Дополнительные сведения: http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Familiars

Фамильяры (англ. familiars) появились в игре с выходом игрового обновления GU103.

По своей сути фамильяры представляют собой разновидность неконтролируемых слуг, наподобие божественных слуг, которых можно было получить за выполнение Серии заданий любого божества.

Каждый фамильяр обладает набором дополнительных параметров и эффектов, оказывающих благотворное влияние на своего владельца. В первую очередь эти существа сосредотачиваются на overcap параметрах, вроде крит.бонуса, воодушевления и т.д.


Где найти

Фамильяры могут быть найдены в различных источниках по всему Норрату. Получить их можно в награду за участие в общественных заданиях или выполнение миссий КА. Некоторые разновидности этих существ можно приобрести у торговцев Полей испытаний (Proving Grounds), либо на Рынке DB. Кроме того, сундучки с фамильярами можно добыть в качестве трофеев с именных боссов.

На момент выхода GU103 фамильяров можно было получить из сундучков:


Familiars Tab.jpg

Управление предметами, призывающими фамильяров в точности повторяет схему управления предметами для призыва средств передвижения (маунтов).

Все приобретенные вами фамильяры будут добавляться и храниться в особой книге на отдельной вкладке в окне вашего персонажа. В той же вкладке расположены еще две дополнительные ячейки. Для призыва фамильяра необходимо:

  • поместить в ячейку "Используется" нужного фамильяра, чьи дружественные эффекты наложатся на вас
  • поместить в ячейку "Внешность" фамильяра, внешний вид которого будет отображаться (можно оставить пустой)
  • использовать способность Summon Familiar
  • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
  • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
  • On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Skyraze on target of spell.
    • Inflicts 2286-3810 cold damage on target
    • Cannot be modified except by direct means
    • This effect can only trigger once every 2.0 seconds
  • Summons a pet Sezaid, Skyrider
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Vermillion, Bonebreaker'] = { 'tooltip': '
Vermillion, Bonebreaker
I once had a nightmare that I was being hunted by a terrifying dragon-like creature, who seemed to toy with me before finally swooping in for the kill. I shudder when I think how closely he looks like the one in my dream.
Summon Familiar: Vermillion, Bonebreaker
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Vermillion, Bonebreaker when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 10% chance to cast Scale Shred on target\'s attacker.
      • Inflicts 991 cold damage on target instantly and every second
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 2.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Vermillion, Bonebreaker
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Cobalt Construct'] = { 'tooltip': '
Cobalt Construct
Most of the time, it just sits there, unmoving. No ethereal light, no clanking joints, nothing. But even then, I can\'t help but feel like it... sees me.
Summon Familiar: Cobalt Construct
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Cobalt Construct when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Soothing Energy on caster.
      • Heals caster for 0.3% of Max Health
        • This effect cannot be critically applied.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 4.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Cobalt Construct
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Hordemother Vespid'] = { 'tooltip': '
Hordemother Vespid
Attendant C\'thrius swears that this beastie is barely smarter than an average housebug, but I can\'t help but sense a pattern to its buzzing sounds. Almost like its trying to talk to us.
Summon Familiar: Hordemother Vespid
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Hordemother Vespid when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 10% chance to cast Swarms Distraction on target\'s attacker.
      • Decreases Threat to target by 22,144
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 4.0 seconds
      • This effect will not trigger if caster is a fighter in Defensive Stance
    • Summons a pet Hordemother Vespid
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Skittering Darkbone'] = { 'tooltip': '
Skittering Darkbone
WHO BROUGHT THIS HERE? It chatters and skitters around its cage endlessly making clacking noises the whole time. Ugh... at least it doesn\'t require much care at all. so I just stay away.
Summon Familiar: Skittering Darkbone
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Skittering Darkbone when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Calcification on target of spell. Lasts for 12.0 seconds.
      • Inflicts 453-754 cold damage on target instantly and every 3 seconds
      • Slows target by 33.6%
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 4.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Skittering Darkbone
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Deeplurker Cepholex'] = { 'tooltip': '
Deeplurker Cepholex
With few exceptions, nothing in the Conservatory seems inherently inclined to good or evil. This monster, however... the malevolence is almost oppressive.
Summon Familiar: Deeplurker Cepholex
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Deeplurker Cepholex when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Draw into the Deep on target of spell. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 566-943 cold damage on target instantly and every 3 seconds
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 4.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Deeplurker Cepholex
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Azure Sky Vespid'] = { 'tooltip': '
Azure Sky Vespid
The way this beastie moves is almost hypnotic. I\'ve seen other Attendants sit there and just watch it move, and I\'ve had to snap them out of it.
Summon Familiar: Azure Sky Vespid
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Azure Sky Vespid when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Azure Sky Vespid
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Ethereal Planeshifter'] = { 'tooltip': '
Ethereal Planeshifter
I\'m often afraid that this beastie has gotten out of its cage, because it\'s nearly invisible when it is relaxed. When it is active, though, it\'s gorgeous.
Summon Familiar: Ethereal Planeshifter
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Ethereal Planeshifter when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Ethereal Planeshifter
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Aurulent Swarm'] = { 'tooltip': '
Aurulent Swarm
I don\'t like these bugs. Most of the time they move in a terrible, chaotic swarm, but every so often, they are in perfect unison - moving as one, taking actions as one. They nearly opened their cage together, which is a frightening thought.
Summon Familiar: Aurulent Swarm
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Aurulent Swarm when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Aurulent Swarm
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Obol Skirth'] = { 'tooltip': '
Obol Skirth
I\'m not sure how the beastie got out of Ethernere, but here it is, It usually just sits there, not moving much, occasionally turning its head to look at things in the room. Otherwise, it\'s still. I think I could open the cage, and it would just stay put.
Summon Familiar: Obol Skirth
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Obol Skirth when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Obol Skirth
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Crimson Construct'] = { 'tooltip': '
Crimson Construct
This is the single most DISGUSTING creature I have EVER laid eyes on. Where does all that blood even come from? I\'m never cleaning up its cage.
Summon Familiar: Crimson Construct
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Crimson Construct when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Crimson Construct
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Verdant Chitin Terror'] = { 'tooltip': '
Verdant Chitin Terror
For as terrifying as this beastie is supposed to be (according to the other Attendants), I find it kind of cute. I\'m pretty sure I\'d lose an arm if I got too close, though.
Summon Familiar: Verdant Chitin Terror
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Verdant Chitin Terror when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Verdant Chitin Terror
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Highland Griffin'] = { 'tooltip': '
Highland Griffin
Temperamental. These beasties clearly are used to living freely on the mountaintops, and this one eyes every hill it sees.
Summon Familiar: Highland Griffin
