Образ Вокс
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Пермафрост (Расколотые Земли)
Раса Призрак
Уровень 58▲▲▲ Тир 6 Эпический х4
Местонахождение В первом большом зале за дверью, на круглой платформе ( 0, 8, -327 ) /waypoint 0.20, 8.27, -327.36 Eq2map.gif
Специальные атаки

Призывает группы монстров на 80%, 60%, 40% и 20% здоровья:

Cold Chill of Death, AoE Cold DD/DoT

Очки статуса Да

Что означает эта информация?

The hardest part about this fight is the adds that spawn at each 20% interval. The first set of adds (16 ^^^ elementals) spawn at 80%, they are all one encounter and grouped. The next set at 60% spawns 3 Epic x2 golems, all in one encounter. The 40% adds spawn as three sets of three Epic x2 Giants, nine total. The last set of adds at 20% are three x2 behemoths.

Vox herself does not have much HP, the adds are the 'actual' encounter and difficulty for the fight.

As of 15/09/13 Vox was changed so that her spawned adds could not be run around.

Vox has been killed on both TLE servers.

Образ Вокс
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Пермафрост (Расколотые Земли)
Раса Призрак
Уровень 58▲▲▲ Тир 6 Эпический х4
Местонахождение В первом большом зале за дверью, на круглой платформе ( 0, 8, -327 ) /waypoint 0.20, 8.27, -327.36 Eq2map.gif
Специальные атаки

Призывает группы монстров на 80%, 60%, 40% и 20% здоровья:

Cold Chill of Death, AoE Cold DD/DoT

Очки статуса Да

Что означает эта информация?

The hardest part about this fight is the adds that spawn at each 20% interval. The first set of adds (16 ^^^ elementals) spawn at 80%, they are all one encounter and grouped. The next set at 60% spawns 3 Epic x2 golems, all in one encounter. The 40% adds spawn as three sets of three Epic x2 Giants, nine total. The last set of adds at 20% are three x2 behemoths.

Vox herself does not have much HP, the adds are the 'actual' encounter and difficulty for the fight.

As of 15/09/13 Vox was changed so that her spawned adds could not be run around.

Vox has been killed on both TLE servers.