
Вернувшиеся боги

Anashti Sul The Undying

During the Creation Age, the deities of Norrath banished Anashti Sul to non-existence for crimes against god and mortal alike, including introducing Undeath to the world. However, she was not destroyed, and spent ages floating on the edge of the Void, seeking some way to return to Norrath and avoid tumbling into oblivion forever. Whispers of her existence spread among the mortals of Norrath, and she came to be known as the "Forgotten Goddess". The followers of Anashti Sul regard undeath as a "gift" from her, giving them an everlasting existence. Anashti Sul still considers herself the deity of Life and Health, and unquestioningly believes that her actions have always been to the benefit of mortals on Norrath.

Alignment: Evil

Бертоксулос Несущий Чуму

Последователи Бертоксулос следуют темными путями некромантии и получают полную поддержку от своего бога. Несущий Чуму выглядит как горбун, одетый в гниющие лохмотья, но под его капюшоном можно разглядеть красивое лицо, контрастирующее с разлагающимся телом. Его гротескный внешний вид приводит в неописуемый ужас даже закаленных воинов. Бертоксулос воплощает в себе самые страшные болезни, эпидемии и моры, существующие в природе. Он одержим стойким желанием причинить страдания всем; смертным или божествам, без разбору. Бертоксулос не имеет союзников. Он считает своими врагами Тунаре, Родсета Найфа, Карану, Митаниэля Марра и Раллоса Зека. Бертоксулос повелевает Миром Болезней, темным и пугающим местом, наполненным реками гноя и слизи. Сама земля этого места выглядит, ощущается и даже пахнет как разлагающаяся плоть. Этот мир населен всевозможными злыми созданиями и ордами нежити.

Сторона - Зло

Брелл Серилис Бог Подземелий

Последователи Брелла Серилиса часто обитают в сумрачных подземельях Норрата. Многие дворфы и гномы, которых роднит любовь к драгоценным камням и металлам, почитают Брелла превыше других богов. Но Властитель Подземелий покровительствует и другим сумеречным созданиям, таким как гоблины Плачущего Ока и гноллы клана Треснолапов. Говорят, что таинственные ратонга тоже были созданы Бреллом, а после Разлома нашли путь на поверхность. Ходят слухи, что в подземных глубинах таятся и другие слуги Брелла, ожидая возможности вырваться на свободу и заявить о себе миру.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Брислбэйн - Король Воров

Последователи Брислбэйна ценят веселье, достигая его в ущерб всему остальному. Барды, воры, шуты, картежники и бродяги - это типичные адепты этого божества. Все последователи его обаятельны, умны и остроумны; все эти черты присущи и Брислбэйну. Шалости поощряются во всех формах. Высшими ритуалами поклонения этому божеству является розыгрыши. Очень не многие последователи Брислбэйна являются отъявленными мошенниками в своих помыслах, но если вы рядом с ним, что бы сохранить свой кошелек в неприкосновенности следите, хотя бы одним глазом за ним. И никогда не позволяйте себе ни одной сделки со свитой Короля Воров.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Казик-Туле Бог Страха

Союзники Казика-Туле - Раллос Зек и Инноруук, противники - Митаниэль Марр, Тунаре и Квеллис. Последователи Безликого боятся своего повелителя и верят в то, что только ужас в глазах остальных спасет их от гнева. Страх руководит их жизнью, при помощи страха они управляют другими. Боль, унижение, муки - вот инструменты истинного туллианца. Многие племена людей-ящеров поклоняются Казику-Туле, но число его последователей среди человекоподобных рас растет с каждым днем... и вот уже холодная тень страха и боли застилает яркое солнце Норрата.

Сторона - Зло

Инноруук Князь Ненависти

Союзники Инноруука - Казик-Туле и Раллос Зек, противники - Митаниэль Марр, Тунаре и Квеллис. Почти вся раса Тейр'Дал поклоняется Иннорууку, Князю Ненависти, который давным-давно создал расу темных эльфов. Его последователи верят, что Ненависть - движущая сила вселенной, соединяющая в себе хитрость и разрушительную силу. Любовь и доброта - это сказки для слабаков, которые боятся принять неизбежное или не знают, чего хотят. Тейр'Дал верят, что истинную власть над врагом можно получить только через ненависть. Жалость и доброта бессильны перед яростью и беспощадностью. Последователи Инноруука уверены - им хватит ненависти для того, чтобы разрушить весь Норрат.

Сторона - Зло

Карана Хранитель Дождя

Карана дружен с Тунаре и Митаниэлем Марром, а враждует с Бертоксулосом. Последователи Караны, Хранителя Дождя, верят в абсолютную мощь штормов. Они поклоняются животворящей силе дождей и разрушительной силе ураганов и бурь. Обычные последователи Караны - сельские жители, пастухи, охотники и кочевники, идущие туда, куда их ведут ветра. Это смиренные и великодушные люди, которые ценят силу и искренность. Они не терпят проявлений неуважения к Каране, зная, что только благодаря его мудрости и доброте Норрат не погрузился во тьму Хаоса.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Митаниэль Марр - Бог Доблести

Союзники Митаниэля Марра - Квеллис и Тунаре, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек и Казик-Туле. Митаниэль Марр - паладин, одетый в блестящие серебряные латные доспехи. Носит легендарный двуручный меч, известный как Несущий Истину. Митаниэль Марр - само воплощение доблести. Его самые верные почитатели - варвары и фроглоки, для которых честь всегда стоит на первом месте. Митаниэль Марр учит, что противостояние в битве - это не самое главное, ибо истинную победу можно одержать, только соблюдая принципы отваги, чести и доблести. Жрецы и паладины Марра известны своим благородством и храбростью. Они всегда подавали пример жителям Норрата.

Сторона - Добро

Квеллис Богиня спокойствия

Союзники богини Квеллис - Тунаре и Митаниэль Марр, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек, Казик-Туле. Квеллис - воплощение чистоты и гармноии мира. Она стремится принести просветление расам смертных. Но, несмотря на идеалы сострадания и внутреннего спокойствия, ее последователи не всегда следуют этим учениям. Некоторые из них - например, монахи Ордена Пепла - полагают, что взвешенное и обдуманное применение силы необходимо для того, чтобы привести Норрат к истинному миру. Слуги зла должны дрожать от страха, в том числе и на поле битвы, ибо безмятежность всегда побеждает.

Сторона - Добро

Раллос Зек Бог Войны

Союзники Раллоса Зека - Инноруук и Казик-Туле, противники - Квеллис, Митаниэль Марр и Тунаре. Последователи Раллоса Зека, Великого Полководца, верят в выживание сильнейших и истребление слабых. В сердцах истинных последователей Зека живет отвага, сила и стремление к победе. Они верят, что в гуще битвы можно обрести просветление, ибо вселенная была создана в противоборстве, и этому противоборству никогда не будет конца. Они не испытывают к побежденным ни уважения, ни жалости, ибо если бы они действительно были достойны жить, их кровь текла бы по жилам, а не по земле Норрата. Многие великие умы Норрата поклонялись Раллосу Зеку и возносили ему молитву перед решающей битвой.