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Highland Griffin when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Highland Griffin
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Трофей из обычных мобов - грифонов разного вида, например в Громовых Степях
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Dark Shadow Drake'] = { 'tooltip': '
Dark Shadow Drake
Every time I approach this one, I feel weak and almost nauseous. It just follows my movements with its eyes, and I swear I see it... grinning? I keep my distance when I can.
Summon Familiar: Dark Shadow Drake
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Dark Shadow Drake when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Dark Shadow Drake
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Трофей из обычных мобов - дрейков разного вида, например в Темнолесье или Лавасторме
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Living Gargoyle'] = { 'tooltip': '
Living Gargoyle
I swore this was a statue the first time I entered the Conservatory, until it took a swipe at me. Apparently the beastie doesn\'t like fleshlings \'too close\'.
Summon Familiar: Living Gargoyle
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Living Gargoyle when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Living Gargoyle
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Lowland Tuatara'] = { 'tooltip': '
Lowland Tuatara
I heard everything found in Ethernere was a ghost or spirit. So... is this alive or not? I try not to ponder the question, but then, I\'ve never seen it eat. Ever.
Summon Familiar: Lowland Tuatara
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Lowland Tuatara when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Lowland Tuatara
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Dark Root Tender'] = { 'tooltip': '
Dark Root Tender
What is this thing? It slithers like a snake but looks like a plant. And every time I pass by it opens its mouth and... ugh. I don\'t like feeding it.
Summon Familiar: Dark Root Tender
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Dark Root Tender when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Dark Root Tender
  • Награда за задание \'A New Kind of Test\' в зоне Proving Grounds
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Toxxulian Prowler'] = { 'tooltip': '
Toxxulian Prowler
Don\'t trust it. It will mew and purr while you\'re looking at it, and immediately slink into a pounce position when your back is turned. Natural hunter instincts for certain.
Summon Familiar: Toxxulian Prowler
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Toxxulian Prowler when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Toxxulian Prowler
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Sapphire Ethernere Drake'] = { 'tooltip': '
Sapphire Ethernere Drake
I heard everything found in Ethernere was a ghost or spirit. So... is this alive or not? I try not to ponder the question, but then, I\'ve never seen it eat. Ever.
Summon Familiar: Sapphire Ethernere Drake
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Sapphire Ethernere Drake when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Sapphire Ethernere Drake
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Thalumbra Leafhopper'] = { 'tooltip': '
Thalumbra Leafhopper
Whenever I feed this beastie, it throws up its front legs like it\'s going to hit me, but then just sits there, frozen. I think it\'s a defensive behavior, but I hope it doesn\'t decide to take off my head one day.
Summon Familiar: Thalumbra Leafhopper
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Thalumbra Leafhopper when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Thalumbra Leafhopper
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage и Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Трофей из обычных мобов - жуков разного вида, например в Громовых Степях или Антонике
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Proven Battlecat'] = { 'tooltip': '
Proven Battlecat
I think this beastie is a kitten, but it\'s larger than most dogs I know. It clearly likes me, but when it mews or purrs... ugh... it just sounds so creepy.
Summon Familiar: Proven Battlecat
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Proven Battlecat when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On a hostile spell cast this spell will cast Obsidian Rend on target of spell. Lasts for 4.0 seconds.
      • Inflicts 800-1334 cold damage on target instantly and every second
      • Decreases Combat Mitigation of target by 25
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger every 2.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Proven Battlecat
  • Продает Far\'Saethe Dom во всех главных городах у портала на Proving Grounds за 5.000п и 2.500 Mark of Glory
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Iksar Hero Statue'] = { 'tooltip': '
Iksar Hero Statue
I thought this was an unfortunate soul who was petrified by a gorgon\'s gaze, but Attendant C\'Thrius says it\'s just a construct. But the detail is unnervingly accurate and it... breathes. I leave it alone.
Summon Familiar: Iksar Hero Statue
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Iksar Hero Statue when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • When damaged with a melee weapon this spell has a 10% chance to cast Shield of Heroes on caster. Lasts for 4.0 seconds.
      • Reduces physical damage done to caster by 33%. This spell will absorb a total of 1 attack.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 8.0 seconds
    • Summons a pet Iksar Hero Statue
  • Продает Jasper Sodtiller в Келетине за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender\'s Medal
  • Продает Durbain в Таламбре за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender\'s Medal
  • Продает Naris T\'Vaska в Нериаке за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender\'s Medal
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Burnie'] = { 'tooltip': '
This beastie is... confusing. Is it a golem? Some kind of elemental or... something? I really don\'t know. I DO know, however, to not be near it when it gets upset. We\'ve lost three cages and a storage shed so far.
Summon Familiar: Burnie
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Burnie when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Burnie
  • Продает Sarya Val\'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 2.000п500.000 ОС и 2.500 Sovereign of Rile
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Drake of the Grove'] = { 'tooltip': '
Drake of the Grove
This one used to be my FAVORITE. A dragon with butterfly wings? So beautiful! But since I\'ve gotten to know it, I\'ve found this beastie to be quite mischevious - it\'ll nip your ears and giggle while you swat at it.
Summon Familiar: Drake of the Grove
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Drake of the Grove when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Drake of the Grove
  • Продает Sarya Val\'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Twarkian Cube'] = { 'tooltip': '
Twarkian Cube
This goopy thing is so disgusting. You can see its food inside it AS IT DIGESTS. One of the other Attendants - one of our crafters - seems to love this beastie. Well fine then, she can feed it. Ew.
Summon Familiar: Twarkian Cube
