LU56 — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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**ковер в [[Зыбучие Пески]] теперь выглядит как колокол, но есть возможность сохранить прежний вид для тех кому он нравится больше
**ковер в [[Зыбучие Пески]] теперь выглядит как колокол, но есть возможность сохранить прежний вид для тех кому он нравится больше
===ПвП Поля Войны===
*Antonica and Commonlands have once again become hotbeds of conflict!   Will your lands be overrun or will your forces prevail against the siege?
*На просторах Антоники и Свободных Земель вновь разгорается конфликт! Падут ли ваши земли под натиском захватчиков или вы станете победителем над полчищами врагов?
*Warfields are Good vs. Evil faction based.  
*Сражения на Полях Войны основаны на противостоянии добрых и злых персонажей.  
*Rewards will be Discord Tokens with a higher quantity to the winning team.  
*В качестве награды игроки будут получать Discord Tokens. Команда-победитель получит их гораздо больше, чем проигравшие.  
*The event will stagger between Antonica and 2 hours later in Commonlands and last for 30 minutes.
*Сражение стартует в Антонике и через два часа начнется в Свободных Землях. Продолжительность сражения ограничена 30 минутами.
*The Antonica and Commonlands zones have been CHANGED to 10 level ranges from 4 to allow a wider range of skirmishes.
*The Antonica and Commonlands zones have been CHANGED to 10 level ranges from 4 to allow a wider range of skirmishes.
Event (Offense)
'''Сражение (атака)
*Four towers located near the three griffin towers and one near the city gate will spawn 10 minutes before the skirmish.
*Четыре башни расположенные, соответственно, у трех станций грифонов и одна - около городских ворот, появятся за 10 минут до сражения.
*At the start of the event, the towers will have 5 guardian statues that will need to be destroyed by the invaders.
*В начале сражения в башнях будет по 5 статуй защитников, которые необходимо уничтожить нападающим.
*The Tower Guardians are protected by powerful magic but are vulnerable to players of certain levels.  
*Защитники башен окружены мощной охраняющей магией, которую могут снять только игроки определенного уровня.  
*The Purple Tower Guardian will damage anyone level 31 or higher.
*Пурпурного (фиолетового) защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 31 уровня и выше.
*The Blue Tower Guardian will damage anyone level 51 or higher.
*Синего защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 51 уровня и выше.
*The Green Tower Guardian will damage anyone level 71 or higher.
*Зеленого защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 71 уровня и выше.
*The Red Tower Guardian is attackable by all level ranges.  
*Красного защитника башен может атаковать игрок любого уровня.
*The White Tower Guardian will be immune until all other guardians at that tower are defeated.
*Белый защитник башен имеет иммунитет к любым атакам, пока не повержены остальные защитники.
*Destroying the White Tower Guardian destroys that tower.
*Смерть белого защитника ведет к уничтожению башни.
*If all four Towers are destroyed, the invaders are victorious!
*Если все четыре башни разрушены, победа засчитывается нападающим!
Event (Defense)
Event (Defense)
*The battles favors the defending team Evil (Commonlands) or Good (Antonica).
*The battles favors the defending team Evil (Commonlands) or Good (Antonica).

Версия 22:19, 26 апреля 2010

Для просмотра статей относящихся к этому игровому обновлению, смотри Категория:LU56
  • Дата установки основного контента на тест-сервер: 24 апреля 2010г.
  • Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера: май 2010г.

Патч тест-сервера 24 апреля

Нью Халас

  • Город Нью Халас получил свое название по имени столицы Северного народа, которая была стерта с лица Норрата катаклизмом и войной. Он расположен в сердце острова Эрллиз, весьма неприветливой земли, страдающей от суровых морозов и агрессивной фауны. Со всех сторон это место окружено ледяными водами Моря Замерзшего Клыка. Когда-то здесь была деревня закаленных в войнах дворфов, которая постепенно разрасталась с благословения Митаниеля Марра и благодаря возобновленному сообщению с Расколотыми Землями Норрата. Пилигримы, желающие попасть в Нью Халас, могут воспользоваться гриффоном на пристани Гор Батчерблока. Новые персонажи, родившиеся в Нью Халасе, начнут свои приключения с Места Высадки Пилигримов, небольшого лагеря рядом с островом Эроллиз.
  • Примечание: Граждане Кейноса, Келетина и Нью Халаса, желающие изменить подданство, теперь могут обратиться к послу в своем городе, который подскажет, как это сделать и куда следует направиться.

Ледяная Твердыня: Возмездие

  • Новый х4 инстанс и связанные с ним задания предназначены для игроков, желающих попробовать свои силы в простых и средней сложности рейдовых сражениях. Настырные Фростфуты обнаружили новый проход в Ледяную Твердыню и теперь готовы сразиться с Ледяными Девами. Присоединяйтесь к Снарфу, Герби и их сподвижникам, чтобы одержать верх над недавно вылупившимся Ледяным Драконом Врюксссом! Однако, не забывайте, что вас предупреждали об опасностях... Перед тем, как войти в Твердыню, позаботьтесь, чтобы вас сопровождало не менее 23 друзей, иначе вам не пройти даже первый пост охраны.

Сюжетная линия

  • В журнале заданий добавлена новая вкладка “Сюжет”. С помощью этого окна можно будет отслеживать, как при выполнении многочисленных заданий, перед вами будет раскрываться удивительный мир Норрата. Кроме того, окно сюжета будет направлять вас к новым испытаниям и приключениям!

Система перемещений

  • Мы сделали некоторые изменения в игре, чтобы упростить перемещения
  • Путешествие в различные зоны теперь будет происходить с помощью нового интерфейса.
  • Выбор пункта назначения через телепорт, портовый колокол, сококаров/лошадей/грифонов и т.д. будет производиться через карту путешественника.
  • Просто выбирайте нужный пункт двойным щелчком мыши, или с помощью кнопки ОК.
  • При наведении курсора на локацию будет появляться информация о зоне и рекомендуемый уровень для прохождения.
  • Все зоны с портовыми колоколами и летучими коврами были объединены между собой. Таким образом, теперь вместо 6 колоколов на пристани Леса Нектулос там будет стоять один колокол, соединенный со всеми остальными колоколами Норрата. Портовые колокола, которые использовались для перемещения по Кейносу и Фрипорту остались без изменений, но они тоже теперь используют карту путешественника.
  • Порталы друидов больше не требуется активировать перед первым путешествием.
  • Священные кустики в порталах друидов получили дополнительную силу от Тунаре и теперь переносят игроков к любому другому кругу друидов!
  • Транслокация больше не требует использования символа иных миров.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой игроки переносились в неправильную точку Костяной Трясины и Пустынных Небес с помощью транслокации.
  • Символы иных миров больше не продаются у торговцев.
  • Сококаров теперь можно использовать без специального предмета. Вместо этого проводится проверка уровня приключенца или ремесленника. Изменения действительны для зон:
  • В следующих зонах больше не требуется активировать посты сококаров перед первым полетом:
  • Для перемещения внутри следующих локаций больше не требуется выполнять специальное задание или исследовать нужные точки. Задания остаются в игре, но они теперь необязательные.
  • Маршруты полетов в Горы Батчерблока и обратно, а также соединяющие их с Бездной Робких и Темнолесьем, исправлены и стали более правильными с географической точки зрения.
  • Следующие задания были изменены и теперь в награду за из выполнение предлагается некоторая сумма денег:
  • В следующих зонах появились новые маршруты перемещений или новые станции:
  • Все шпили, к которым можно было телепортироваться, теперь имеют постоянный телепорт и связаны в единую сеть перемещений. Это относится к зонам:
  • Время прочтения всех способностей "зова" уменьшено до 10 секунд. Это касается следующих заклинаний:
  • Были изменены портовые колокола Зала Гильдии:
    • теперь каждый колокол имеет свой внешний вид
    • ковер в Зыбучие Пески теперь выглядит как колокол, но есть возможность сохранить прежний вид для тех кому он нравится больше

