0, 50 ) /waypoint 20, 0, 50 29359
Гоблины Великий Фейдарк: Книжная полка в Волшебном Саду ( -120, -46, -815 ) /waypoint -120, -46, -815 31210
Зачарованные Земли: Большой шкаф в башне Великий Стражник на западе от Амбарного Холма ( 281, 5, -245 ) /waypoint 281, 5, -245 1201
17 Кентавры Громовые Степи: Кровать позади Минти Фростберд в Деревне Грозовых Туманов ( 593, 1, -144 ) /waypoint 593, 1, -144 20587
Великаны Громовые Степи: Больая подушка в Логове Саблезубов, около альтернативного входа в Антонику ( 1397, 0, -395 ) /waypoint 1397, 0, -395 1505
18 Скелеты Крепость Бурь: Зеленая книга на полу в Библиотеке ( -117, -31, -149 ) /waypoint -117, -31, -149 21362
Келетин: Книжная полка в здании на севере от банка ( 293, 109, 88 ) /waypoint 293, 109, 88 29752
Темнолесье: Книжная полка на первом этаже Башни Костей ( 629, -24, 208 ) /waypoint 628.5, -24, 208 31954
Зомби Павшие Врата: Ваза между двумя палатками на рынке ( 175, 18, -43 ) /waypoint 175, 18, -43 275
20 Treant Nektulos Forest: A crate in one of the tents on the beach near Port Naythex ( 555, 0, -182 ) /waypoint 555, 0, -182 16524
Greater Faydark: A chest in a tent on Orc Hill ( 235, 66, -186 ) /waypoint 235, 66, -186 31081
25 Elemental South Qeynos: A stack of books in the red portal room of the South Qeynos Mage Tower ( 712, 41, 99 ) /waypoint 712, 41, 99 29759
North Freeport: A blue book on a table on the ground level of the Academy of Arcane Science ( 21, -5, -122 ) /waypoint 21, -5, -122 22776
Fairy Nektropos Castle: A book on a table inside the secret room of Library ( -27, 13, 27 ) /waypoint -27, 13, 27 16491
Ghost Nektropos Castle: A red armoire on the first floor ( -19, 0, -63 ) /waypoint -19, 0, -63 972
Golem Ruins of Varsoon: A blue book in a short bookcase Library ( 10, 4, 68 ) /waypoint 10, 4, 68 16123
Nightblood Rivervale: A small bookshelf on the wall in The Loom ( -182, -20, -28 ) /waypoint -182, -20, -28 20160
Siren The Enchanted Lands: A desk in the building at Bobick's Landing ( 49, 1, 38 ) /waypoint 49, 1, 38 1204
30 Evil Eye Runnyeye: A book in a broken cart in the Clay Remnant Room ( -23, 2, -56 ) /waypoint -23, 2, -56 16312
Shadowed Man South Qeynos: A book on a small table in the red portal room of the South Qeynos Mage Tower. ( 711, 41, 107 ) /waypoint 711, 41, 107 29756
North Freeport: A blue book on a table on the top floor of the Academy of Arcane Science ( 6, 7, -118 ) /waypoint 6, 7, -118 29768
35 Bixie The Tower of the Drafling: A bookshelf on the top floor of the eastern-most room ( -130, 0, 65 ) /waypoint -130, 0, 65 24018
Greater Faydark: A crate in a small tower in Clan Crushbone west of Crushbone Keep ( -1172, 125, 47 ) /waypoint -1172, 125, 47 30652
Kobold Butcherblock Mountains: Bookcase in a tent near the Master Transmuter at the Butcherblock Docks. ( 758, 26, 589 ) /waypoint 758, 26, 589 31331
40 Lizardman The Temple of Cazic-Thule: A book on a table in the back room of the Library of Cazic-Thule ( 67, 0, -36 ) /waypoint 67, 0, -36 23604
Vampire To get the master strike ability you have to complete the Bloodline Series ending in the quest Enemy's Weakness or Watching the Watchers. However, there is no traditional "Lore & Legend Quest" unknown unknown
42 Efreeti Lavastorm: A bench in a goblin hut at Dagger Spires Pass ( -553, -118, 460 ) /waypoint -553, -118, 460 27687
50 Cyclops The Sinking Sands: A spider web sack near Terrorantula and desert tarantulas ( -896, -101, -752 ) /waypoint -896, -101, -752 24326
Djinn The Pillars of Flame: A scroll in a tent in the Ashen Order Camp ( 46, -78, -1415 ) /waypoint 46, -78, -1415 24908
Harpy Tower of the Moon: A scroll on a table on the second floor ( 8, 15, 12 ) /waypoint 8, 15, 12 26330
Naga The Pillars of Flame: A scroll in a tent in the Ashen Order Camp ( 44, -56, -1212 ) /waypoint 44, -56, -1212 24909
55 Aviak Barren Sky: A root under a tree on Whisperwind Isle at Windgazer's Hideout ( -640, 9, -535 ) /waypoint -640, 9, -535 27242