Сторона - Зло

Rodcet Nife The Health Giver

Followers of the Prime Healer take a solemn oath to fight disease and death until one or the other finally claims them. They are very generous and humble, asking little more than that the recipients of their aid pass the kindness on to another. They are not content to deal with the effects of disease and death after they occur and vigorously seek to destroy the sources of these evils. Healers and mystics are typical followers but many noble rangers and paladins have also taken the Nife Oath. They believe that, through faith in the Prime Healer, the wounded heart of the universe shall one day be mended and death's dark shadow will never be seen again.

Alignment: Good

Solusek Ro The Burning Prince

Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince, has long been the patron deity of wizards and those devoted to the power of Flame. Though placing his own interests above the eternal conflict between good and evil, Solusek Ro has been known to take decisive action when he sees fit. It is said that he is responsible for turning the ancient Elddar Forest of Tunaria into the desert wasteland that now bears his name, driving the elves to seek the shaded shores of Faydwer. His temple has long stood in the molten rocks of Lavastorm, a dangerous place haunted by those consumed by his burning will. Though he has both allied and warred with other gods in the past, what his intentions will be in the Age of Destiny remains to be seen.

Alignment: Neutral

Трибунал - Совет Справедливости

Мир Правосудия управляется союзом семи судей, известным как Трибунал. Шестеро решают судьбу преступника, а седьмой приводит приговор в исполнение. Члены Трибунала облачены в темные мантии, лица закрыты капюшонами, а в руке каждый из них держит молот. Мир Правосудия населен лишь существами, заключенными там за преступления против мироздания, и големами, созданными Трибуналом для охраны своего мира. Трибунал не имеет ни врагов, ни союзников.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Тунаре Богиня Роста

Союзники Тунаре - Квеллис и Митаниэль Марр, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек и Казик-Туле. Покровительница Мира Роста. Тунаре зовут Матерью Всего Сущего, ибо каждое живое существо на планете ощутило ее прикосновение. Издавна ей поклонялись древнейшие расы - высшие и лесные эльфы, а теперь к ним примкнула и магическая раса фей, рожденная в обновленной силе Роста. Но природа зачастую прибегает к силе, лишь чтобы показать - она достойна уважения. Так и последователи Тунаре верят, что Рост всегда будет оказывать влияние на всех жителей Норрата, какая бы судьба ни была им уготована.

Сторона - Добро

Не вернувшиеся Боги

E’ci The Wintry Guardian

E'ci, known as the Wintry Guardian in mortal tongues, is the second member of the Triumvirate of Water. The goddess embodies the material form and essence of ice, the solid matter of the plane she helps govern. This entity is rumored to hold great control over her portion of the realm, perhaps nearly to the point of tyranny if one can believe the fantastical tales of the gods of Influence and Nature. The tales of her devotion to the balance of her realm against the other elemental powers have fostered a lingering, fearful respect for the goddess within the hearts of the lesser pantheon.

Erollisi Marr The Queen of Love

Followers of Erollisi Marr, the Queen Of Love, cling to the belief that love conquers all. It should be pointed out that while love is a generally peaceful concept, Erollisi worshippers are not pacifists. They would like to live in a world where everyone loves everyone else and violence does not exist but they are not naive enough to think that Norrath is that world. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defence of someone or something they love. Many paladins hear the true calling of their hearts and follow Erollisi Marr.

Fennin Ro The Tyrant of Fire

Fennin Ro is the being who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire, from which he derives his title, the Tyrant of Fire. Fennin manifests himself as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, glowing red eyes, pointed ears, and fangs. Although he has been known to be a fanatic in terms of preserving the element of fire, displaying a short temper toward that preservation and any who would dare to threaten it.

The Nameless

This being of ultimate power has no name and is unknown to most of Norrath. It has no image in which to create others, nor does it have a personality as even deities would. It is simply a driving force which causes universes to exist. Or not to exist, at its own whim.

Povar The Veiled One

Povar, or The Veiled One, is the third member of the Triumvirate of Water. Povar is the conscious essence of water in its vaporous state and controls a third of the Elemental Plane. Being neither male nor female in form, neither tangible nor incorporeal, this divine entity holds the greatest mystery of the Triumvirate. Keeping attentions focused upon the realm they assist to govern, Povar gives neither care nor notice to the wheel of Nature and Influence. This member of the Triumvirate has given no recorded notion or action beyond its own realm and the greater wheel of Elemental Powers.

Prexus The Ocean Lord

Followers of Prexus believe that true power lies in the vast depths of Norrath's oceans. They believe that eons ago life first formed in the murky deep and that one day the oceans will rise again to consume those who are unworthy and embrace the faithful. The Oceanlord's servants tend to live and work near, on, or beneath, large bodies of water. They seek to spread the word of Prexus to all who will hear and defend the oceans and seas of Norrath against any who would cause them harm. Many sailors and fishermen are followers of Prexus.

The Rathe The Council

The Rathe is a council of twelve beings that rule over the Plane of Earth. Each member of the Council maintains an identical presence of grass-green hair and earthen skin with veins of gold and turquoise. The Council is an extension of the plane itself. Thus, if one member is cut down another will shortly rise to take its place. The Council of Earth is the only power of the Planes of Order to have looked down upon the material realm with interest, but remain truly neutral in their dealings with the lesser pantheon.

Tarew Marr The Fathom Lord

The Fathom Lord or, as he is known in the divine tongue of Influence and Nature, Tarew Marr, is the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is the sole lord and commander of the plane's most abundant form of the element. The people of Norrath know little of him, and his relationship to Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr is a source of constant debate amongst their followers. He is believed to have given physical form and intelligence to the influences of Love and Valor in the personages of Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr, respectively, and given them power over their namesake planes.

Veeshan The Mother of all Wurms

Veeshan is the great crystalline dragon who rules the Plane of Sky. Veeshan is known as the Mother of All Wurms and this title includes all of dragonkind such as the drakes and wyverns. When the universe was young, Veeshan travelled throughout the cosmos depositing Her children on worlds She deemed worthy. She would then strike the planet with Her massive claws so that the other deities would know She had laid claim to that world.

Xegony The Queen of Air

The Plane of Air is ruled by Xegony, the Queen of Air, a beautiful, young-looking, elfin female humanoid with angel-like wings. Amongst the greater elemental powers, her angelic manner and appearance grant her the greatest regard, for being the most delicate and benevolent in her ways. She is, as well, the greatest mystery to the lesser pantheon in her being, never having turned her attentions from the greater wheel of the true elements.


Bolgin Serilis

Bolgin is the deformed and demented brother of Brell Serilis. He hides in the darkest trenches of the bowels of the Underfoot. His features are dark and he is nearly hairless.

Bolgin Serilis is a partial creator of the greater goblinoid races of Norrath. During the ages when Norrathians trod upon the planar realms a band of adventurers uncovered the hidden realm of Bolgin Serilis, the twisted tunnels of Golm. Golm was the name of the vast isolated lair where Bolgin hid from sight. Within the dark twisting labyrinth that is Golm the adventurers discovered many dangers and many secrets. One of these secrets was the role Bolgin played in the creation of the goblinoids.