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Twarkian Cube when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Twarkian Cube
  • Продает Scribbleclaw в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Chiron, the Gluttonous'] = { 'tooltip': '
Chiron, the Gluttonous
It NEVER. STOPS. EATING. One of the heads is always hungry, and no matter how much we feed it, the beastie is never satiated. I shutter to imagine what would happen to one of us if it was freed from the cage.
Summon Familiar: Chiron, the Gluttonous
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Chiron, the Gluttonous when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Fires of Torment on target of spell. Lasts for 4.0 seconds. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 798 - 1330 heat damage on target
      • Decreases Combat Mitigation of target by 25
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Chiron, the Gluttonous
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Achelia, Straightflyer'] = { 'tooltip': '
Achelia, Straightflyer
This beastie can\'t even be held in a cage - we had to convert one of the keep\'s wings into its home. Even then, it is always restless, clearly used to soaring free wherever it pleases. Perhaps one day, when our studies are finished, it will find that freedom again.
Summon Familiar: Achelia, Straightflyer
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Achelia, Straightflyer when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On any combat or spell hit this spell has a 10% chance to cast Gliding Stride on caster. Lasts for 10.0 seconds.
      • Increases in-combat movement speed of caster by 100.0%
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Achelia, Straightflyer
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Chechin, of the Dark'] = { 'tooltip': '
Chechin, of the Dark
None of the creatures near this thing\'s cage will go near the wall closest to it. The menace from this creature is evident in everything it does, from every small flick of its tentacles, to the way it glowers at us when we pass by.
Summon Familiar: Chechin, of the Dark
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Chechin, of the Dark when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On any combat or spell hit this spell has a 10% chance to cast Shroud of Gloom on caster. Lasts for 5.0 seconds.
      • Unbreakable Stealth does not expire when the caster utilizes an attack or combat art.
      • Grants Unbreakable Stealth to the caster.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
    • Summons a pet Chechin, of the Dark
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Ysgith, Spinesnapper'] = { 'tooltip': '
Ysgith, Spinesnapper
The attitudes of the creatures in the Menagerie run from docile to malevolent, but I don\'t believe a single one likes to fight nearly as much as this beastie does. That\'s all it seems to want to do, and eventually, we had to move it out of the common areas because it would constantly charge toward the other beasties, cage or no.
Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Ysgith, Spinesnapper when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 132.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 202.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 150.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Break on target of spell. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 924 - 1539 crushing damage on target
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 10.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Ysgith, Spinesnapper
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Armored Ipsumodon'] = { 'tooltip': '
Armored Ipsumodon
Once, we had a particularly angry beastie knock down part of the wall behind it, which was over this one\'s cage. The rocks crushed the cage and nearly took two Attendants with it. This beastie didn\'t seem bothered in the least - it just kept eating, like nothing had happened.
Summon Familiar: Armored Ipsumodon
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Armored Ipsumodon when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • When damaged in combat this spell has a 10% chance to cast Leathery Hide on caster. Lasts for 30.0 seconds.
      • Reduces physical and arcane damage done to target by 15% This spell will absorb a total of 1 attack.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 4.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Armored Ipsumodon
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Golden Gorgon'] = { 'tooltip': '
Golden Gorgon
One of the Attendants burned her hand while feeding this thing. She thought she could touch it while it was leaned up against the cage, and we weren\'t quick enough to warn her how alarmingly hot it is to the touch. She still has a scar, in spite of the rapid healing.
Summon Familiar: Golden Gorgon
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Golden Gorgon when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Trample on target of spell. Triggers about 2.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 482 - 804 crushing damage on targets in Area of Effect
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Golden Gorgon
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Tribal Tigeraptor'] = { 'tooltip': '
Tribal Tigeraptor
The others say that this is a mere animal, no smarter than a dog at best. But it watches what we do, and I swear it reached for one of the Steward\'s keys to the cages. Plus the scratches on the walls look purposeful. Like... art?
Summon Familiar: Tribal Tigeraptor
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Tribal Tigeraptor when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Pack Hunter on target of spell. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Increases physical damage done to target encounter by 5%
      • Inflicts 540 - 901 slashing damage on target encounter
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Tribal Tigeraptor
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Patchcraft Growler'] = { 'tooltip': '
Patchcraft Growler
Sometimes when we get in new recruits, the other Attendants will sent them to this thing\'s cage. Every one has been startled nearly to death when it starts moving toward them to get its meal. It isn\'t a funny joke, but they keep doing it.
Summon Familiar: Patchcraft Growler
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Patchcraft Growler when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Terrifying Roar on target of spell. Lasts for 16.0 seconds. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 166 - 277 magic damage on target encounter
      • Decreases Fervor of target by 10.0
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Patchcraft Growler
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Crystalline Tentacle Terror'] = { 'tooltip': '
Crystalline Tentacle Terror
I always thought this beastie was just a crystal formation, animated through some magician\'s arcane dweomers. But the eye... it looks so different from the rest of the creature, like it is no different than my own. I am fascinated with this one.
Summon Familiar: Crystalline Tentacle Terror
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Crystalline Tentacle Terror when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Crystalline Shards on target of spell. Lasts for 12.0 seconds. Triggers about 4.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 166 - 277 piercing damage on target