Clockwork Steamfont Mountains: a clickable cog near the Klak'Anon entrance ( -339, 93, 1370 ) /waypoint -339, 93, 1370 31312
Drakota Tenebrous Tangle: A stone bench by the columns near the Temple of Scale ( -16, 48, -173 ) /waypoint -16, 48, -173 27198
Droag Tenebrous Tangle: A stone bench at the ruins with the gorgs ( 103, 56, 13 ) /waypoint 103, 56, 13 27121
Minotaur Steamfont Mountains: Bones in a camp near the southern crater in the Smokehorn Basin area. ( -831, 70, 1589 ) /waypoint -831, 70, 1589 31394
Ravasect Bonemire: A pile of stones in the river near Den of the Devourer ( 226, 61, 958 ) /waypoint 226, 61, 958 27559
Brownie The Lesser Faydark: Mat under the tent at the Lower Grove Station. ( -89, -55, -202 ) /waypoint -89, -55, -202 31396
65 Werewolf Loping Plains: Bookcase in the jewelry store in the Village of Somborn. ( -444, 8, -52 ) /waypoint -444, 8, -52 31397
Darklight Wood: Ground spawn in a building in the Moonshriek ruins in the Nerian Highlands. ( -8, -26, -415 ) /waypoint -8, -26, -415 31923
Bugbear Kaladim: Mine cart in the Hall of the Hammer. ( 40, 26, -281 ) /waypoint 40, 26, -281 31392
70 Drolvarg Karnor's Castle: A small box next to a bed. ( -177, -42, 54 ) /waypoint -177, -42, 54
Drachnid Kylong Plains: A cocooned body on the ground within the drachnid caves near the docks. ( 414, 64, 192 ) /waypoint 414, 64, 192 32828
Yha-Lei Fens of Nathsar: On a skeleton above a coffin in the water. ( 361, -135, 642 ) /waypoint 361, -135, 642 33101
Burynai Fens of Nathsar: In a box on the main floor of the building at Omen's Call. ( 217, -60, -288 ) /waypoint 217, -60, -288 33154
Di'Zok Kunzar Jungle: To the right of Sebilis enterance up one tier. ( -590, -99, 988 ) /waypoint -590, -99, 988 33248

The table below lists all the lore and legend quests by level, including information about the starting locations for each quest. For a categorical list of all lore and legend quests, see Category:Lore and Legend Quests.

Раса Где найти книгу Локация EQ2MAP ID
10 Гноллы Антоника: A wooden chest in Keep of the Gnollslayers ( -2110, -43, 431 ) /waypoint -2110, -43, 431 19806
Орки Свободные Земли: Щит в башне в Перекрестке ( -436, -44, -283 ) /waypoint -436, -44, -283 1140
Крепость Костоломов: Оружейная стойка слева от входа ( 20, 0, 50 ) /waypoint 20, 0, 50 29359
Гоблины Великий Фейдарк: Книжная полка в Волшебном Саду ( -120, -46, -815 ) /waypoint -120, -46, -815 31210
Зачарованные Земли: Большой шкаф в башне Великий Стражник на западе от Амбарного Холма ( 281, 5, -245 ) /waypoint 281, 5, -245 1201
17 Кентавры Громовые Степи: Кровать позади Минти Фростберд в Деревне Грозовых Туманов ( 593, 1, -144 ) /waypoint 593, 1, -144 20587
Великаны Громовые Степи: Больая подушка в Логове Саблезубов, около альтернативного входа в Антонику ( 1397, 0, -395 ) /waypoint 1397, 0, -395 1505
18 Скелеты Крепость Бурь: Зеленая книга на полу в Библиотеке ( -117, -31, -149 ) /waypoint -117, -31, -149 21362
Келетин: Книжная полка в здании на севере от банка ( 293, 109, 88 ) /waypoint 293, 109, 88 29752
Темнолесье: Книжная полка на первом этаже Башни Костей ( 629, -24, 208 ) /waypoint 628.5, -24, 208 31954
Зомби Павшие Врата: Ваза между двумя палатками на рынке ( 175, 18, -43 ) /waypoint 175, 18, -43 275
20 Treant Nektulos Forest: A crate in one of the tents on the beach near Port Naythex ( 555, 0, -182 ) /waypoint 555, 0, -182 16524
Greater Faydark: A chest in a tent on Orc Hill ( 235, 66, -186 ) /waypoint 235, 66, -186 31081
25 Elemental South Qeynos: A stack of books in the red portal room of the South Qeynos Mage Tower ( 712, 41, 99 ) /waypoint 712, 41, 99 29759
North Freeport: A blue book on a table on the ground level of the Academy of Arcane Science ( 21, -5, -122 ) /waypoint 21, -5, -122 22776
Fairy Nektropos Castle: A book on a table inside the secret room of Library ( -27, 13, 27 ) /waypoint -27, 13, 27 16491
Ghost Nektropos Castle: A red armoire on the first floor ( -19, 0, -63 ) /waypoint -19, 0, -63 972