This secret was taken from Golm and deposited upon Norrath during the final days of the Age of Turmoil. It would not be till the Age of Cataclysms that the goblins of Runnyeye would unearth the totem that held the secret origins of their race.

Derris Zek The God of Plunder

Derris is one of the mighty generals that commands an army in the Plane of War. General Derris is renowned for his merciless scare tactics, pillaging and plundering the territories his armies conquer. He is merciless and will raze any and all enemy encampments he comes across, whether it be military or other. On Norrath, he is worshiped by orcish rogues, bandits, and raiders, usually. His followers realize the value of terrorist tactics, and feel the best way to furnish the necessities of their armies is by taking it from those they have conquered.

Druzzil Ro Matron of the Art

Druzzil has white hair which is held back from her face by a massive platinum crown with a single white gem that blazes like a brilliant white star upon her brow. She is tall, youthful in appearance, with a resemblance to Erudite in skin and body structure. The demi-Plane of Magic became the home of the goddess of magic. In its natural state, it is an infinitely expansive plane of perfect white and unblemished marble under a gray and featureless sky, though one would likely never glimpse her plane in such a state. Through the will of Druzzil Ro, her home takes the shape, form and features that reflect her current mood. Her plane is simply a canvas for her art.


Kyrtoxxulous appears as a shadowy figure, surrounded by a swarm of flying insects. He is the ruler of the Demiplane of Pestilence. Not much else is known about him.


"As divinely merciful as she is beautiful. Deliverer of the drowned and caretaker of the castaway."

Lasydia is the lesser Goddess of Rescue. When all the other gods had abandoned Norrath and its inhabitants, Lasydia remained, and continued to look out for the Norrathians, however weakly.

Luclin The Maiden of Shadows

Luclin, the Maiden of Shadows rules the Plane of Shadow, She is short of stature, about 4'9" tall, sleek and thin, with an elfin body structure. Her short hair is deep gray with long side locks down to her stomach. Her silver eyes have no pupils and her skin is solid black. She wears black and gray robes and a shadowy mist perpetually swirls around her feet. In one hand she bears a massive silver and platinum staff carved in the shape of two tendrils wrapping around one another to form two humanoid hands at the top. Floating just above the cupped palms of the hands is a small black orb whose surface has an iridescent sheen similar to that of oil.

Master Wu The Enlightened

During the Age of Turmoil, Quellious, the Goddess of Tranquility, imparted a portion of the Plane of Tranquility to create the demi-plane of Serenity. At this time, Quellious came to Master Wu the Enlightened, the only mortal at the time to achieve true enlightenment through a lifelong dedication to tranquility. She raised Master Wu to demi-god status and charged him with the stewardship of the Plane of Serenity and to serve as her emissary of Peace.

When the time came for Master Wu to give up his plane’s existence in order for the Plane of Tranquility to survive the invasion of the Planes of Power, he was granted a small portion of the energy to create a planar artifact to further the cause of Serenity among the mortals.

Morell-Thule The Lord of Dreams

Morell-Thule, the Lord of Dreams rules the demi-Plane of Dreams where he is responsible for the rich texture of sleep visions. He creates, animates and thoroughly enjoys the creatures who romp in his realm. Though nearly seven feet tall and well built, he has handsome and youthful features. His body is that of a pure white centaur with the tail of a lion. His silver hooves sparkle constantly and he has a unicorn-like horn on his brow. That horn is not made of hair as with most such protuberances, but is purely a thing of light. His long hair grows down his spine and ends in a glistening white mane which, with his pale skin, set off his beautiful green eyes.


Rizlona is a demi-goddess residing in a chamber of her own inside Solusek Ro’s Tower. She was a half elven bard in her mortal years upon Norrath. She was a fierce combatant, lending her song to battle. Her songs always included praise to Solusek and the power that he granted her through song. Rizlona earned the recognition of Solusek Ro by invoking his name to give her power and strength on the battlefield. She ascended to his service countless years past. Many songs have been named after Rizlona’s fiery might.

Sullon Zek The Maiden of Rage

Sullon Zek was originally a barbarian berserker named Sullon McKlarren, a great hero and protector of the city of Halas. Fighting many battles over the years, Sullon learned to hone the rage she felt toward her many enemies and use it to increase her combat prowess. Over time, the strength of her fury grew more and more intense, so much so that she eventually drew the attention of Rallos Zek himself. The Warlord pulled her up into his plane, and had her engage in single combat with his greatest warriors, all of whom she defeated with little effort. It was then that Rallos himself stepped into the pit to challenge her himself. At first, Sullon attempted to lower her twin axes and kneel in submission to the war god, but was fiercely reprimanded by Rallos, who admonished her to never again lower her weapons before an opponent. They then began a duel the likes of which had never been seen before, even in the Warlord's own realm. The two combatants fought to a standstill before Rallos, filled with pride, formally adopted Sullon and raised her to the status of goddess, giving her her own plane in the process.

Таллон Зек Эксперт Битвы

Известен как эксперт битвы и как мастер стратегии, Таллон Зек проживающий в Осколке Войны вместе со своим альтер-эго Валлон Зеком. Он высокий, пожилой правитель Орков, представляется, как существо очень мудрое, с огромной репутацией. Таллон одет в прочную броню из стали без шлема и носит свой знаменитый обсидиановый лук войны.

Оригинальное имя - Tallon Zek


Upon a lush isolated savannah island within the Plane of Tranquility can be found this feline deity. She is said to be involved in the creation of all felines and oversees the valorous prides of her plane. Very few cat races know of her existence outside of the Plane of Tranquility. Her peaceful and humble ways mask the ferocity that she can exact when in defense of harmony.

Террис-Туле Маг Снов

Террис-Туле известна как Маг Снов или Кошмар, из-за её влияния на сон спящих. Она правит в параллельном мире Кошмаров где пытает спящих, когда они отдыхают. Она высокая, ростом около 2 метров, худая и костлявая. Её кожа бледная с оттенками серого. Длинные, черные ногти продолжают костлявые руки, её худобу подчеркивает облегающее платье. Лицо у нее гладкое без морщин, каких либо особенностей с двумя пустыми черными глазницами. Длинные темные волосы струятся вокруг двух массивных рогов медно-желтого цвета, растущих из висков.

Оригинальное имя - Terris-Thule

Tifanah The Maiden of Masks

As a young adult, Tifanah would be exalted by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane to become the demigoddess of an extension of the Plane of Mischief, the Sphere of Illusions. She would take the title "Maiden of Masks" and was said to be especially protective of young women who sought their own role in life, and not the one intended for them by others. Young children who had tearfully lost a beloved parent sometimes found a small masquerade mask under their pillow in the morning, or spoke of a beautiful masked lady who hugged them and let them cry in the middle of the night.