ПвП Поля Войны

  • На просторах Антоники и Свободных Земель вновь разгорается конфликт! Падут ли ваши земли под натиском захватчиков или вы станете победителем над полчищами врагов?
  • Сражения на Полях Войны основаны на противостоянии добрых и злых персонажей.
  • В качестве награды игроки будут получать Discord Tokens. Команда-победитель получит их гораздо больше, чем проигравшие.
  • Сражение стартует в Антонике и через два часа начнется в Свободных Землях. Продолжительность сражения ограничена 30 минутами.
  • The Antonica and Commonlands zones have been CHANGED to 10 level ranges from 4 to allow a wider range of skirmishes.

Сражение (атака)

  • Четыре башни расположенные, соответственно, у трех станций грифонов и одна - около городских ворот, появятся за 10 минут до сражения.
  • В начале сражения в башнях будет по 5 статуй защитников, которые необходимо уничтожить нападающим.
  • Защитники башен окружены мощной охраняющей магией, которую могут снять только игроки определенного уровня.
  • Пурпурного (фиолетового) защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 31 уровня и выше.
  • Синего защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 51 уровня и выше.
  • Зеленого защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 71 уровня и выше.
  • Красного защитника башен может атаковать игрок любого уровня.
  • Белый защитник башен имеет иммунитет к любым атакам, пока не повержены остальные защитники.
  • Смерть белого защитника ведет к уничтожению башни.
  • Если все четыре башни разрушены, победа засчитывается нападающим!

Event (Defense)

  • The battles favors the defending team Evil (Commonlands) or Good (Antonica).
  • The defenders have 10 minutes to prepare for the siege and must then defend all four towers for 30 minutes.


  • EverQuest II now supports Shader 3.0 with new vibrant colors and depth processed by your GPU! To enable this feature, on supported cards, check the ‘Shader 3.0’ box in the Performance section of the Display options.


  • Many new quests have been added to the Stonebrunt Highlands! Seek out Sous Chef Jailaya in Moonfield Hamlet, Damodar in the Mausoleum of Scholars and Felidael in the Kejek encampment.


  • Fixed an issue where a character would stand on their mount for a brief second if they summoned a mount while wielding a weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where using a server controlled mount, that was similar to your active mount, would cause your active mount to disappear visually.
  • Fixed an issue where the client would sometimes crash if minimized during a flythrough sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where using a group illusion while on a mount could render a character topless.
  • Fixed an issue causing guild halls to not be available in other copies of the exterior zone if purchased when more than one copy exists.
  • Increasing your defense, parry, and/or deflection skills to very high levels will no longer cause your chance to avoid attacks to go down.
  • Looking around while moving backwards with strafe should no longer make you reverse directions.


  • When inspecting spells and abilities on PvE servers the PvP checkbox will default to unchecked.
  • The PvP checkbox will only appear on an item if the PvP description differs from the PvE description.
  • The tooltip on avoidance now shows both the normal block and uncontested block value for your character
  • The tooltip for stamina has been updated to better explain how it affects spell resistance.
  • Players can no longer change their UI while dead (this would cause the revive window to vanish).
  • The mouseover tooltip for tradeskill recipes will now properly display the byproduct amounts.


  • The Training Dummy Supply Chest guildhall amenity now provides dummies of varying difficulty.
  • Raid an epic dummy! (Loot not included)
  • The Training Dummy Supply Chest now offers a set of grouped training dummies.


  • Passive pet buffs from items will properly be applied to pets from Possess Essence.
  • Equipping an item adorned with Focus: Bruiser Stances will now drop your stances so the bonuses will be applied properly when renewing your stance.
  • Torrent and Pestilential Rain now only have one chance to trigger per round of AE Auto-Attacks.
  • PvP: Torrent and Pestilential Rain no longer have an unlimited range.
  • PvP: Stonewill can only trigger once every 20 seconds when in PVP Combat.
  • Tier 3 Raid Hats now all have additional effects.
  • The Crocodile Legends of Norrath pet is no longer attackable and cannot be killed by Area of Effect attacks.
  • Rockiron Nerves now correctly applies only one damage reduction effect.
  • Many mounts, including level 90 guild mounts have had their speed and buffs increased.
  • Many rare drops from the heroic Sentinel’s Fate Zones are now available by speaking to Kaliba Des'Sers in Moonfield Hamlet!
  • All bosses of Sentinel’s Fate heroic dungeons now have new rare drops!
  • There are new items available for raiders on the El’Arad merchant.
  • Tracker Coalbear’s Cuffs of the Ursine Threat can now be worn by mages.
  • Added yellow slot adornments to all tier 9 mastercrafted armor.
  • Changed the color of the text for the blue adornment slot from dark blue to light blue so it will be easier to read.
  • Added resistances to all types of mastercrafted armor.
  • Gravity Flux from Gravity, Staff of El’Arad will no longer teleport the target.
  • Nizara, City of the Nayad - “Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. I” pages 1-5 & “Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II” pages 1-5 are no longer no-trade.
  • Summoning the mount from the Ykeshan Warbear whistle will now work if you are level 80 in either adventuring or tradeskilling.


  • Character Traits can now be earned all the way to level 90!


  • Certain cosmetic pets will no longer overwrite Deity pets.
  • Deity pets can now be cast while moving.


  • Reactive Heal and Damage spells no longer fail to trigger if the spell has already been cast and the cleric is feared, stifled or stunned.


  • Certain versions of Earthen Avatar have had their appearances changed.


  • Tribal Spirit will now correctly apply the damage reduction.


  • Paranoia and Medusa’s Gaze now apply damage instantly rather than on termination.


  • Personae Reflections: Fixed an issue where the reflections would have a random hair style and hair color if a player race illusion was active.


  • You can no longer summon a healing grove into a wall.


  • Fiery Blast and Rhythmic Overture should no longer apply extra damage if cast by multiple people at the same time.


  • Shadow Step has had its damage reduced in PVP Combat.


  • Battle Frenzy now has 10 triggers when used in PVP Combat.


  • Divine Guidance now only has 10 triggers per person in PVP Combat.


  • Tortoise Shell no longer requires a buckler.


  • Improved Moderation will now apply properly in PVE combat on PVE servers. It displays both effects at all times.