      • Inflicts 208 - 346 piercing damage on target every 2 seconds
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Crystalline Tentacle Terror
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Vaedenmoor Devourer'] = { 'tooltip': '
Vaedenmoor Devourer
It has no eyes to see, no nose to smell, and doesn\'t touch the ground to sense vibrations. Yet it ALWAYS knows where we are, facing us as we cross the room. The malice that comes off this thing is palpable, and I believe it somehow uses that alone to guide it. It is frightening.
Summon Familiar: Vaedenmoor Devourer
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Vaedenmoor Devourer when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Devour on target of spell. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
      • Inflicts 479 - 585 disease damage on target
      • Heals caster for 2.8 - 3.4% of max health
        • This effect cannot be critically applied.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
    • Summons a pet Vaedenmoor Devourer
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Eastern Wastes White Hawk'] = { 'tooltip': '
Eastern Wastes White Hawk
This beastie is always at the top of its cage, surveying everything in the room with it. The sight it has is incredible as well - we can walk in with the meals for the day, and it always focuses in on its own food, wherever we are in the room.
Summon Familiar: Eastern Wastes White Hawk
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Eastern Wastes White Hawk when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Eastern Wastes White Hawk
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Odus Darkpaw Pouncer'] = { 'tooltip': '
Odus Darkpaw Pouncer
When it is dark in the room - even DIM in the room, this beastie seems to all but disappear into the shadows. All I can ever see of it is its eyes... those piercing, yellow eyes.
Summon Familiar: Odus Darkpaw Pouncer
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Odus Darkpaw Pouncer when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Odus Darkpaw Pouncer
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad'] = { 'tooltip': '
Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad
I\'ve been told that no matter the circumstance, to never - EVER - touch the skin of this beastie. The gloves we have to feed it look like they could take a hit from a battleaxe, and if it even brushes the skin of the gloves, they\'re just tossed in favor of new ones. I keep a VERY healthy distance.
Summon Familiar: Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Coagulated Gelatinous Cube'] = { 'tooltip': '
Coagulated Gelatinous Cube
Ugh, I do not go near this thing. I won\'t even watch it feed. Everything about it is disgusting, and I have no idea who would want such a thing in their collection. Just thinking about it makes me nauseous.
Summon Familiar: Coagulated Gelatinous Cube
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Coagulated Gelatinous Cube when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Coagulated Gelatinous Cube
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Kunarkian Tiger Spirit'] = { 'tooltip': '
Kunarkian Tiger Spirit
I\'m not sure what to make of this beastie. It doesn\'t eat, it doesn\'t sleep, it doesn\'t even lie down. Is it even alive? Whatever it is, it just sits there in its cage, proudly looking over everything around it.
Summon Familiar: Kunarkian Tiger Spirit
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Kunarkian Tiger Spirit when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Kunarkian Tiger Spirit
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Nektulos Bat Swarm'] = { 'tooltip': '
Nektulos Bat Swarm
I\'ve seen plenty of bat swarms in my day, but these beasties aren\'t like those colonies at all. They move chaotically at times, but whenever they are doing a focused activity - anything from feeding to grooming - there is an order to their group. A very careful one at that.
Summon Familiar: Nektulos Bat Swarm
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Nektulos Bat Swarm when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Nektulos Bat Swarm
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Common Lands Bovine'] = { 'tooltip': '
Common Lands Bovine
For the longest time, I wondered why there was a common cow in here with the others. That was until one of the other beasties broke into its cage, looking for an easy meal. Only one creature left that cage on its own, and it wasn\'t the predator. There\'s nothing common about this beastie at all.
Summon Familiar: Common Lands Bovine
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Common Lands Bovine when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Common Lands Bovine
  • [Как я могу добыть это?] попробуйте LootDB или linkback
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Baby Panda Cub'] = { 'tooltip': '
Baby Panda Cub
Aww, I adore this one! It\'s the only beastie we would sometimes let out and stay with us when the Stewards aren\'t around. When we got caught, we were reminded how dangerous everything in the laboratories could POTENTIALLY be, and never to do so again. Maybe it is, but it liked us for sure.
Summon Familiar: Baby Panda Cub
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Baby Panda Cub when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Baby Panda Cub
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Butcherblock Badger'] = { 'tooltip': '
Butcherblock Badger
I wish this beastie would make up its mind. Sometimes it growls at me when I pass the cage, and sometimes it acts like we\'ve been friends forever. I don\'t know which one I\'m getting when I feed it.
Summon Familiar: Butcherblock Badger
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Butcherblock Badger when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Butcherblock Badger
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Erudin Bookminion'] = { 'tooltip': '
Erudin Bookminion
I don\'t know how many pages it has, but I swear I\'ve seen it open to the same pages over and over, but they always seem to have new words on them. Is that how this beastie communicates?
Summon Familiar: Erudin Bookminion
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Erudin Bookminion when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Erudin Bookminion
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Halasian Rhino'] = { 'tooltip': '
Halasian Rhino
I heard that this beasite is nearly blind and is aggressive to anything it sees as a threat. It actually seems quite docile, and seems to like us around. I wonder if that\'s because it sees us as the herd?
Summon Familiar: Halasian Rhino
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Halasian Rhino when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Halasian Rhino
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Obulus Chokidai'] = { 'tooltip': '
Obulus Chokidai
This beastie threatens everyone who walks by the cage, and is clear that it doesn\'t like any of us - except for Attendant C\'thrius, who it will let near the cage. It clearly chooses who it likes, and is quite picky about it.
Summon Familiar: Obulus Chokidai
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Obulus Chokidai when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Obulus Chokidai