Ullkorruuk The Lady of Betrayal

This little known and young deity resides on the Plane of Hate. She is often closely related to treason since most of her followers, what little there are, have dissented from the ranks of some organization or nation in order to strike back at that former organization for some deep-seated reason. She is allied with Innoruuk, the god of hate. Ullkorruuk appears as a female human paladin who has chosen to betray her native plane, the Plane of Love, for reasons as yet unexplained. She was once a member of Erollisi Marr’s elite guard. She betrayed the queen of love and later became a minion of hate. Her real name was abandoned and she took her new name, Ullkorruuk. She wears garb similar to Erollisi Marr, but it has a dark evil undertone.

Валлон Зек Управитель Войны

Валлон Зек назван Управителем Войны, так как мастерски владеет искусством тактики. Находиться вместе с его альтер-эго Таллоном Зеком в Осколке Войны Раллоса Зека. Валлон представляет собой взрослого, мускулистого, физически сильного мужчину-орка. Он носит черный плащ с почерневшей цепью покрытой изумрудами. Его образ являет собой мудрого строго прямого в общении и аристократичного война, который носит оружие в целом как регалии. На его поясе висит серебряная сабля, которой он пользуется, при объяснении тактики другим.

Оригинальное имя - Vallon Zek

Varig Ro God of Blacksmiths

Varig Ro, the God of Blacksmiths, is a son of Solusek Ro. He is the greatest craftsman in the known universe. He manifests as an immense, brawny muscular man. He has a crooked “brawler” nose and is bearded. He is made of living black iron. Everything about him is made of this iron, including his clothes, yet his movements are as smooth as they would be were he made of normal flesh. He is typically garbed in a short Egyptian-style kilt and an H-shaped chest harness. Stories depicted in the mortal worlds would include such things as Varig crafting great works of armor, weapons, and art, or Varig teaching his craft to beings throughout Norrath.

Xev Bristlebane

Xev is considered the deity of fortune, whether good or bad. He is related to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the King of Thieves, but no one is sure exactly how as the Trickster tells the tale differently each time. Xev has a small following among the merchants and gamblers of Highpass Hold and among gypsy fortunetellers.

Zebuxoruk The Forsaken

Zebuxoruk is neither evil nor good. Legends place him as evil and other legends untold place him on the side of good. To the other deities either dislike him or simply couldn't care less. Zebuxoruk was at some time a mortal man and trod upon the surface of Norrath after escaping the Plane of Justice or the Void. Mortality was either something forced upon him or something he may have wished for. Zebuxoruk is known as the Forsaken One, The Disgraced and other such names among the pantheon of deities and heroes of the Outer Planes of Influence. There is said to be a hidden city on Norrath that honor - not worship - the 'Ungod', Zebuxoruk, something not even he truly cares for. This city has knowledge of his history both true and false and the community is mostly comprised of fallen priests, shadowknight, paladins, any who have been forsaken by their deities and either seek a pathway back or seek true neutrality. It is said that they believe the deities are more mortal than they think.


Alliz Onu The Queen of Reptiles

The Alliz Tae Ew's primary deity is Cazic-Thule, but there are other demigods that hail from Modinthule, the Plane of Fear, that played a vital part in the establishment of their temple on Norrath and demand reverence from all Thulians. The courtyard of the Temple of Cazic-Thule contains a lesser pyramid of Alliz Onu. Cazic-Thule called upon this hero of Modinthule to assist in the creation of other embassies of fear.

She inhabits the swamplands of the Plane of Fear. By the will of Cazic-Thule, ruler of the Plane of Fear, she helped create the Lizard Man race as well as numerous other dangerous reptiles of Norrath. All Alliz Ew, regardless of tribe, pay some homage to her. She has no eyes within her eye sockets. In her honor, the Alliz Tae Ew remove their eyes in a painful ritual that takes place in the Undertemple of the Temple of Cazic-Thule.

For her part in the creation of the Thulian Capital of Norrath, Alliz Onu is paid homage through horrific rituals within the dreaded Temple of Cazic-Thule.

Drinal The Silver Reaper

Very few beings know of the Silver Reaper, associated with the gray moon seen from Norrath on all nights – Drinal. This moon was named after the spirit deity of night, destruction, and death by the humanoid tribe of nomads before the era of great cities and civilizations. Drinal, although representing that which is dark, is a neutral deity who represents the necessary end of the cycle of life. He does not maintain his watch over death out of malevolence, but out of the necessity for it to occur in order to fulfill the cycle of life. His Lujien followers personify Drinal as an upright white wolf whose paws, tail, and maw are midnight black. It is said that Drinal wields a silver sickle, the symbol of the crescent moon that is most sacred to Drinal and his bestial worshippers.

Kyr’Tok The Mangled

The Alliz Tae Ew's primary deity is Cazic-Thule, but there are other demigods that hail from Modinthule, the Plane of Fear, that played a vital part in the establishment of their temple on Norrath and demand reverence from all Thulians. The courtyard of the Temple of Cazic-Thule contains a lesser pyramid of Kyr'Tok. Cazic-Thule called upon this hero of Modinthule to assist in the creation of other embassies of fear.

In the Plane of Fear, The Mangled, Kyr'Tok, is an enforcer for Cazic-Thule. He also rules over a contorted and warped jungle of that plane. Amidst that vast jungle can be found monuments and towers of twisted and contorted designs. Kyr'Tok's shiverback army was instrumental in the early defense of the Feerrott as the temple was being built. He also went on to help create painful devices that were used to create contorted Thulian minions. Some of the unfortunate creations of those devices can be found floating around locations in the jungle as well as lurking around various dungeons of Norrath.

For his part in the creation of the Thulian Capital of Norrath, Kyr'Tok is paid homage through horrific rituals within the dreaded Temple of Cazic-Thule.


Было обнаружено не большое число злых глаз, которые поклонялись божеству Йкцкез, которое связано с мифом о создании расы злой глаз. Открытие этого верования не было легким, ввиду очень специфичного способа общения злых глаз, посредством телепатии, однако оно имело место быть, это факт. Если божество существует, то его существование неуловимо даже богам внешних и внутренних сфер. Небольшая группа ученых из Академии Тайного Знания решило проверить слухи о существовании этого божества. Они изучили артефакты и экспонаты, взятые и восстановленные из тайной святыни мифического божества, Храма Глаза. Короче говоря, там было, что-то о нем написано.

Йкцкез по слухам, принимал участие в создании расы злой глаз. Из той малой толики информации, которую удалось расшифровать из записей в Храме Глаза известно, что он или "она", появляется чаще всего как гигантский глаз без века. Его последователи, могут любого попавшего под их пристальный взгляд с помощью черного вихря перенести в иные миры. В одном из мифов о создании злого глаза написано, что божество Йкцкез погрузил себя в глубины Норрата и дремал там несколько сотен лет. За время его сна гигантский глаз пролил единственную слезу, которая породила первого злого глаза. Реально ли это божество, в каком месте оно обитает, по сей день остается загадкой для всех ученных Норрата.

Оригинальное имя - Xktkez.