  • Shaman now gain Shrink Servant when purchasing Summon Spirit Companion.
  • Spirit Companion: Active AAs will no longer drop when the character dies and resurrects.
  • Dazing Bash no longer requires a buckler.



  • Hail Storm now displays on the target.


  • Необходимая уборка в храме: Mobs will now correctly react to the player’s possessed level instead of their actual level.
  • Необходимая уборка в храме: The counter on the quest helper should now update correctly.
  • Эпическое оружие Фурии: для выполнения задания Возврат былой славы теперь не обязательно собирать корни смертоносного цветка. Для обновления задания можно найти их и другим способом (взять в банке или купить на брокере). Важное замечание: обновление будет работать, то если вы еще не находитесь на этой стадии задания
  • Эпическое оружие Трубадура: для выполнения задания Неистов и упрям, гори, огонь, гори! теперь не обязательно собирать ксегонитовые самородки. Для обновления задания можно найти их и другим способом (взять в банке или купить на брокере). Важное замечание: обновление будет работать, то если вы еще не находитесь на этой стадии задания
  • Wizard Epic: Of Fire and Ice: A Codex in Crisis: Players who delete the pages of the codex prior to completing the third stage of the quest (shame on you) can obtain the pages again.
  • Warlock Epic: The Will of Kyrtoxxulous: Warlocks can now purchase, trade or harvest the harvest items required during the seven stage of their quest. Please note this will only affect those who are not yet on this quest stage.
  • Stonebrunt Highlands: The Erudin Chef: Tasting the stew Chef Bahiyya is creating during and after this quest series should provide players with a temporary benefit!
  • Butcherblock Mountains: Trozusk’s Challenge: Player should receive the Horn of Challenge upon accepting the quest.
  • Jumjum for the Soul: This quest has been slightly simplified, and Shakey scarecrow should now be more accessible.
  • Steamfont: Unearthing the Moon: The Grikbar Crater is less dangerous for those attempting to complete this quest.
  • Everfrost: Girding of Gunuk: This quest has had its number of kills required drastically reduced.
  • The Footsteps of Dartain: Observation: The projected erudite will no longer disappear during conversation.
  • In Search of Lucan: Fyr’remd Lorak should no longer disappear during conversation.
  • Foomby’s Stolen Goods: The directions in “Bellendis Tempestcall’s” dialog for this quest have been changed for accuracy.
  • Miragul’s Pylactery: Anathema:
  • The following quests have had their quest category corrected:
    • Reminders of Miragul
    • Making Sense of Miragul, Part 2
    • Necromantic Neverwhere
    • Watching the Nasins Further
    • A Sorcerous Tune


  • Londiar is seeking assistance from adorners in the tradeskill societies of all major cities.
  • Амброзия из замороженных гранатов и Halasian Ice Brew now have stats useful to all archetypes.
  • На складе предметов сбора и в Tinkered Personal Harvest Depot теперь можно хранить инридиенты, которые можно собрать во время различных игровых событий
  • Стрелы 90 ур. (Spirit-blessed arrows) теперь имеют немного отличающуюся иконку
  • Ward of Elements gear no longer requires previous tiers of armor to obtain it. Coin costs were added to Tier 2 and Tier 3 armor. Patterns are no longer needed, you can purchase Tier 3 armor with just the mold and Void Shards. If you happen to have a pattern, you can trade it to Assilus to get the corresponding mold back.
  • Тронутое Пустотой дерево теперь можно складывать в ячейки по 200 штук
  • Рецепты механиков of all levels now have events to counter.
  • Difficulty levels of greater and superior adorning recipes have been raised slightly, to give a slightly greater chance of a skill up.
  • Ремесленники, надевшие свою сережку солцестояния, могут найти новые коллекции по всему игровому миру


  • Research Assistants will now mention which spell tiers can be upgraded.
  • Research times have been lowered. You should be able to research something before out-leveling it now!


  • Increased spell-damage in PvP Combat by ~15% for all classes
  • New Stat: PvP Critical Mitigation.
  • This is critical mitigation that works only on attacks made on a player from a player.
  • Toughness provides a bonus to PvP Critical Mitigation.
  • Starting at level 30 players can go to 100% AAXP on a PvP server and have no limits on how many AA points they can spend (it used to be 1.5 * level).
  • Improved Moderation buff now works in PvP on groupmates.
  • Disabling combat experience on a PvP server also disables experience gain from killing players.
  • The tooltips on mitigations (physical, elemental, arcane and noxious) now includes the amount mitigated from PvP damage as well. Note: players get a slight bonus to mitigations against PvP damage and this percent includes that bonus.
  • Improved Moderation’s PvP effect will now work and cause players you attack to target you from time to time and players attacking your groupmates to lose target from time to time.
  • Flat amount damage reduction from abilities like “Battle Hardening” will only reduce a PvP attacks damage by no more than 50% and will no longer be able to reduce PvP attack damage to zero. However, this still stacks with abilities such as “Last Man Standing” so it is still possible to “fail to inflict damage” but it should not happen nearly as often.
  • Massive Concussive Shock no longer has an unlimited range in PvP.
  • You can no longer /yell to prevent would be attackers from getting pvp credit for your death.


  • Writs have been updated to be equally rewarding across all tiers.
  • All writs now require 6 kills and grant 5 tokens.


  • Scions of War carrying new wares are now available in all starting cities.
  • All previous faction merchants have been removed and all their wares have been moved to the Scion of War marked, Discord Vintage Wares.
  • Prices have been modified to allow a reachable progression in gear acquisition through each tier.
  • Other then some potions, all items are Heirloom.


  • A single currency will be used from now on, the Discord Token.
  • All other currency can be exchanged using the Priest of Discord.
  • Currency exchange rate is 1:1 and can be exchange 5 or 100 at a time.
  • The new token is heirloom and replaces the old Shattered Lands Discord token. As such, there are no exchange bags for this tokens.


  • Tear of Discord now provides 3 Accuracy.
  • Essence of Discord now provides 3 Critical Bonus.


  • Disk of Chaotic Energy is now 70 speed.
  • Discord's Prescient Disk is now 70 speed.
  • Discord’s Enduring Disk is now 70 speed.


  • Fix for some items with identical names becoming jumbled when using /load_layout (like guild hall teleporters).
  • NOTE: This fix upped the version number of house layout files from 4 to 5. So old layout files will not be able to be loaded.

