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Шаблон:Antonica Timeline

EverQuest II - Серия Антоника
Начальная зона Antonica (Расколотые Земли)
Рекомендуемые уровни от 10 до 20
Степень сложности Соло
[[Qeynos Timeline]]
серии заданий
Панель Навигации
[[Thundering Steppes Timeline]]

Что значит эта информация?

These quests take place in Antonica and are for levels 10-20. Although the NPCs are all of good alignment, most quests can be done by anyone of either alignment (but watch out for guards!).

If you came from the Qeynos Timeline, the final quest from Consul Bree, A Note from the Qeynos Quartermaster, directs you to Matsy Rollingpin and the Cook's Assistant series.

Gnoll Investigation Series

This quest line was added in LU43. The first NPC will only speak to Qeynos/Kelethin characters, so the whole quest line is probably off-limits to evil characters.

Starts with Tyllia Navar - atop the rocks southwest of The Peeking Tree ( 33, -1, 668 ) /waypoint 33, -1, 668

  1. Suspicious Activity (13)
  2. Qeynos Castaway's Isle (Quest) (14)
  3. Gnoll Shipping Lanes (14)
  4. The Gnoll Cave (Antonica) (15)
  5. Report to Magnon (16)
  6. The Magic of the Cavemaw Grubs (16)
  7. Lord Kylar's Problem (16) - from Magnon Baelvurn at a camp west of Oracle Tower
  8. Into the Cave (17)
  9. Report to Bulvar (18)
  10. Gnoll Leaders, Part I: Animator Z'Apha (17) - from Bulvar Rakgam at Keep of the Gnollslayers
  11. Gnoll Leaders, Part II: Bra'ak the Reptile (18)
  12. Gnoll Leaders, Part III: Tactician Mengs (18)
  13. Gnoll Leaders, Part IV: Graalwen and Jayl'Krik (18)
  14. A Gnollish Trinket (20) - requires Gnollish language to complete

At Sayer's Outfitters

This is the lowest-level quest hub in Antonica, and a good place to start at level 10. These quest lines can be done in parallel. It's most efficient to work on them all at the same time.

Sighard Sayer

Matsy Rollingpin - Halfling standing beside the counter upstairs.

  1. Achoo - Antonican Pepper (11)
  2. Blub Blub Something Smells Fishy (13)
  3. Killing With Kindness, One Barbarian at a Time (10)
  4. Care Package for Blarton (10)
  5. Spicy Meat Pie (13)
  6. Mail Delivery for Matsy (18) - leads to Thundering Steppes Timeline

Haddek Vimki - Dwarf standing on the bar downstairs.

  1. Running Out Of Beer (10)
  2. Ouch! My Head (12)
  3. Rise and Shine Wine (15)
  4. Practical Joke on Blarton (15)

Landwyn Velamir - Wood Elf standing to the right of the front door

  1. Under a Shady Tree (10)
  2. A Bow For A Beauty (13)
  3. She Will Be A Shining Petal (15)
  4. Peppermints and Potions (16)
  5. Song to Prexus (15)

Tanen Danos - Barbarian Bowyer, at the top of the stairs

At Qeynos Hill


  1. A Frontierslady's Task (15)
  2. Battle with the Timberclaws (15)
  3. Dancer now tells you to go talk to Sighard Sayer at Sayer's Outfitters

At Windstalker Village

Hartok Woolyman

  1. Patchwork Rugs (16)
  2. Door to Door Delivery (16)
  3. Attack of the Killer Bear (20) - gives access to Shattered Vale solo instance

Blarton Blumble

  1. Lucky Lure (15)
  2. Fishing Hole Hunt (18)
  3. The One That Got Away (15)
  4. Fishing For Bait (18)


  1. Sparkly or Nothing (20)
  2. A New Dress, NOW! (17)
  3. Licha, Dancing Queen (17)
  4. She Has Ribbons In Her Hair (17)

Daryann Stormrider

The Keep of the Ardent Needle

Merchant Cooper

  1. Letter to Riason (14) - takes you to Riason Hanagom in Windstalker Village
  2. Wanted by Order of the City of Qeynos (18) examine a wanted poster
  3. A Rediscovered Shrine (28) - from Riason Hanagom in Windstalker Village, takes you to The Thundering Steppes

Coldwind Coastline

at the Darkclaw Crab beach (-2393,-342) near the Coastal Grove
Sparrow Cogcarrier in Antonica or Heron Cogcarrier in the Commonlands

  1. The 999 Year Old Port (20) in Antonica or the Commonlands
  2. Getting the Smarmy Sprocket Underway (25) takes you to the Smarmy Sprocket
  3. Save the Pirates (34) takes you to the Prison of Admiral Grimgadget

Evernight Cemetary


  1. Scrawlings in the Dark (18) takes you to Blackburrow
  2. The Trials of Sir Morgan (Quest) (27) takes you to The Thundering Steppes
  3. The Hidden Riddle (32) takes you to the Ruins of Varsoon in The Thundering Steppes
  4. Whispers of Fortune (32) takes you to Nektulos Forest

Access Quests

See Also