Ysgith, Spinesnapper

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 17:40, 26 августа 2017; Pilgrim77 (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{EquipInformation |icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png |desc = The attitudes of the creatures in the Menagerie run from docile to malevolent, but I…»)
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Призванный Ysgith, Spinesnapper


Ysgith, Spinesnapper Ysgith, Spinesnapper иконка.png
The attitudes of the creatures in the Menagerie run from docile to malevolent, but I don't believe a single one likes to fight nearly as much as this beastie does. That's all it seems to want to do, and eventually, we had to move it out of the common areas because it would constantly charge toward the other beasties, cage or no.
Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper
Зарядов Неограничено
Прочтение 1,0 сек.
Восстановление Мгновенно
Длительность До отмены
Повтор 0,0 сек.
Ячейка Талисман (Необязательно)
Уровень 1(Тир 1)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Break on target of spell. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 924 - 1539 crushing damage on target
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Ysgith, Spinesnapper

</EquipInformation> Как получить:[Как я могу добыть это?] попробуйте LootDB или linkback</EquipInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM 309315213 -2039096268:Ysgith, Spinesnapper\/a \aITEM 309315213 -2039096268:Ysgith, Spinesnapper\/a

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Внутриигровое изображение
Призванный Ysgith, Spinesnapper


Ysgith, Spinesnapper Ysgith, Spinesnapper иконка.png
The attitudes of the creatures in the Menagerie run from docile to malevolent, but I don't believe a single one likes to fight nearly as much as this beastie does. That's all it seems to want to do, and eventually, we had to move it out of the common areas because it would constantly charge toward the other beasties, cage or no.
Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper
Зарядов Неограничено
Прочтение 1,0 сек.
Восстановление Мгновенно
Длительность До отмены
Повтор 0,0 сек.
Ячейка Талисман (Необязательно)
Уровень 1(Тир 1)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Break on target of spell. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 924 - 1539 crushing damage on target
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Ysgith, Spinesnapper

</EquipInformation> Как получить:[Как я могу добыть это?] попробуйте LootDB или linkback</EquipInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM 309315213 -2039096268:Ysgith, Spinesnapper\/a \aITEM 309315213 -2039096268:Ysgith, Spinesnapper\/a

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