Поля сражений

  • Each tower in Smuggler’s Den now has a unique icon on the map.
  • Player locations will now be randomized at the beginning of a match (to help prevent players from stacking up on each other).
  • Joust will cause the flag and murderball to be dropped (like other teleport related abilities).
  • Players who attempt to pick up the relic while inside a respawn area will cause the relic to reset.
  • Players on the flying disk in Smuggler’s Den will be returned to the starting spot at the end of the match.
  • Your group or raid can no longer queue for a battleground if any member is not permitted to queue for battlegrounds.
  • There will no longer be a message “Player has dropped the flag” when Player captures the flag in the Battlefield of Ganak battleground.
  • If two teams achieve or exceed the target score for a battleground the match will result in a tie with a tied score.
  • Battleground icons (flags, relics etc…) will only show on the current zone and will not show when browsing maps other than the current zone.
  • Setting anon or roleplay on your home server to on will no longer get set to off when returning from a battleground.
  • Wards now add properly into battleground stats.
  • Healing credit for wards will only be awarded for damage prevented by wards not for regenerating of wards.
  • When accepting a battleground match while in combat the accept window should re-appear correctly.
  • You should now be able to move more freely during pregame of a battleground.
  • The battleground score window will show when you enter a battleground even if you have moved the window.
  • Pets will now have the team colors of their owners in a battleground.
  • You can no longer open the battleground leaderboard window unless there is data to show in that window.
  • You will now get credit for cliff jumpers in battleground pvp, assuming you are close enough when they die for credit.
  • The following items have been disabled in BGs:
    • Bot Made Ice Cream Cart
    • Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction
    • Vhalen’s Tribute Band
    • Gigglegibber Giggle Giver
    • Heat Guided Message in a Bottle
  • Gears of Klakanon, Smuggler’s Den, and Battlefield of Ganak are now available in 10-level increments to all players level 30 or higher!
  • All participating players will be auto-mentored down to 30 or 40 or whichever ‘base’ level is appropriate for their tier.
  • New battleground armor sets and accessories are also available for purchase every 10 levels to all players level 30 through 80
  • Additionally, level 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 mastercrafted armor has had limited amounts of toughness added, and should serve as excellent ‘starter’ sets for the battlegrounds. The sets remain otherwise unchanged
  • Battlegrounds that end in a tie will now reward both teams as though they won
  • Gears of Klakanon – the relic now resets as soon as it is dropped
  • 1st Campaign armor sets are now available from the Scion of Belamorte! This glimmering golden armor is some of the most powerful yet, and comes with the ability to be adorned with brand new pvp-only Blue adornments!
  • There are 20+ brand new blue adornments available for purchase with battlegrounds tokens and usable on the new 1st Campaign armor set!
  • Level 30 -> 80 fabled accessories are now available for purchase from the Scion of Belamorte!
  • These items for sale include many of the level 80 accessories that previously had their procs disabled in BGs. The procs have had a proc limiter added, and been re-enabled for use!
  • There are a number of brand new level 90 fabled accessories for sale from the Scion of Belamorte!

Осколок Любви

Осколок Ненависти и Бастион Мунзога

  • Таймеры этих зон снижены, чтобы соответствовать другим рейд зонам этого тира


  • A good amount of polish has been applied to the Roehn Theer fight:
  • The Rune of Paixao event has been changed slightly –
  • Theer only debuffs 4 players now instead of 6 so that there are an even # of matches
  • Instead of players needing to find a target of the opposite charge, they must search for group members with the identical charge
  • Doing so successfully now grants a temporary dps buff
  • Balanced Judgment, the failure to do so, is no longer resistable
  • Awe’s damage is now slightly more resistable, it was not intended to nearly insta-gib players
  • Theer should no longer occasionally drop loot on a platform that immediately drops down below the killplane
  • The killplane in his room should no longer occasionally NOT kill players
  • The Runes of Order and Chaos (white/red) should no longer occasionally switch to the other’s previous location
  • The Runes of Order and Chaos should also no longer occasionally switch then immediately drop down below the platform
  • Approaching Equilibrium now returns to its rune of Origin (where it spawned) if it happens to fall below Roehn Theer’s platform

Информация с официального форума

Нижеприведенная информация является переводом сообщений представителей команды разработчиков на официальном форуме.


Новая городская фракция Вóроны Севера

  • Предводитель - Николас МакКрейфт
  • Расположение - Нью-Халас
  • Вóроны Севера - это ремесленное сообщество Нью-Халаса. Первые поселенцы в этих краях представлены варварами, а также представителями других рас-последователей богини Марр, однако здесь рады и новым гостям, с условием, что они не нарушают мирное течение жизни, согласны трудиться над восстановлением Халаса и оказывают должное уважение храму Эроллизи.
  • Халас, историческая родина Северян, больше не существует. Разрушаясь от бесконечных войн со снежными орками, город в конце-концов был окончательно стерт с лица Норрата градом обломков Луклин, полностью соответствуя древнему пророчеству шамана "В ночь огня, земля поглотит Халас. Кровь потечет как вода, а смерть придет через воздух." Halas, the ancestral home of the Northmen, is no more. Torn asunder by years of fighting with the snow orcs, the city was finally razed to the ground by the fiery chunks of Luclin raining down to fulfil the shaman's prophecy: "On the night of fire, Halas shall be consumed by earth. Blood shall flow like water, for death travels through the air." Yet the sons and daughters of the Marr twins will not go quietly into the Gray Wastes, nor shall we leave our beloved Erollisi Marr unguarded as she travels those lands. Where she now lies, let us go too. We shall rebuild New Halas to stand guard by her shrine, and never again shall we turn our backs on our home.
  • --Nickolas MacCraifft, the White Raven

ПвП сервера

  • Level locking enabled starting at level 30.
  • Removal of level restrictions for Achievement distribution.
  • 100% achievement bar settings prior to max level.
  • Single Currency for Open PVP, the Discord Token. The new coin will be the Discord Token and I have set up a merchant to exchange the tokens for you in increments of 5 or 100. I know some will be able to gear up more of their characters quickly, but that is the point. I want you to be able to play on your account at whatever level you want and either save or spend your token when you want.
  • Warfields! Antonica and Commonlands... Warfields are restricted to PVP servers. It is a new event that will be on pvp-servers only that will give players the opportunity to fight for control of Antonica or the Commonlands. It will not be affecting pvE servers in any way
  • The writs are being changes to 6 kills for 5 tokens across all levels. A single currency regardless of the level will be used.

Поля сражений

  • Brand new 1st Campaign armor sets and accessories
  • Many of the accessories are based upon the currently BG-disabled RoK PvP accessories. Those adornments have had their effects adjusted and will be re-enabled for battlegrounds!
  • Each armor piece will have a pvp-only Blue adornment slot!
  • As such, we'll all be introducing 20+ new Blue adornments!
  • Battlegrounds at levels 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 are being activated!
  • Battleground armor sets and accessories will be on sale at each of those tiers
  • Additionally, we've internally removed the ~15% damage reduction applied to all spells in pvp combat.
  • after the GU the BG tiers will be: 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, and 90
  • Players in each tier will be auto-mentored down to the lowest common level (30, 40, 50, etc)
  • Players in each tier will also have armor sets and accessories available for purchase from the existing PvP Merchants in the major cities.
  • The BG 'starter' sets will be the already-existing Mastercrafted armor sets (from levels 30 -> 70). Each has had a small amount of toughness added to its existing stats.


  • Tending to Toxxicology

We are aware of the issues with the quest in Sundered Frontier "Tending to Toxxicology" becoming gated if someone summons Sherra prior to someone else zoning in. And good news! We have a fix... Now the bad news... In order to fix this issue we are going to have to remove the stage of the quest that requires you to zone into Toxxulia's Mound. When we do this it will reset everyone back to the first stage of this quest.
I just wanted to give you guys ample warning that this will go in with GU56 (Currently scheduled for late May) so if you have progressed the quest you might want to try to finish it before GU56 or lose your progress and possibly have to get the updates for the Wyrmlord and Wyvernlord again.