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Kithicor Armapine'] = { 'tooltip': '
Kithicor Armapine
I used to think this beastie was pretty cute and harmless. Until it rammed its cage and dented it nearly to the breaking point. Since then, we\'ve had to replace three cages - it\'s not as cute to me anymore.
Summon Familiar: Kithicor Armapine
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Kithicor Armapine when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Kithicor Armapine
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Maran Swine'] = { 'tooltip': '
Maran Swine
Attendant Rish used to joke about this beastie being \'breakfast\' or a \'sandwich\' every time he would pass by... until it grabbed him and tried to pull him into the cage. It\'s docile around everyone else, but it knew what Rish was doing. Much smarter than it looks.
Summon Familiar: Maran Swine
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Maran Swine when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Maran Swine
  • Трофей из именных мобов в различных инстансах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
  • Награда за общественные задания в зонах КА. Распаковывается из Familiar Cage
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Pillar's Fire Scorpion'] = { 'tooltip': '
Pillar's Fire Scorpion
I\'ve heard that the poison from this beastie makes your blood feel like it\'s boiling, and causes burns along the vessels as it works its way through the body. I won\'t feed this thing - I like my arms as they are.
Summon Familiar: Pillar's Fire Scorpion
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Pillar's Fire Scorpion when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Pillar's Fire Scorpion
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Velious Dire Wolf'] = { 'tooltip': '
Velious Dire Wolf
It\'s a savage pack hunter, and I can see it going through all the other beasties in turn, trying to figure out their habits and weaknesses. A natural hunter, to be sure. I want to pet it, but I\'m pretty sure I\'d lose that hand.
Summon Familiar: Velious Dire Wolf
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Velious Dire Wolf when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Velious Dire Wolf
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp'] = { 'tooltip': '
Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp
It looks like a huge bubble with leaves inside, and smells nice to boot. But the cage is always - and I mean ALWAYS - filled with leaves, no matter how much we clean it. Where are they even coming from?
Summon Familiar: Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Obol Scuttler'] = { 'tooltip': '
Obol Scuttler
What is this? Is it an insect? A mammal? A crustacean? I don\'t know, and none of the other Attendants seem to either. It isn\'t aggressive, although it seems to turn toward any sudden movements, like it is ready to defend itself.
Summon Familiar: Obol Scuttler
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Obol Scuttler when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Obol Scuttler
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Antonican Deer'] = { 'tooltip': '
Antonican Deer
I think everyone assumes that these are just prey animals, but Attendant Felyis made this beastie angry once on accident, and it answered with a barrage of kicks, bites, and headbutts. Took the healers two days to get him back to working shape.
Summon Familiar: Antonican Deer
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Antonican Deer when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Antonican Deer
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Jarsath Jibsnapper'] = { 'tooltip': '
Jarsath Jibsnapper
I once got pinched by a crab smaller than my palm, and it left a bruise on my finger that was there for a week. I don\'t think this beastie would bother leaving bruises - it would just pinch right through my arm. I don\'t feed it when it\'s active.
Summon Familiar: Jarsath Jibsnapper
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Jarsath Jibsnapper when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 44.0
    • Increases Potency of caster by 70.4%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 30.0
    • Summons a pet Jarsath Jibsnapper
  • Покупка на Рынке DB, из состава:
    • Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (3 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • (7 Pack) Gilded Familiar Cage - Season 2
    • Premium Gilded Familiar Crate - Season 2
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Spidermech Defender'] = { 'tooltip': '
Spidermech Defender
Most of the time, it just sits there, unmoving. No ethereal light, no clanking joints, nothing. But even then, I can\'t help but feel like it... sees me.
Summon Familiar: Spidermech Defender
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Spidermech Defender when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
    • Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
    • Summons a pet Spidermech Defender
    • When damaged this spell has a 10% chance to cast Clockwork Mending on caster.
      • Heals caster for 0.2% of max health
        • This effect cannot be critically applied.
      • Cannot be modified except by direct means
      • This effect can only trigger once every 2.0 seconds.
  • Изготавливает - механик, используя рецепт требующий 500 навыка из книги рецептов \'Spidermech Defender Blueprints\'
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Summer Bloom'] = { 'tooltip': '
Summer Bloom
Though some may wilt and fade away, no gloom can dampen the this budding glory.
Summon Familiar: Summer Bloom
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Summer Bloom when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Summer Bloom
  • Продает Юнь Зи в зоне Расколотый Рубеж в период прохождения Дней Лета с 1 августа по 2 октября 2017г
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Deadly Terra-Widow'] = { 'tooltip': '
Deadly Terra-Widow
I shouldn\'t let her beauty distract me! This beastie is just as likely to use her eight, graceful legs to dance along her intricate web, as she is to leap upon me to inject her flesh-eating venom. I am quite fond of my flesh and would rather keep it as it is - intact!
Summon Familiar: Deadly Terra-Widow
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Deadly Terra-Widow when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
    • Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Deadly Terra-Widow
  • Редкая случайная награда при раскапывании могил из состава a Nights of the Dead Treat
', 'cached': true }; ipif_Tooltips['Frosfell Merry Kitten'] = { 'tooltip': '
Frosfell Merry Kitten
Most of the time, it just sits there, unmoving. No ethereal light, no clanking joints, nothing. But even then, I can\'t help but feel like it... sees me.
Summon Familiar: Frosfell Merry Kitten
Прочтение1,0 сек.
ДлительностьДо отмены
Повтор0,0 сек.
ЯчейкаТалисман (Необязательно)
  • Applies Summon Familiar: Frosfell Merry Kitten when Activated.
    • Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.7
    • Increases Potency of caster by 97%
    • Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
    • Summons a pet Frosfell Merry Kitten
  • Продает Замерзавец Герби - Торговец в зоне Деревня Чудес в Изморозье за 50 Заиндевевший знак Е\'си
', 'cached': true }; }); (Призвать фамильяра).