Вернувшиеся боги

Anashti Sul The Undying

During the Creation Age, the deities of Norrath banished Anashti Sul to non-existence for crimes against god and mortal alike, including introducing Undeath to the world. However, she was not destroyed, and spent ages floating on the edge of the Void, seeking some way to return to Norrath and avoid tumbling into oblivion forever. Whispers of her existence spread among the mortals of Norrath, and she came to be known as the "Forgotten Goddess". The followers of Anashti Sul regard undeath as a "gift" from her, giving them an everlasting existence. Anashti Sul still considers herself the deity of Life and Health, and unquestioningly believes that her actions have always been to the benefit of mortals on Norrath.

Alignment: Evil

Бертоксулос Несущий Чуму

Последователи Бертоксулос следуют темными путями некромантии и получают полную поддержку от своего бога. Несущий Чуму выглядит как горбун, одетый в гниющие лохмотья, но под его капюшоном можно разглядеть красивое лицо, контрастирующее с разлагающимся телом. Его гротескный внешний вид приводит в неописуемый ужас даже закаленных воинов. Бертоксулос воплощает в себе самые страшные болезни, эпидемии и моры, существующие в природе. Он одержим стойким желанием причинить страдания всем; смертным или божествам, без разбору. Бертоксулос не имеет союзников. Он считает своими врагами Тунаре, Родсета Найфа, Карану, Митаниэля Марра и Раллоса Зека. Бертоксулос повелевает Миром Болезней, темным и пугающим местом, наполненным реками гноя и слизи. Сама земля этого места выглядит, ощущается и даже пахнет как разлагающаяся плоть. Этот мир населен всевозможными злыми созданиями и ордами нежити.

Сторона - Зло

Брелл Серилис Бог Подземелий

Последователи Брелла Серилиса часто обитают в сумрачных подземельях Норрата. Многие дворфы и гномы, которых роднит любовь к драгоценным камням и металлам, почитают Брелла превыше других богов. Но Властитель Подземелий покровительствует и другим сумеречным созданиям, таким как гоблины Плачущего Ока и гноллы клана Треснолапов. Говорят, что таинственные ратонга тоже были созданы Бреллом, а после Разлома нашли путь на поверхность. Ходят слухи, что в подземных глубинах таятся и другие слуги Брелла, ожидая возможности вырваться на свободу и заявить о себе миру.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Брислбэйн - Король Воров

Последователи Брислбэйна ценят веселье, достигая его в ущерб всему остальному. Барды, воры, шуты, картежники и бродяги - это типичные адепты этого божества. Все последователи его обаятельны, умны и остроумны; все эти черты присущи и Брислбэйну. Шалости поощряются во всех формах. Высшими ритуалами поклонения этому божеству является розыгрыши. Очень не многие последователи Брислбэйна являются отъявленными мошенниками в своих помыслах, но если вы рядом с ним, что бы сохранить свой кошелек в неприкосновенности следите, хотя бы одним глазом за ним. И никогда не позволяйте себе ни одной сделки со свитой Короля Воров.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Казик-Туле Бог Страха

Союзники Казика-Туле - Раллос Зек и Инноруук, противники - Митаниэль Марр, Тунаре и Квеллис. Последователи Безликого боятся своего повелителя и верят в то, что только ужас в глазах остальных спасет их от гнева. Страх руководит их жизнью, при помощи страха они управляют другими. Боль, унижение, муки - вот инструменты истинного туллианца. Многие племена людей-ящеров поклоняются Казику-Туле, но число его последователей среди человекоподобных рас растет с каждым днем... и вот уже холодная тень страха и боли застилает яркое солнце Норрата.

Сторона - Зло

Инноруук Князь Ненависти

Союзники Инноруука - Казик-Туле и Раллос Зек, противники - Митаниэль Марр, Тунаре и Квеллис. Почти вся раса Тейр'Дал поклоняется Иннорууку, Князю Ненависти, который давным-давно создал расу темных эльфов. Его последователи верят, что Ненависть - движущая сила вселенной, соединяющая в себе хитрость и разрушительную силу. Любовь и доброта - это сказки для слабаков, которые боятся принять неизбежное или не знают, чего хотят. Тейр'Дал верят, что истинную власть над врагом можно получить только через ненависть. Жалость и доброта бессильны перед яростью и беспощадностью. Последователи Инноруука уверены - им хватит ненависти для того, чтобы разрушить весь Норрат.

Сторона - Зло

Карана Хранитель Дождя

Карана дружен с Тунаре и Митаниэлем Марром, а враждует с Бертоксулосом. Последователи Караны, Хранителя Дождя, верят в абсолютную мощь штормов. Они поклоняются животворящей силе дождей и разрушительной силе ураганов и бурь. Обычные последователи Караны - сельские жители, пастухи, охотники и кочевники, идущие туда, куда их ведут ветра. Это смиренные и великодушные люди, которые ценят силу и искренность. Они не терпят проявлений неуважения к Каране, зная, что только благодаря его мудрости и доброте Норрат не погрузился во тьму Хаоса.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Митаниэль Марр - Бог Доблести

Союзники Митаниэля Марра - Квеллис и Тунаре, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек и Казик-Туле. Митаниэль Марр - паладин, одетый в блестящие серебряные латные доспехи. Носит легендарный двуручный меч, известный как Несущий Истину. Митаниэль Марр - само воплощение доблести. Его самые верные почитатели - варвары и фроглоки, для которых честь всегда стоит на первом месте. Митаниэль Марр учит, что противостояние в битве - это не самое главное, ибо истинную победу можно одержать, только соблюдая принципы отваги, чести и доблести. Жрецы и паладины Марра известны своим благородством и храбростью. Они всегда подавали пример жителям Норрата.

Сторона - Добро

Квеллис Богиня спокойствия

Союзники богини Квеллис - Тунаре и Митаниэль Марр, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек, Казик-Туле. Квеллис - воплощение чистоты и гармноии мира. Она стремится принести просветление расам смертных. Но, несмотря на идеалы сострадания и внутреннего спокойствия, ее последователи не всегда следуют этим учениям. Некоторые из них - например, монахи Ордена Пепла - полагают, что взвешенное и обдуманное применение силы необходимо для того, чтобы привести Норрат к истинному миру. Слуги зла должны дрожать от страха, в том числе и на поле битвы, ибо безмятежность всегда побеждает.

Сторона - Добро

Раллос Зек Бог Войны

Союзники Раллоса Зека - Инноруук и Казик-Туле, противники - Квеллис, Митаниэль Марр и Тунаре. Последователи Раллоса Зека, Великого Полководца, верят в выживание сильнейших и истребление слабых. В сердцах истинных последователей Зека живет отвага, сила и стремление к победе. Они верят, что в гуще битвы можно обрести просветление, ибо вселенная была создана в противоборстве, и этому противоборству никогда не будет конца. Они не испытывают к побежденным ни уважения, ни жалости, ибо если бы они действительно были достойны жить, их кровь текла бы по жилам, а не по земле Норрата. Многие великие умы Норрата поклонялись Раллосу Зеку и возносили ему молитву перед решающей битвой.