  • Infiltrating the Sauctum : Shadow Ordinance
    The sanctum trial stone will simply not be required to start the event anymore. This change is already tested internally so it will definitely be part of GU 56, and I'll see about getting it out earlier than that
  • Предписания для инкрустаторов. I had a play around with the possibilities of an adorning quest, and when GU56 hits Test server there should be a questgiver appearing in the main tradeskill societies so anybody interested can see what they think. I don't think it anything similar is needed for tinkering at present - leveling up tinkering is already quite painless thanks to guild harvesters, and tinkerers are not affecting the broker prices for newbie equipment so significantly as adorners. That's not to say it's out of the question, but I don't think it's valid to consider tinkering and adorning as equal and equivalent, as they work very differently.

Some other things that we are discussing as a possibility for providing more adorning material are making more newbie quest rewards tradeable, and possibly putting some transmutable items into those rainbow scrying areas. These are still under internal discussion however, we aren't planning to rush a whole bunch of changes in all at once so we'll see how it goes.

Тренировочные чучела

  • We've added a new set of dummies for GU56 that come as a linked encounter of a total of eight heroic training dummies. Enjoy!


  • There will be some new 1 handed and 2 handed healer weapons with GU 56. In both heroic and epic content.


  • Unfortunately we will not be making drastic changes to Thundering Steppes this time around. That doesn't mean there will be no changes but we are not considering it being revamped. GU56 will be full of cool stuff though (Including but not limited to New Halas and some new raids) you should see it hitting test servers in the not too distant future.
Для просмотра статей относящихся к этому игровому обновлению, смотри Категория:LU56
  • Дата установки основного контента на тест-сервер: 24 апреля 2010г.
  • Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера: май 2010г.

Патч тест-сервера 24 апреля

Нью Халас

  • Город Нью Халас получил свое название по имени столицы Северного народа, которая была стерта с лица Норрата катаклизмом и войной. Он расположен в сердце острова Эрллиз, весьма неприветливой земли, страдающей от суровых морозов и агрессивной фауны. Со всех сторон это место окружено ледяными водами Моря Замерзшего Клыка. Когда-то здесь была деревня закаленных в войнах дворфов, которая постепенно разрасталась с благословения Митаниеля Марра и благодаря возобновленному сообщению с Расколотыми Землями Норрата. Пилигримы, желающие попасть в Нью Халас, могут воспользоваться гриффоном на пристани Гор Батчерблока. Новые персонажи, родившиеся в Нью Халасе, начнут свои приключения с Места Высадки Пилигримов, небольшого лагеря рядом с островом Эроллиз.
  • Примечание: Граждане Кейноса, Келетина и Нью Халаса, желающие изменить подданство, теперь могут обратиться к послу в своем городе, который подскажет, как это сделать и куда следует направиться.

Ледяная Твердыня: Возмездие

  • Новый х4 инстанс и связанные с ним задания предназначены для игроков, желающих попробовать свои силы в простых и средней сложности рейдовых сражениях. Настырные Фростфуты обнаружили новый проход в Ледяную Твердыню и теперь готовы сразиться с Ледяными Девами. Присоединяйтесь к Снарфу, Герби и их сподвижникам, чтобы одержать верх над недавно вылупившимся Ледяным Драконом Врюксссом! Однако, не забывайте, что вас предупреждали об опасностях... Перед тем, как войти в Твердыню, позаботьтесь, чтобы вас сопровождало не менее 23 друзей, иначе вам не пройти даже первый пост охраны.

Сюжетная линия

  • В журнале заданий добавлена новая вкладка “Сюжет”. С помощью этого окна можно будет отслеживать, как при выполнении многочисленных заданий, перед вами будет раскрываться удивительный мир Норрата. Кроме того, окно сюжета будет направлять вас к новым испытаниям и приключениям!

Система перемещений

  • Мы сделали некоторые изменения в игре, чтобы упростить перемещения
  • Путешествие в различные зоны теперь будет происходить с помощью нового интерфейса.
  • Выбор пункта назначения через телепорт, портовый колокол, сококаров/лошадей/грифонов и т.д. будет производиться через карту путешественника.
  • Просто выбирайте нужный пункт двойным щелчком мыши, или с помощью кнопки ОК.
  • При наведении курсора на локацию будет появляться информация о зоне и рекомендуемый уровень для прохождения.
  • Все зоны с портовыми колоколами и летучими коврами были объединены между собой. Таким образом, теперь вместо 6 колоколов на пристани Леса Нектулос там будет стоять один колокол, соединенный со всеми остальными колоколами Норрата. Портовые колокола, которые использовались для перемещения по Кейносу и Фрипорту остались без изменений, но они тоже теперь используют карту путешественника.
  • Порталы друидов больше не требуется активировать перед первым путешествием.
  • Священные кустики в порталах друидов получили дополнительную силу от Тунаре и теперь переносят игроков к любому другому кругу друидов!
  • Транслокация больше не требует использования символа иных миров.
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой игроки переносились в неправильную точку Костяной Трясины и Пустынных Небес с помощью транслокации.
  • Символы иных миров больше не продаются у торговцев.
  • Сококаров теперь можно использовать без специального предмета. Вместо этого проводится проверка уровня приключенца или ремесленника. Изменения действительны для зон:
  • В следующих зонах больше не требуется активировать посты сококаров перед первым полетом:
  • Для перемещения внутри следующих локаций больше не требуется выполнять специальное задание или исследовать нужные точки. Задания остаются в игре, но они теперь необязательные.
  • Маршруты полетов в Горы Батчерблока и обратно, а также соединяющие их с Бездной Робких и Темнолесьем, исправлены и стали более правильными с географической точки зрения.
  • Следующие задания были изменены и теперь в награду за из выполнение предлагается некоторая сумма денег:
  • В следующих зонах появились новые маршруты перемещений или новые станции:
  • Все шпили, к которым можно было телепортироваться, теперь имеют постоянный телепорт и связаны в единую сеть перемещений. Это относится к зонам:
  • Время прочтения всех способностей "зова" уменьшено до 10 секунд. Это касается следующих заклинаний:
  • Были изменены портовые колокола Зала Гильдии:
    • теперь каждый колокол имеет свой внешний вид
    • ковер в Зыбучие Пески теперь выглядит как колокол, но есть возможность сохранить прежний вид для тех кому он нравится больше

ПвП Поля Войны

  • На просторах Антоники и Свободных Земель вновь разгорается конфликт! Падут ли ваши земли под натиском захватчиков или вы станете победителем над полчищами врагов?
  • Сражения на Полях Войны основаны на противостоянии добрых и злых персонажей.
  • В качестве награды игроки будут получать Discord Tokens. Команда-победитель получит их гораздо больше, чем проигравшие.
  • Сражение стартует в Антонике и через два часа начнется в Свободных Землях. Продолжительность сражения ограничена 30 минутами.
  • The Antonica and Commonlands zones have been CHANGED to 10 level ranges from 4 to allow a wider range of skirmishes.