Golem Ruins of Varsoon: A blue book in a short bookcase Library ( 10, 4, 68 ) /waypoint 10, 4, 68 16123
Nightblood Rivervale: A small bookshelf on the wall in The Loom ( -182, -20, -28 ) /waypoint -182, -20, -28 20160
Siren The Enchanted Lands: A desk in the building at Bobick's Landing ( 49, 1, 38 ) /waypoint 49, 1, 38 1204
30 Evil Eye Runnyeye: A book in a broken cart in the Clay Remnant Room ( -23, 2, -56 ) /waypoint -23, 2, -56 16312
Shadowed Man South Qeynos: A book on a small table in the red portal room of the South Qeynos Mage Tower. ( 711, 41, 107 ) /waypoint 711, 41, 107 29756
North Freeport: A blue book on a table on the top floor of the Academy of Arcane Science ( 6, 7, -118 ) /waypoint 6, 7, -118 29768
35 Bixie The Tower of the Drafling: A bookshelf on the top floor of the eastern-most room ( -130, 0, 65 ) /waypoint -130, 0, 65 24018
Greater Faydark: A crate in a small tower in Clan Crushbone west of Crushbone Keep ( -1172, 125, 47 ) /waypoint -1172, 125, 47 30652
Kobold Butcherblock Mountains: Bookcase in a tent near the Master Transmuter at the Butcherblock Docks. ( 758, 26, 589 ) /waypoint 758, 26, 589 31331
40 Lizardman The Temple of Cazic-Thule: A book on a table in the back room of the Library of Cazic-Thule ( 67, 0, -36 ) /waypoint 67, 0, -36 23604
Vampire To get the master strike ability you have to complete the Bloodline Series ending in the quest Enemy's Weakness or Watching the Watchers. However, there is no traditional "Lore & Legend Quest" unknown unknown
42 Efreeti Lavastorm: A bench in a goblin hut at Dagger Spires Pass ( -553, -118, 460 ) /waypoint -553, -118, 460 27687
50 Cyclops The Sinking Sands: A spider web sack near Terrorantula and desert tarantulas ( -896, -101, -752 ) /waypoint -896, -101, -752 24326
Djinn The Pillars of Flame: A scroll in a tent in the Ashen Order Camp ( 46, -78, -1415 ) /waypoint 46, -78, -1415 24908
Harpy Tower of the Moon: A scroll on a table on the second floor ( 8, 15, 12 ) /waypoint 8, 15, 12 26330
Naga The Pillars of Flame: A scroll in a tent in the Ashen Order Camp ( 44, -56, -1212 ) /waypoint 44, -56, -1212 24909
55 Aviak Barren Sky: A root under a tree on Whisperwind Isle at Windgazer's Hideout ( -640, 9, -535 ) /waypoint -640, 9, -535 27242
Clockwork Steamfont Mountains: a clickable cog near the Klak'Anon entrance ( -339, 93, 1370 ) /waypoint -339, 93, 1370 31312
Drakota Tenebrous Tangle: A stone bench by the columns near the Temple of Scale ( -16, 48, -173 ) /waypoint -16, 48, -173 27198
Droag Tenebrous Tangle: A stone bench at the ruins with the gorgs ( 103, 56, 13 ) /waypoint 103, 56, 13 27121
Minotaur Steamfont Mountains: Bones in a camp near the southern crater in the Smokehorn Basin area. ( -831, 70, 1589 ) /waypoint -831, 70, 1589 31394
Ravasect Bonemire: A pile of stones in the river near Den of the Devourer ( 226, 61, 958 ) /waypoint 226, 61, 958 27559
Brownie The Lesser Faydark: Mat under the tent at the Lower Grove Station. ( -89, -55, -202 ) /waypoint -89, -55, -202 31396
65 Werewolf Loping Plains: Bookcase in the jewelry store in the Village of Somborn. ( -444, 8, -52 ) /waypoint -444, 8, -52 31397
Darklight Wood: Ground spawn in a building in the Moonshriek ruins in the Nerian Highlands. ( -8, -26, -415 ) /waypoint -8, -26, -415 31923
Bugbear Kaladim: Mine cart in the Hall of the Hammer. ( 40, 26, -281 ) /waypoint 40, 26, -281 31392
70 Drolvarg Karnor's Castle: A small box next to a bed. ( -177, -42, 54 ) /waypoint -177, -42, 54
Drachnid Kylong Plains: A cocooned body on the ground within the drachnid caves near the docks. ( 414, 64, 192 ) /waypoint 414, 64, 192 32828
Yha-Lei Fens of Nathsar: On a skeleton above a coffin in the water. ( 361, -135, 642 ) /waypoint 361, -135, 642 33101
Burynai Fens of Nathsar: In a box on the main floor of the building at Omen's Call. ( 217, -60, -288 ) /waypoint 217, -60, -288 33154
Di'Zok Kunzar Jungle: To the right of Sebilis enterance up one tier. ( -590, -99, 988 ) /waypoint -590, -99, 988 33248