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Lordebon's WIP notes

Stats needed

I believe I now have all the stats that need to appear in the template. Things like resistability and hit bonus go in the bottom lines like damage because they vary by quality. If something is still missing, drop a note on the talk page.

params existing

  • name (spell name, WITHOUT the number)
  • number (1, 2, etc.. Use a number, template will convert 3 to III)
  • icon
  • wheel (the HO wheel icon) -- use - to supress wheel
  • class (this gets used in most cases)
  • (O)race (for racial abilities, use this in place of class)
  • target
  • (O)power
  • (O)health
  • (O)conc
  • passive (if not blank, spell is passive and doesn't have a casting and what-not)
  • level -- if blank, template will use maxnum and L# to guess
  • cast (casting time. DO include seconds or however it appears in-game)
  • recast (same rules as cast)
  • (O)duration (same rules again)
  • (O)radius (again, include words. This is for blue AEs)
  • (O)maxae -- maximum # of AE targets
  • (O)range (again, put in text and all)
  • (O)crit -- base crit multiplier. Shuold be in the form 1.xy
  • maxnum -- the total # of spells in that line, in number form. IE if the spell goes up to V, enter 5.
  • L1 through L8: The level that the nth spell is acquired. IE L1 is the level that the "I" version of the spell is acquired, and so on, up to a maximum of L8. Obviously you only need to use as many as there are spells.
  • alt1 through alt8: Used for when a spell doesnt land properly (ie the spell Bob II is at Bob II (Blah) for whatever reason).
  • (O)noupgrade -- used if there are no qualities and no other level versions
  • (O)nolevelup -- used in place of noupgrade in the few circumstances where there are qualities but no higher level versions.