Сражение (атака)

  • Четыре башни расположенные, соответственно, у трех станций грифонов и одна - около городских ворот, появятся за 10 минут до сражения.
  • В начале сражения в башнях будет по 5 статуй защитников, которые необходимо уничтожить нападающим.
  • Защитники башен окружены мощной охраняющей магией, которую могут снять только игроки определенного уровня.
  • Пурпурного (фиолетового) защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 31 уровня и выше.
  • Синего защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 51 уровня и выше.
  • Зеленого защитника башен может атаковать любой игрок 71 уровня и выше.
  • Красного защитника башен может атаковать игрок любого уровня.
  • Белый защитник башен имеет иммунитет к любым атакам, пока не повержены остальные защитники.
  • Смерть белого защитника ведет к уничтожению башни.
  • Если все четыре башни разрушены, победа засчитывается нападающим!

Event (Defense)

  • The battles favors the defending team Evil (Commonlands) or Good (Antonica).
  • The defenders have 10 minutes to prepare for the siege and must then defend all four towers for 30 minutes.


  • EverQuest II now supports Shader 3.0 with new vibrant colors and depth processed by your GPU! To enable this feature, on supported cards, check the ‘Shader 3.0’ box in the Performance section of the Display options.


  • Many new quests have been added to the Stonebrunt Highlands! Seek out Sous Chef Jailaya in Moonfield Hamlet, Damodar in the Mausoleum of Scholars and Felidael in the Kejek encampment.


  • Fixed an issue where a character would stand on their mount for a brief second if they summoned a mount while wielding a weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where using a server controlled mount, that was similar to your active mount, would cause your active mount to disappear visually.
  • Fixed an issue where the client would sometimes crash if minimized during a flythrough sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where using a group illusion while on a mount could render a character topless.
  • Fixed an issue causing guild halls to not be available in other copies of the exterior zone if purchased when more than one copy exists.
  • Increasing your defense, parry, and/or deflection skills to very high levels will no longer cause your chance to avoid attacks to go down.
  • Looking around while moving backwards with strafe should no longer make you reverse directions.


  • When inspecting spells and abilities on PvE servers the PvP checkbox will default to unchecked.
  • The PvP checkbox will only appear on an item if the PvP description differs from the PvE description.
  • The tooltip on avoidance now shows both the normal block and uncontested block value for your character
  • The tooltip for stamina has been updated to better explain how it affects spell resistance.
  • Players can no longer change their UI while dead (this would cause the revive window to vanish).
  • The mouseover tooltip for tradeskill recipes will now properly display the byproduct amounts.


  • The Training Dummy Supply Chest guildhall amenity now provides dummies of varying difficulty.
  • Raid an epic dummy! (Loot not included)
  • The Training Dummy Supply Chest now offers a set of grouped training dummies.


  • Passive pet buffs from items will properly be applied to pets from Possess Essence.
  • Equipping an item adorned with Focus: Bruiser Stances will now drop your stances so the bonuses will be applied properly when renewing your stance.
  • Torrent and Pestilential Rain now only have one chance to trigger per round of AE Auto-Attacks.
  • PvP: Torrent and Pestilential Rain no longer have an unlimited range.
  • PvP: Stonewill can only trigger once every 20 seconds when in PVP Combat.
  • Tier 3 Raid Hats now all have additional effects.
  • The Crocodile Legends of Norrath pet is no longer attackable and cannot be killed by Area of Effect attacks.
  • Rockiron Nerves now correctly applies only one damage reduction effect.
  • Many mounts, including level 90 guild mounts have had their speed and buffs increased.
  • Many rare drops from the heroic Sentinel’s Fate Zones are now available by speaking to Kaliba Des'Sers in Moonfield Hamlet!
  • All bosses of Sentinel’s Fate heroic dungeons now have new rare drops!
  • There are new items available for raiders on the El’Arad merchant.
  • Tracker Coalbear’s Cuffs of the Ursine Threat can now be worn by mages.
  • Added yellow slot adornments to all tier 9 mastercrafted armor.
  • Changed the color of the text for the blue adornment slot from dark blue to light blue so it will be easier to read.
  • Added resistances to all types of mastercrafted armor.
  • Gravity Flux from Gravity, Staff of El’Arad will no longer teleport the target.
  • Nizara, City of the Nayad - “Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. I” pages 1-5 & “Necropolis of Lxanvon, Vol. II” pages 1-5 are no longer no-trade.
  • Summoning the mount from the Ykeshan Warbear whistle will now work if you are level 80 in either adventuring or tradeskilling.


  • Character Traits can now be earned all the way to level 90!


  • Certain cosmetic pets will no longer overwrite Deity pets.
  • Deity pets can now be cast while moving.


  • Reactive Heal and Damage spells no longer fail to trigger if the spell has already been cast and the cleric is feared, stifled or stunned.


  • Certain versions of Earthen Avatar have had their appearances changed.


  • Tribal Spirit will now correctly apply the damage reduction.


  • Paranoia and Medusa’s Gaze now apply damage instantly rather than on termination.


  • Personae Reflections: Fixed an issue where the reflections would have a random hair style and hair color if a player race illusion was active.


  • You can no longer summon a healing grove into a wall.


  • Fiery Blast and Rhythmic Overture should no longer apply extra damage if cast by multiple people at the same time.


  • Shadow Step has had its damage reduced in PVP Combat.


  • Battle Frenzy now has 10 triggers when used in PVP Combat.


  • Divine Guidance now only has 10 triggers per person in PVP Combat.


  • Tortoise Shell no longer requires a buckler.


  • Improved Moderation will now apply properly in PVE combat on PVE servers. It displays both effects at all times.


  • Shaman now gain Shrink Servant when purchasing Summon Spirit Companion.
  • Spirit Companion: Active AAs will no longer drop when the character dies and resurrects.
  • Dazing Bash no longer requires a buckler.



  • Hail Storm now displays on the target.


  • Необходимая уборка в храме: Mobs will now correctly react to the player’s possessed level instead of their actual level.
  • Необходимая уборка в храме: The counter on the quest helper should now update correctly.
  • Эпическое оружие Фурии: для выполнения задания Возврат былой славы теперь не обязательно собирать корни смертоносного цветка. Для обновления задания можно найти их и другим способом (взять в банке или купить на брокере). Важное замечание: обновление будет работать, то если вы еще не находитесь на этой стадии задания
  • Эпическое оружие Трубадура: для выполнения задания Неистов и упрям, гори, огонь, гори! теперь не обязательно собирать ксегонитовые самородки. Для обновления задания можно найти их и другим способом (взять в банке или купить на брокере). Важное замечание: обновление будет работать, то если вы еще не находитесь на этой стадии задания
  • Wizard Epic: Of Fire and Ice: A Codex in Crisis: Players who delete the pages of the codex prior to completing the third stage of the quest (shame on you) can obtain the pages again.
  • Warlock Epic: The Will of Kyrtoxxulous: Warlocks can now purchase, trade or harvest the harvest items required during the seven stage of their quest. Please note this will only affect those who are not yet on this quest stage.
  • Stonebrunt Highlands: The Erudin Chef: Tasting the stew Chef Bahiyya is creating during and after this quest series should provide players with a temporary benefit!
  • Butcherblock Mountains: Trozusk’s Challenge: Player should receive the Horn of Challenge upon accepting the quest.
  • Jumjum for the Soul: This quest has been slightly simplified, and Shakey scarecrow should now be more accessible.
  • Steamfont: Unearthing the Moon: The Grikbar Crater is less dangerous for those attempting to complete this quest.
  • Everfrost: Girding of Gunuk: This quest has had its number of kills required drastically reduced.
  • The Footsteps of Dartain: Observation: The projected erudite will no longer disappear during conversation.
  • In Search of Lucan: Fyr’remd Lorak should no longer disappear during conversation.
  • Foomby’s Stolen Goods: The directions in “Bellendis Tempestcall’s” dialog for this quest have been changed for accuracy.
  • Miragul’s Pylactery: Anathema:
  • The following quests have had their quest category corrected:
    • Reminders of Miragul
    • Making Sense of Miragul, Part 2
    • Necromantic Neverwhere
    • Watching the Nasins Further
    • A Sorcerous Tune