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Виды фамильяров


Фамильяры игрового обновления GU103

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Sezaid, Skyrider Sezaid, Skyrider.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vermillion, Bonebreaker Vermillion, Bonebreaker.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Cobalt Construct Cobalt Construct.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Hordemother Vespid Hordemother Vespid.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Skittering Darkbone Skittering Darkbone.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Deeplurker Cepholex Deeplurker Cepholex.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Azure Sky Vespid Azure Sky Vespid.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Ethereal Planeshifter Ethereal Planeshifter.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Aurulent Swarm Aurulent Swarn.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obol Skirth Obol Skirth.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Crimson Construct Crimson Construct.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Verdant Chitin Terror Verdant Chitin Terror.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Highland Griffin Highland Griffin.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Dark Shadow Drake Dark Shadow Drake.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Living Gargoyle Living Gargoyle.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Lowland Tuatara Lowland Tuatara.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Dark Root Tender Dark Root Tender.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Toxxulian Prowler Toxxulian Prowler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Sapphire Ethernere Drake Sapphire Ethernere Drake.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Thalumbra Leafhopper Thalumbra Leafhopper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]

Фамильяры обновления Хотфикс 2017.05.23

Пять новых фамильяров теперь можно приобрести у различных торговцев Норрата:

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Proven Battlecat Proven Battlecat.jpg Продает Far'Saethe Dom во всех главных городах у портала на Proving Grounds за 5.000п и 2.500 Mark of Glory
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Iksar Hero Statue Iksar Hero Statue.jpg Продает Jasper Sodtiller в Келетине за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
Продает Durbain в Таламбре за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
Продает Naris T'Vaska в Нериаке за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Burnie Burnie.jpg Продает Sarya Val'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 2.000п 500.000 ОС и 2.500 Sovereign of Rile
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Drake of the Grove Drake of the Grove.jpg Продает Sarya Val'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п 250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile
Twarkian Cube Twarkian Cube.jpg Продает Scribbleclaw в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п 250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile

Фамильяры игрового обновления GU104

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Chiron, the Gluttonous Chiron, the Gluttonous.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Achelia, Straightflyer Achelia, Straightflyer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Chechin, of the Dark Chechin, of the Dark.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Ysgith, Spinesnapper Ysgith, Spinesnapper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Armored Ipsumodon Armored Ipsumodon.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Golden Gorgon Golden Gorgon.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Tribal Tigeraptor Tribal Tigeraptor.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Patchcraft Growler Patchcraft Growler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Crystalline Tentacle Terror Crystalline Tentacle Terror.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vaedenmoor Devourer Vaedenmoor Devourer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Eastern Wastes White Hawk Eastern Wastes White Hawk.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Odus Darkpaw Pouncer Odus Darkpaw Pouncer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Coagulated Gelatinous Cube Coagulated Gelatinous Cube.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Kunarkian Tiger Spirit Kunarkian Tiger Spirit.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Nektulos Bat Swarm Nektulos Bat Swarm.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Common Lands Bovine Common Lands Bovine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Baby Panda Cub Baby Panda Cub.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Butcherblock Badger Butcherblock Badger.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Erudin Bookminion Erudin Bookminion.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Halasian Rhino Halasian Rhino.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obulus Chokidai Obulus Chokidai.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Kithicor Armapine Kithicor Armapine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Maran Swine Maran Swine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Pillar's Fire Scorpion Pillar's Fire Scorpion.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Velious Dire Wolf Velious Dire Wolf.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obol Scuttler Obol Scuttler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Antonican Deer Antonican Deer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Jarsath Jibsnapper Jarsath Jibsnapper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
Spidermech Defender Spidermech Defender.jpg Изготавливает - механик, используя рецепт требующий 500 навыка из книги рецептов 'Spidermech Defender Blueprints'.. Чертежи для изготовления фамильяра приобретаются у торговцев Фестиваля механиков. Основные компоненты являются возможными наградами за активное участие в общественном задании Hack ‘n Slash.
Summer Bloom Summer Bloom.jpg Продает Юнь Зи в зоне Расколотый Рубеж в период прохождения Дней Лета с 1 августа по 2 октября 2017г.
Deadly Terra-Widow Deadly Terra-Widow.jpg Редкая случайная награда при раскапывании могил из состава a Nights of the Dead Treat в период прохождения Ночей Мертвецов.
Frosfell Merry Kitten 110px [необходимо больше информации]

Дополнительные сведения: http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Familiars

Фамильяры (англ. familiars) появились в игре с выходом игрового обновления GU103.

По своей сути фамильяры представляют собой разновидность неконтролируемых слуг, наподобие божественных слуг, которых можно было получить за выполнение Серии заданий любого божества.

Каждый фамильяр обладает набором дополнительных параметров и эффектов, оказывающих благотворное влияние на своего владельца. В первую очередь эти существа сосредотачиваются на overcap параметрах, вроде крит.бонуса, воодушевления и т.д.

Где найти

Фамильяры могут быть найдены в различных источниках по всему Норрату. Получить их можно в награду за участие в общественных заданиях или выполнение миссий КА. Некоторые разновидности этих существ можно приобрести у торговцев Полей испытаний (Proving Grounds), либо на Рынке DB. Кроме того, сундучки с фамильярами можно добыть в качестве трофеев с именных боссов.

На момент выхода GU103 фамильяров можно было получить из сундучков:


Familiars Tab.jpg

Управление предметами, призывающими фамильяров в точности повторяет схему управления предметами для призыва средств передвижения (маунтов).

Все приобретенные вами фамильяры будут добавляться и храниться в особой книге на отдельной вкладке в окне вашего персонажа. В той же вкладке расположены еще две дополнительные ячейки. Для призыва фамильяра необходимо:

  • поместить в ячейку "Используется" нужного фамильяра, чьи дружественные эффекты наложатся на вас
  • поместить в ячейку "Внешность" фамильяра, внешний вид которого будет отображаться (можно оставить пустой)
  • использовать способность Summon Familiar (Призвать фамильяра).

Вы можете призвать только одного фамильяра за раз, и кроме того можно использовать любого известного вам фамильяра для внешнего вида.