Сторона - Зло

Rodcet Nife The Health Giver

Followers of the Prime Healer take a solemn oath to fight disease and death until one or the other finally claims them. They are very generous and humble, asking little more than that the recipients of their aid pass the kindness on to another. They are not content to deal with the effects of disease and death after they occur and vigorously seek to destroy the sources of these evils. Healers and mystics are typical followers but many noble rangers and paladins have also taken the Nife Oath. They believe that, through faith in the Prime Healer, the wounded heart of the universe shall one day be mended and death's dark shadow will never be seen again.

Alignment: Good

Solusek Ro The Burning Prince

Solusek Ro, the Burning Prince, has long been the patron deity of wizards and those devoted to the power of Flame. Though placing his own interests above the eternal conflict between good and evil, Solusek Ro has been known to take decisive action when he sees fit. It is said that he is responsible for turning the ancient Elddar Forest of Tunaria into the desert wasteland that now bears his name, driving the elves to seek the shaded shores of Faydwer. His temple has long stood in the molten rocks of Lavastorm, a dangerous place haunted by those consumed by his burning will. Though he has both allied and warred with other gods in the past, what his intentions will be in the Age of Destiny remains to be seen.

Alignment: Neutral

Трибунал - Совет Справедливости

Мир Правосудия управляется союзом семи судей, известным как Трибунал. Шестеро решают судьбу преступника, а седьмой приводит приговор в исполнение. Члены Трибунала облачены в темные мантии, лица закрыты капюшонами, а в руке каждый из них держит молот. Мир Правосудия населен лишь существами, заключенными там за преступления против мироздания, и големами, созданными Трибуналом для охраны своего мира. Трибунал не имеет ни врагов, ни союзников.

Сторона - Нейтральный

Тунаре Богиня Роста

Союзники Тунаре - Квеллис и Митаниэль Марр, противники - Инноруук, Раллос Зек и Казик-Туле. Покровительница Мира Роста. Тунаре зовут Матерью Всего Сущего, ибо каждое живое существо на планете ощутило ее прикосновение. Издавна ей поклонялись древнейшие расы - высшие и лесные эльфы, а теперь к ним примкнула и магическая раса фей, рожденная в обновленной силе Роста. Но природа зачастую прибегает к силе, лишь чтобы показать - она достойна уважения. Так и последователи Тунаре верят, что Рост всегда будет оказывать влияние на всех жителей Норрата, какая бы судьба ни была им уготована.

Сторона - Добро

Не вернувшиеся Боги

E’ci The Wintry Guardian

E'ci, known as the Wintry Guardian in mortal tongues, is the second member of the Triumvirate of Water. The goddess embodies the material form and essence of ice, the solid matter of the plane she helps govern. This entity is rumored to hold great control over her portion of the realm, perhaps nearly to the point of tyranny if one can believe the fantastical tales of the gods of Influence and Nature. The tales of her devotion to the balance of her realm against the other elemental powers have fostered a lingering, fearful respect for the goddess within the hearts of the lesser pantheon.

Erollisi Marr The Queen of Love

Followers of Erollisi Marr, the Queen Of Love, cling to the belief that love conquers all. It should be pointed out that while love is a generally peaceful concept, Erollisi worshippers are not pacifists. They would like to live in a world where everyone loves everyone else and violence does not exist but they are not naive enough to think that Norrath is that world. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defence of someone or something they love. Many paladins hear the true calling of their hearts and follow Erollisi Marr.

Fennin Ro The Tyrant of Fire

Fennin Ro is the being who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire, from which he derives his title, the Tyrant of Fire. Fennin manifests himself as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, glowing red eyes, pointed ears, and fangs. Although he has been known to be a fanatic in terms of preserving the element of fire, displaying a short temper toward that preservation and any who would dare to threaten it.

The Nameless

This being of ultimate power has no name and is unknown to most of Norrath. It has no image in which to create others, nor does it have a personality as even deities would. It is simply a driving force which causes universes to exist. Or not to exist, at its own whim.

Povar The Veiled One

Povar, or The Veiled One, is the third member of the Triumvirate of Water. Povar is the conscious essence of water in its vaporous state and controls a third of the Elemental Plane. Being neither male nor female in form, neither tangible nor incorporeal, this divine entity holds the greatest mystery of the Triumvirate. Keeping attentions focused upon the realm they assist to govern, Povar gives neither care nor notice to the wheel of Nature and Influence. This member of the Triumvirate has given no recorded notion or action beyond its own realm and the greater wheel of Elemental Powers.

Prexus The Ocean Lord

Followers of Prexus believe that true power lies in the vast depths of Norrath's oceans. They believe that eons ago life first formed in the murky deep and that one day the oceans will rise again to consume those who are unworthy and embrace the faithful. The Oceanlord's servants tend to live and work near, on, or beneath, large bodies of water. They seek to spread the word of Prexus to all who will hear and defend the oceans and seas of Norrath against any who would cause them harm. Many sailors and fishermen are followers of Prexus.

The Rathe The Council

The Rathe is a council of twelve beings that rule over the Plane of Earth. Each member of the Council maintains an identical presence of grass-green hair and earthen skin with veins of gold and turquoise. The Council is an extension of the plane itself. Thus, if one member is cut down another will shortly rise to take its place. The Council of Earth is the only power of the Planes of Order to have looked down upon the material realm with interest, but remain truly neutral in their dealings with the lesser pantheon.

Tarew Marr The Fathom Lord

The Fathom Lord or, as he is known in the divine tongue of Influence and Nature, Tarew Marr, is the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is the sole lord and commander of the plane's most abundant form of the element. The people of Norrath know little of him, and his relationship to Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr is a source of constant debate amongst their followers. He is believed to have given physical form and intelligence to the influences of Love and Valor in the personages of Erollisi and Mithaniel Marr, respectively, and given them power over their namesake planes.

Veeshan The Mother of all Wurms

Veeshan is the great crystalline dragon who rules the Plane of Sky. Veeshan is known as the Mother of All Wurms and this title includes all of dragonkind such as the drakes and wyverns. When the universe was young, Veeshan travelled throughout the cosmos depositing Her children on worlds She deemed worthy. She would then strike the planet with Her massive claws so that the other deities would know She had laid claim to that world.

Xegony The Queen of Air

The Plane of Air is ruled by Xegony, the Queen of Air, a beautiful, young-looking, elfin female humanoid with angel-like wings. Amongst the greater elemental powers, her angelic manner and appearance grant her the greatest regard, for being the most delicate and benevolent in her ways. She is, as well, the greatest mystery to the lesser pantheon in her being, never having turned her attentions from the greater wheel of the true elements.


Bolgin Serilis

Bolgin is the deformed and demented brother of Brell Serilis. He hides in the darkest trenches of the bowels of the Underfoot. His features are dark and he is nearly hairless.