  • Londiar is seeking assistance from adorners in the tradeskill societies of all major cities.
  • Амброзия из замороженных гранатов и Halasian Ice Brew now have stats useful to all archetypes.
  • На складе предметов сбора и в Tinkered Personal Harvest Depot теперь можно хранить инридиенты, которые можно собрать во время различных игровых событий
  • Стрелы 90 ур. (Spirit-blessed arrows) теперь имеют немного отличающуюся иконку
  • Ward of Elements gear no longer requires previous tiers of armor to obtain it. Coin costs were added to Tier 2 and Tier 3 armor. Patterns are no longer needed, you can purchase Tier 3 armor with just the mold and Void Shards. If you happen to have a pattern, you can trade it to Assilus to get the corresponding mold back.
  • Тронутое Пустотой дерево теперь можно складывать в ячейки по 200 штук
  • Рецепты механиков of all levels now have events to counter.
  • Difficulty levels of greater and superior adorning recipes have been raised slightly, to give a slightly greater chance of a skill up.
  • Ремесленники, надевшие свою сережку солцестояния, могут найти новые коллекции по всему игровому миру


  • Research Assistants will now mention which spell tiers can be upgraded.
  • Research times have been lowered. You should be able to research something before out-leveling it now!


  • Increased spell-damage in PvP Combat by ~15% for all classes
  • New Stat: PvP Critical Mitigation.
  • This is critical mitigation that works only on attacks made on a player from a player.
  • Toughness provides a bonus to PvP Critical Mitigation.
  • Starting at level 30 players can go to 100% AAXP on a PvP server and have no limits on how many AA points they can spend (it used to be 1.5 * level).
  • Improved Moderation buff now works in PvP on groupmates.
  • Disabling combat experience on a PvP server also disables experience gain from killing players.
  • The tooltips on mitigations (physical, elemental, arcane and noxious) now includes the amount mitigated from PvP damage as well. Note: players get a slight bonus to mitigations against PvP damage and this percent includes that bonus.
  • Improved Moderation’s PvP effect will now work and cause players you attack to target you from time to time and players attacking your groupmates to lose target from time to time.
  • Flat amount damage reduction from abilities like “Battle Hardening” will only reduce a PvP attacks damage by no more than 50% and will no longer be able to reduce PvP attack damage to zero. However, this still stacks with abilities such as “Last Man Standing” so it is still possible to “fail to inflict damage” but it should not happen nearly as often.
  • Massive Concussive Shock no longer has an unlimited range in PvP.
  • You can no longer /yell to prevent would be attackers from getting pvp credit for your death.


  • Writs have been updated to be equally rewarding across all tiers.
  • All writs now require 6 kills and grant 5 tokens.


  • Scions of War carrying new wares are now available in all starting cities.
  • All previous faction merchants have been removed and all their wares have been moved to the Scion of War marked, Discord Vintage Wares.
  • Prices have been modified to allow a reachable progression in gear acquisition through each tier.
  • Other then some potions, all items are Heirloom.


  • A single currency will be used from now on, the Discord Token.
  • All other currency can be exchanged using the Priest of Discord.
  • Currency exchange rate is 1:1 and can be exchange 5 or 100 at a time.
  • The new token is heirloom and replaces the old Shattered Lands Discord token. As such, there are no exchange bags for this tokens.


  • Tear of Discord now provides 3 Accuracy.
  • Essence of Discord now provides 3 Critical Bonus.


  • Disk of Chaotic Energy is now 70 speed.
  • Discord's Prescient Disk is now 70 speed.
  • Discord’s Enduring Disk is now 70 speed.


  • Fix for some items with identical names becoming jumbled when using /load_layout (like guild hall teleporters).
  • NOTE: This fix upped the version number of house layout files from 4 to 5. So old layout files will not be able to be loaded.

Поля сражений

  • Each tower in Smuggler’s Den now has a unique icon on the map.
  • Player locations will now be randomized at the beginning of a match (to help prevent players from stacking up on each other).
  • Joust will cause the flag and murderball to be dropped (like other teleport related abilities).
  • Players who attempt to pick up the relic while inside a respawn area will cause the relic to reset.
  • Players on the flying disk in Smuggler’s Den will be returned to the starting spot at the end of the match.
  • Your group or raid can no longer queue for a battleground if any member is not permitted to queue for battlegrounds.
  • There will no longer be a message “Player has dropped the flag” when Player captures the flag in the Battlefield of Ganak battleground.
  • If two teams achieve or exceed the target score for a battleground the match will result in a tie with a tied score.
  • Battleground icons (flags, relics etc…) will only show on the current zone and will not show when browsing maps other than the current zone.
  • Setting anon or roleplay on your home server to on will no longer get set to off when returning from a battleground.
  • Wards now add properly into battleground stats.
  • Healing credit for wards will only be awarded for damage prevented by wards not for regenerating of wards.
  • When accepting a battleground match while in combat the accept window should re-appear correctly.
  • You should now be able to move more freely during pregame of a battleground.
  • The battleground score window will show when you enter a battleground even if you have moved the window.
  • Pets will now have the team colors of their owners in a battleground.
  • You can no longer open the battleground leaderboard window unless there is data to show in that window.
  • You will now get credit for cliff jumpers in battleground pvp, assuming you are close enough when they die for credit.
  • The following items have been disabled in BGs:
    • Bot Made Ice Cream Cart
    • Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction
    • Vhalen’s Tribute Band
    • Gigglegibber Giggle Giver
    • Heat Guided Message in a Bottle
  • Gears of Klakanon, Smuggler’s Den, and Battlefield of Ganak are now available in 10-level increments to all players level 30 or higher!
  • All participating players will be auto-mentored down to 30 or 40 or whichever ‘base’ level is appropriate for their tier.
  • New battleground armor sets and accessories are also available for purchase every 10 levels to all players level 30 through 80
  • Additionally, level 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 mastercrafted armor has had limited amounts of toughness added, and should serve as excellent ‘starter’ sets for the battlegrounds. The sets remain otherwise unchanged
  • Battlegrounds that end in a tie will now reward both teams as though they won
  • Gears of Klakanon – the relic now resets as soon as it is dropped
  • 1st Campaign armor sets are now available from the Scion of Belamorte! This glimmering golden armor is some of the most powerful yet, and comes with the ability to be adorned with brand new pvp-only Blue adornments!
  • There are 20+ brand new blue adornments available for purchase with battlegrounds tokens and usable on the new 1st Campaign armor set!
  • Level 30 -> 80 fabled accessories are now available for purchase from the Scion of Belamorte!
  • These items for sale include many of the level 80 accessories that previously had their procs disabled in BGs. The procs have had a proc limiter added, and been re-enabled for use!
  • There are a number of brand new level 90 fabled accessories for sale from the Scion of Belamorte!