При желании, вы можете скрыть своего фамильяра.

Виды фамильяров


Фамильяры игрового обновления GU103

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Sezaid, Skyrider Sezaid, Skyrider.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vermillion, Bonebreaker Vermillion, Bonebreaker.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Cobalt Construct Cobalt Construct.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Hordemother Vespid Hordemother Vespid.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Skittering Darkbone Skittering Darkbone.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Deeplurker Cepholex Deeplurker Cepholex.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Azure Sky Vespid Azure Sky Vespid.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Ethereal Planeshifter Ethereal Planeshifter.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Aurulent Swarm Aurulent Swarn.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obol Skirth Obol Skirth.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Crimson Construct Crimson Construct.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Verdant Chitin Terror Verdant Chitin Terror.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Highland Griffin Highland Griffin.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Dark Shadow Drake Dark Shadow Drake.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Living Gargoyle Living Gargoyle.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Lowland Tuatara Lowland Tuatara.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Dark Root Tender Dark Root Tender.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Toxxulian Prowler Toxxulian Prowler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Sapphire Ethernere Drake Sapphire Ethernere Drake.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Thalumbra Leafhopper Thalumbra Leafhopper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]

Фамильяры обновления Хотфикс 2017.05.23

Пять новых фамильяров теперь можно приобрести у различных торговцев Норрата:

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Proven Battlecat Proven Battlecat.jpg Продает Far'Saethe Dom во всех главных городах у портала на Proving Grounds за 5.000п и 2.500 Mark of Glory
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Iksar Hero Statue Iksar Hero Statue.jpg Продает Jasper Sodtiller в Келетине за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
Продает Durbain в Таламбре за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
Продает Naris T'Vaska в Нериаке за 5.000п и 2.500 Defender's Medal
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Burnie Burnie.jpg Продает Sarya Val'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 2.000п 500.000 ОС и 2.500 Sovereign of Rile
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Drake of the Grove Drake of the Grove.jpg Продает Sarya Val'Sara в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п 250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile
Twarkian Cube Twarkian Cube.jpg Продает Scribbleclaw в Obulus Frontier за 1.000п 250.000 ОС и 500 Sovereign of Rile

Фамильяры игрового обновления GU104

Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
ЭФИРНЫЕ (ультра-редкие)
Chiron, the Gluttonous Chiron, the Gluttonous.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Achelia, Straightflyer Achelia, Straightflyer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Chechin, of the Dark Chechin, of the Dark.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Ysgith, Spinesnapper Ysgith, Spinesnapper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЭПИЧЕСКИЕ (редкие)
Armored Ipsumodon Armored Ipsumodon.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Golden Gorgon Golden Gorgon.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Tribal Tigeraptor Tribal Tigeraptor.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Patchcraft Growler Patchcraft Growler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Crystalline Tentacle Terror Crystalline Tentacle Terror.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vaedenmoor Devourer Vaedenmoor Devourer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЛЕГЕНДАРНЫЕ (необычные)
Eastern Wastes White Hawk Eastern Wastes White Hawk.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Odus Darkpaw Pouncer Odus Darkpaw Pouncer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad Thalumbran Toxic Glow Toad.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Coagulated Gelatinous Cube Coagulated Gelatinous Cube.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Kunarkian Tiger Spirit Kunarkian Tiger Spirit.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Nektulos Bat Swarm Nektulos Bat Swarm.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Common Lands Bovine Common Lands Bovine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Baby Panda Cub Baby Panda Cub.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
ЦЕННЫЕ (обычные)
Butcherblock Badger Butcherblock Badger.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Erudin Bookminion Erudin Bookminion.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Halasian Rhino Halasian Rhino.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obulus Chokidai Obulus Chokidai.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Kithicor Armapine Kithicor Armapine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Maran Swine Maran Swine.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Pillar's Fire Scorpion Pillar's Fire Scorpion.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Velious Dire Wolf Velious Dire Wolf.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp Vasty Deep Leaf Wisp.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Obol Scuttler Obol Scuttler.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Antonican Deer Antonican Deer.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Jarsath Jibsnapper Jarsath Jibsnapper.jpg [необходимо больше информации]
Фамильяры Внешний вид Как получить
Spidermech Defender Spidermech Defender.jpg Изготавливает - механик, используя рецепт требующий 500 навыка из книги рецептов 'Spidermech Defender Blueprints'.. Чертежи для изготовления фамильяра приобретаются у торговцев Фестиваля механиков. Основные компоненты являются возможными наградами за активное участие в общественном задании Hack ‘n Slash.
Summer Bloom Summer Bloom.jpg Продает Юнь Зи в зоне Расколотый Рубеж в период прохождения Дней Лета с 1 августа по 2 октября 2017г.
Deadly Terra-Widow Deadly Terra-Widow.jpg Редкая случайная награда при раскапывании могил из состава a Nights of the Dead Treat в период прохождения Ночей Мертвецов.
Frosfell Merry Kitten 110px [необходимо больше информации]