Bolgin Serilis is a partial creator of the greater goblinoid races of Norrath. During the ages when Norrathians trod upon the planar realms a band of adventurers uncovered the hidden realm of Bolgin Serilis, the twisted tunnels of Golm. Golm was the name of the vast isolated lair where Bolgin hid from sight. Within the dark twisting labyrinth that is Golm the adventurers discovered many dangers and many secrets. One of these secrets was the role Bolgin played in the creation of the goblinoids.

This secret was taken from Golm and deposited upon Norrath during the final days of the Age of Turmoil. It would not be till the Age of Cataclysms that the goblins of Runnyeye would unearth the totem that held the secret origins of their race.

Derris Zek The God of Plunder

Derris is one of the mighty generals that commands an army in the Plane of War. General Derris is renowned for his merciless scare tactics, pillaging and plundering the territories his armies conquer. He is merciless and will raze any and all enemy encampments he comes across, whether it be military or other. On Norrath, he is worshiped by orcish rogues, bandits, and raiders, usually. His followers realize the value of terrorist tactics, and feel the best way to furnish the necessities of their armies is by taking it from those they have conquered.

Druzzil Ro Matron of the Art

Druzzil has white hair which is held back from her face by a massive platinum crown with a single white gem that blazes like a brilliant white star upon her brow. She is tall, youthful in appearance, with a resemblance to Erudite in skin and body structure. The demi-Plane of Magic became the home of the goddess of magic. In its natural state, it is an infinitely expansive plane of perfect white and unblemished marble under a gray and featureless sky, though one would likely never glimpse her plane in such a state. Through the will of Druzzil Ro, her home takes the shape, form and features that reflect her current mood. Her plane is simply a canvas for her art.


Kyrtoxxulous appears as a shadowy figure, surrounded by a swarm of flying insects. He is the ruler of the Demiplane of Pestilence. Not much else is known about him.


"As divinely merciful as she is beautiful. Deliverer of the drowned and caretaker of the castaway."

Lasydia is the lesser Goddess of Rescue. When all the other gods had abandoned Norrath and its inhabitants, Lasydia remained, and continued to look out for the Norrathians, however weakly.

Luclin The Maiden of Shadows

Luclin, the Maiden of Shadows rules the Plane of Shadow, She is short of stature, about 4'9" tall, sleek and thin, with an elfin body structure. Her short hair is deep gray with long side locks down to her stomach. Her silver eyes have no pupils and her skin is solid black. She wears black and gray robes and a shadowy mist perpetually swirls around her feet. In one hand she bears a massive silver and platinum staff carved in the shape of two tendrils wrapping around one another to form two humanoid hands at the top. Floating just above the cupped palms of the hands is a small black orb whose surface has an iridescent sheen similar to that of oil.

Master Wu The Enlightened

During the Age of Turmoil, Quellious, the Goddess of Tranquility, imparted a portion of the Plane of Tranquility to create the demi-plane of Serenity. At this time, Quellious came to Master Wu the Enlightened, the only mortal at the time to achieve true enlightenment through a lifelong dedication to tranquility. She raised Master Wu to demi-god status and charged him with the stewardship of the Plane of Serenity and to serve as her emissary of Peace.

When the time came for Master Wu to give up his plane’s existence in order for the Plane of Tranquility to survive the invasion of the Planes of Power, he was granted a small portion of the energy to create a planar artifact to further the cause of Serenity among the mortals.

Morell-Thule The Lord of Dreams

Morell-Thule, the Lord of Dreams rules the demi-Plane of Dreams where he is responsible for the rich texture of sleep visions. He creates, animates and thoroughly enjoys the creatures who romp in his realm. Though nearly seven feet tall and well built, he has handsome and youthful features. His body is that of a pure white centaur with the tail of a lion. His silver hooves sparkle constantly and he has a unicorn-like horn on his brow. That horn is not made of hair as with most such protuberances, but is purely a thing of light. His long hair grows down his spine and ends in a glistening white mane which, with his pale skin, set off his beautiful green eyes.


Rizlona is a demi-goddess residing in a chamber of her own inside Solusek Ro’s Tower. She was a half elven bard in her mortal years upon Norrath. She was a fierce combatant, lending her song to battle. Her songs always included praise to Solusek and the power that he granted her through song. Rizlona earned the recognition of Solusek Ro by invoking his name to give her power and strength on the battlefield. She ascended to his service countless years past. Many songs have been named after Rizlona’s fiery might.

Sullon Zek The Maiden of Rage

Sullon Zek was originally a barbarian berserker named Sullon McKlarren, a great hero and protector of the city of Halas. Fighting many battles over the years, Sullon learned to hone the rage she felt toward her many enemies and use it to increase her combat prowess. Over time, the strength of her fury grew more and more intense, so much so that she eventually drew the attention of Rallos Zek himself. The Warlord pulled her up into his plane, and had her engage in single combat with his greatest warriors, all of whom she defeated with little effort. It was then that Rallos himself stepped into the pit to challenge her himself. At first, Sullon attempted to lower her twin axes and kneel in submission to the war god, but was fiercely reprimanded by Rallos, who admonished her to never again lower her weapons before an opponent. They then began a duel the likes of which had never been seen before, even in the Warlord's own realm. The two combatants fought to a standstill before Rallos, filled with pride, formally adopted Sullon and raised her to the status of goddess, giving her her own plane in the process.

Таллон Зек Эксперт Битвы

Известен как эксперт битвы и как мастер стратегии, Таллон Зек проживающий в Осколке Войны вместе со своим альтер-эго Валлон Зеком. Он высокий, пожилой правитель Орков, представляется, как существо очень мудрое, с огромной репутацией. Таллон одет в прочную броню из стали без шлема и носит свой знаменитый обсидиановый лук войны.

Оригинальное имя - Tallon Zek


Upon a lush isolated savannah island within the Plane of Tranquility can be found this feline deity. She is said to be involved in the creation of all felines and oversees the valorous prides of her plane. Very few cat races know of her existence outside of the Plane of Tranquility. Her peaceful and humble ways mask the ferocity that she can exact when in defense of harmony.

Террис-Туле Маг Снов

Террис-Туле известна как Маг Снов или Кошмар, из-за её влияния на сон спящих. Она правит в параллельном мире Кошмаров где пытает спящих, когда они отдыхают. Она высокая, ростом около 2 метров, худая и костлявая. Её кожа бледная с оттенками серого. Длинные, черные ногти продолжают костлявые руки, её худобу подчеркивает облегающее платье. Лицо у нее гладкое без морщин, каких либо особенностей с двумя пустыми черными глазницами. Длинные темные волосы струятся вокруг двух массивных рогов медно-желтого цвета, растущих из висков.

Оригинальное имя - Terris-Thule

Tifanah The Maiden of Masks

As a young adult, Tifanah would be exalted by Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane to become the demigoddess of an extension of the Plane of Mischief, the Sphere of Illusions. She would take the title "Maiden of Masks" and was said to be especially protective of young women who sought their own role in life, and not the one intended for them by others. Young children who had tearfully lost a beloved parent sometimes found a small masquerade mask under their pillow in the morning, or spoke of a beautiful masked lady who hugged them and let them cry in the middle of the night.