Осколок Любви

Осколок Ненависти и Бастион Мунзога

  • Таймеры этих зон снижены, чтобы соответствовать другим рейд зонам этого тира


  • A good amount of polish has been applied to the Roehn Theer fight:
  • The Rune of Paixao event has been changed slightly –
  • Theer only debuffs 4 players now instead of 6 so that there are an even # of matches
  • Instead of players needing to find a target of the opposite charge, they must search for group members with the identical charge
  • Doing so successfully now grants a temporary dps buff
  • Balanced Judgment, the failure to do so, is no longer resistable
  • Awe’s damage is now slightly more resistable, it was not intended to nearly insta-gib players
  • Theer should no longer occasionally drop loot on a platform that immediately drops down below the killplane
  • The killplane in his room should no longer occasionally NOT kill players
  • The Runes of Order and Chaos (white/red) should no longer occasionally switch to the other’s previous location
  • The Runes of Order and Chaos should also no longer occasionally switch then immediately drop down below the platform
  • Approaching Equilibrium now returns to its rune of Origin (where it spawned) if it happens to fall below Roehn Theer’s platform

Информация с официального форума

Нижеприведенная информация является переводом сообщений представителей команды разработчиков на официальном форуме.


Новая городская фракция Вóроны Севера

  • Предводитель - Николас МакКрейфт
  • Расположение - Нью-Халас
  • Вóроны Севера - это ремесленное сообщество Нью-Халаса. Первые поселенцы в этих краях представлены варварами, а также представителями других рас-последователей богини Марр, однако здесь рады и новым гостям, с условием, что они не нарушают мирное течение жизни, согласны трудиться над восстановлением Халаса и оказывают должное уважение храму Эроллизи.
  • Халас, историческая родина Северян, больше не существует. Разрушаясь от бесконечных войн со снежными орками, город в конце-концов был окончательно стерт с лица Норрата градом обломков Луклин, полностью соответствуя древнему пророчеству шамана "В ночь огня, земля поглотит Халас. Кровь потечет как вода, а смерть придет через воздух." Halas, the ancestral home of the Northmen, is no more. Torn asunder by years of fighting with the snow orcs, the city was finally razed to the ground by the fiery chunks of Luclin raining down to fulfil the shaman's prophecy: "On the night of fire, Halas shall be consumed by earth. Blood shall flow like water, for death travels through the air." Yet the sons and daughters of the Marr twins will not go quietly into the Gray Wastes, nor shall we leave our beloved Erollisi Marr unguarded as she travels those lands. Where she now lies, let us go too. We shall rebuild New Halas to stand guard by her shrine, and never again shall we turn our backs on our home.
  • --Nickolas MacCraifft, the White Raven

ПвП сервера

  • Level locking enabled starting at level 30.
  • Removal of level restrictions for Achievement distribution.
  • 100% achievement bar settings prior to max level.
  • Single Currency for Open PVP, the Discord Token. The new coin will be the Discord Token and I have set up a merchant to exchange the tokens for you in increments of 5 or 100. I know some will be able to gear up more of their characters quickly, but that is the point. I want you to be able to play on your account at whatever level you want and either save or spend your token when you want.
  • Warfields! Antonica and Commonlands... Warfields are restricted to PVP servers. It is a new event that will be on pvp-servers only that will give players the opportunity to fight for control of Antonica or the Commonlands. It will not be affecting pvE servers in any way
  • The writs are being changes to 6 kills for 5 tokens across all levels. A single currency regardless of the level will be used.

Поля сражений

  • Brand new 1st Campaign armor sets and accessories
  • Many of the accessories are based upon the currently BG-disabled RoK PvP accessories. Those adornments have had their effects adjusted and will be re-enabled for battlegrounds!
  • Each armor piece will have a pvp-only Blue adornment slot!
  • As such, we'll all be introducing 20+ new Blue adornments!
  • Battlegrounds at levels 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 are being activated!
  • Battleground armor sets and accessories will be on sale at each of those tiers
  • Additionally, we've internally removed the ~15% damage reduction applied to all spells in pvp combat.
  • after the GU the BG tiers will be: 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, and 90
  • Players in each tier will be auto-mentored down to the lowest common level (30, 40, 50, etc)
  • Players in each tier will also have armor sets and accessories available for purchase from the existing PvP Merchants in the major cities.
  • The BG 'starter' sets will be the already-existing Mastercrafted armor sets (from levels 30 -> 70). Each has had a small amount of toughness added to its existing stats.


  • Tending to Toxxicology

We are aware of the issues with the quest in Sundered Frontier "Tending to Toxxicology" becoming gated if someone summons Sherra prior to someone else zoning in. And good news! We have a fix... Now the bad news... In order to fix this issue we are going to have to remove the stage of the quest that requires you to zone into Toxxulia's Mound. When we do this it will reset everyone back to the first stage of this quest.
I just wanted to give you guys ample warning that this will go in with GU56 (Currently scheduled for late May) so if you have progressed the quest you might want to try to finish it before GU56 or lose your progress and possibly have to get the updates for the Wyrmlord and Wyvernlord again.

  • Infiltrating the Sauctum : Shadow Ordinance
    The sanctum trial stone will simply not be required to start the event anymore. This change is already tested internally so it will definitely be part of GU 56, and I'll see about getting it out earlier than that
  • Предписания для инкрустаторов. I had a play around with the possibilities of an adorning quest, and when GU56 hits Test server there should be a questgiver appearing in the main tradeskill societies so anybody interested can see what they think. I don't think it anything similar is needed for tinkering at present - leveling up tinkering is already quite painless thanks to guild harvesters, and tinkerers are not affecting the broker prices for newbie equipment so significantly as adorners. That's not to say it's out of the question, but I don't think it's valid to consider tinkering and adorning as equal and equivalent, as they work very differently.

Some other things that we are discussing as a possibility for providing more adorning material are making more newbie quest rewards tradeable, and possibly putting some transmutable items into those rainbow scrying areas. These are still under internal discussion however, we aren't planning to rush a whole bunch of changes in all at once so we'll see how it goes.

Тренировочные чучела

  • We've added a new set of dummies for GU56 that come as a linked encounter of a total of eight heroic training dummies. Enjoy!


  • There will be some new 1 handed and 2 handed healer weapons with GU 56. In both heroic and epic content.


  • Unfortunately we will not be making drastic changes to Thundering Steppes this time around. That doesn't mean there will be no changes but we are not considering it being revamped. GU56 will be full of cool stuff though (Including but not limited to New Halas and some new raids) you should see it hitting test servers in the not too distant future.