Ullkorruuk The Lady of Betrayal

This little known and young deity resides on the Plane of Hate. She is often closely related to treason since most of her followers, what little there are, have dissented from the ranks of some organization or nation in order to strike back at that former organization for some deep-seated reason. She is allied with Innoruuk, the god of hate. Ullkorruuk appears as a female human paladin who has chosen to betray her native plane, the Plane of Love, for reasons as yet unexplained. She was once a member of Erollisi Marr’s elite guard. She betrayed the queen of love and later became a minion of hate. Her real name was abandoned and she took her new name, Ullkorruuk. She wears garb similar to Erollisi Marr, but it has a dark evil undertone.

Валлон Зек Управитель Войны

Валлон Зек назван Управителем Войны, так как мастерски владеет искусством тактики. Находиться вместе с его альтер-эго Таллоном Зеком в Осколке Войны Раллоса Зека. Валлон представляет собой взрослого, мускулистого, физически сильного мужчину-орка. Он носит черный плащ с почерневшей цепью покрытой изумрудами. Его образ являет собой мудрого строго прямого в общении и аристократичного война, который носит оружие в целом как регалии. На его поясе висит серебряная сабля, которой он пользуется, при объяснении тактики другим.

Оригинальное имя - Vallon Zek

Varig Ro God of Blacksmiths

Varig Ro, the God of Blacksmiths, is a son of Solusek Ro. He is the greatest craftsman in the known universe. He manifests as an immense, brawny muscular man. He has a crooked “brawler” nose and is bearded. He is made of living black iron. Everything about him is made of this iron, including his clothes, yet his movements are as smooth as they would be were he made of normal flesh. He is typically garbed in a short Egyptian-style kilt and an H-shaped chest harness. Stories depicted in the mortal worlds would include such things as Varig crafting great works of armor, weapons, and art, or Varig teaching his craft to beings throughout Norrath.

Xev Bristlebane

Xev is considered the deity of fortune, whether good or bad. He is related to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the King of Thieves, but no one is sure exactly how as the Trickster tells the tale differently each time. Xev has a small following among the merchants and gamblers of Highpass Hold and among gypsy fortunetellers.

Zebuxoruk The Forsaken

Zebuxoruk is neither evil nor good. Legends place him as evil and other legends untold place him on the side of good. To the other deities either dislike him or simply couldn't care less. Zebuxoruk was at some time a mortal man and trod upon the surface of Norrath after escaping the Plane of Justice or the Void. Mortality was either something forced upon him or something he may have wished for. Zebuxoruk is known as the Forsaken One, The Disgraced and other such names among the pantheon of deities and heroes of the Outer Planes of Influence. There is said to be a hidden city on Norrath that honor - not worship - the 'Ungod', Zebuxoruk, something not even he truly cares for. This city has knowledge of his history both true and false and the community is mostly comprised of fallen priests, shadowknight, paladins, any who have been forsaken by their deities and either seek a pathway back or seek true neutrality. It is said that they believe the deities are more mortal than they think.


Alliz Onu The Queen of Reptiles

The Alliz Tae Ew's primary deity is Cazic-Thule, but there are other demigods that hail from Modinthule, the Plane of Fear, that played a vital part in the establishment of their temple on Norrath and demand reverence from all Thulians. The courtyard of the Temple of Cazic-Thule contains a lesser pyramid of Alliz Onu. Cazic-Thule called upon this hero of Modinthule to assist in the creation of other embassies of fear.

She inhabits the swamplands of the Plane of Fear. By the will of Cazic-Thule, ruler of the Plane of Fear, she helped create the Lizard Man race as well as numerous other dangerous reptiles of Norrath. All Alliz Ew, regardless of tribe, pay some homage to her. She has no eyes within her eye sockets. In her honor, the Alliz Tae Ew remove their eyes in a painful ritual that takes place in the Undertemple of the Temple of Cazic-Thule.

For her part in the creation of the Thulian Capital of Norrath, Alliz Onu is paid homage through horrific rituals within the dreaded Temple of Cazic-Thule.

Drinal The Silver Reaper

Very few beings know of the Silver Reaper, associated with the gray moon seen from Norrath on all nights – Drinal. This moon was named after the spirit deity of night, destruction, and death by the humanoid tribe of nomads before the era of great cities and civilizations. Drinal, although representing that which is dark, is a neutral deity who represents the necessary end of the cycle of life. He does not maintain his watch over death out of malevolence, but out of the necessity for it to occur in order to fulfill the cycle of life. His Lujien followers personify Drinal as an upright white wolf whose paws, tail, and maw are midnight black. It is said that Drinal wields a silver sickle, the symbol of the crescent moon that is most sacred to Drinal and his bestial worshippers.

Kyr’Tok The Mangled

The Alliz Tae Ew's primary deity is Cazic-Thule, but there are other demigods that hail from Modinthule, the Plane of Fear, that played a vital part in the establishment of their temple on Norrath and demand reverence from all Thulians. The courtyard of the Temple of Cazic-Thule contains a lesser pyramid of Kyr'Tok. Cazic-Thule called upon this hero of Modinthule to assist in the creation of other embassies of fear.

In the Plane of Fear, The Mangled, Kyr'Tok, is an enforcer for Cazic-Thule. He also rules over a contorted and warped jungle of that plane. Amidst that vast jungle can be found monuments and towers of twisted and contorted designs. Kyr'Tok's shiverback army was instrumental in the early defense of the Feerrott as the temple was being built. He also went on to help create painful devices that were used to create contorted Thulian minions. Some of the unfortunate creations of those devices can be found floating around locations in the jungle as well as lurking around various dungeons of Norrath.

For his part in the creation of the Thulian Capital of Norrath, Kyr'Tok is paid homage through horrific rituals within the dreaded Temple of Cazic-Thule.


Было обнаружено не большое число злых глаз, которые поклонялись божеству Йкцкез, которое связано с мифом о создании расы злой глаз. Открытие этого верования не было легким, ввиду очень специфичного способа общения злых глаз, посредством телепатии, однако оно имело место быть, это факт. Если божество существует, то его существование неуловимо даже богам внешних и внутренних сфер. Небольшая группа ученых из Академии Тайного Знания решило проверить слухи о существовании этого божества. Они изучили артефакты и экспонаты, взятые и восстановленные из тайной святыни мифического божества, Храма Глаза. Короче говоря, там было, что-то о нем написано.

Йкцкез по слухам, принимал участие в создании расы злой глаз. Из той малой толики информации, которую удалось расшифровать из записей в Храме Глаза известно, что он или "она", появляется чаще всего как гигантский глаз без века. Его последователи, могут любого попавшего под их пристальный взгляд с помощью черного вихря перенести в иные миры. В одном из мифов о создании злого глаза написано, что божество Йкцкез погрузил себя в глубины Норрата и дремал там несколько сотен лет. За время его сна гигантский глаз пролил единственную слезу, которая породила первого злого глаза. Реально ли это божество, в каком месте оно обитает, по сей день остается загадкой для всех ученных Норрата.

Оригинальное имя - Xktkez.