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В ходе выполнения задания Time is Short каждый ремесленный класс получит уникальную книгу с двумя рецептами фиолетовых рун. Для изготовления, вам понадобится Forge of Brell (house item version is fine), and will use a Blank Luclinite Rune, 3 thalumbral root, 3 umbrite, 3 bornite nodule and 5 thaumic fuel. You will receive two runes during the epic quest, and additional runes can be obtained from completing the Twark weekly "Snacky Snacks". The fuel will vary based on the recipe. (For the sage-specific recipe, for example, you will use thaumic incense, for the scholar-specific recipe, you will use thaumic coal.)

These purple adorns are lore-equip as well as having set bonuses (and only set bonuses, no adorn-specific stats), so adventurers wanting the set bonuses will have to chase down more than one crafting class in order to fill out a specific set. The recipes are distributed as follows

  • Все ученые (Алхимик, Книжник, Ювелир): Ascension of Magic (\aITEM -672957312 145823476 0 0 0:Ascension of Magic\/a)
    • Ascension of Love - Алхимик
    • Foundation of Excitement - Анижник
    • Firmament of Passion - Ювелир (\aITEM 356530518 -210447696 0 0 0:Firmament of Passion\/a)
  • Все Ремесленники (Повар, Столяр и Плотник): Foundation of Thought
    • Foundation of Earth - Столяр
    • Firmament of Growth - Повар
    • Ascension of Life - Плотник
  • Все Экипировщики (Кузнец, Портной, Оружейник): Firmament of Power
    • Foundation of Ruin - Оружейник
    • Firmament of Fire - Портной
    • Ascension of Destruction - Кузнец

Of course, that doesn't really give you a good picture of how adventurers are going to be asking for stuff, so here's a breakdown that might help with confused customers and crafters. (Additional summary help thanks to Lojask of AB): Aspect of Paixao:

  • 26% potency
  • 28% mitigation
  • 4 Fervor

Set is made up of: Ascension of Love (Alchemist), Firmament of Passion (Jeweler), and Foundation of Excitement (Sage) Aspect of Zou Kunnen:

  • 26% potency
  • +25,000 power
  • Applies Ascension of Magic: Increases damage of Frozen Heavens (Elem lvl9), Implosion (Etherealist level 8), Terrestrial Coffin (Geomancer level 4), Virulent Outbreak (Thaumaturgist level 6) by 4%

Set is made up of: Ascension of Magic (Outfitter: Sage/Alchemist/Jeweler), Firmament of Power (Outfitter: Armorer/Tailor/Weaponsmith), and Foundation of Thought (Craftsman: Carpenter/Provisioner/Woodworker) Aspect of Aniquilacion:

  • 26% potency
  • +100,000 ability modifier
  • Applies Ascension of Destruction: Adds fire damage to Tainted Mutation (Thaumaturgist level 9), Granite Protector (Geomancer level 10) and Ethermancy (Etherealist level 10)

Set is made up of: Ascension of Destruction (Armorer), Firmament of Fire (Tailor), and Foundation of Ruin (Weaponsmith) Aspect of Pingyuan Diqu:

  • 26% potency
  • 25% max health, +250k health
  • applies Firmament of Growth: Increases the window of opportunity for another to trigger a combo effect from your ascension abilities

Set includes: Ascension of Life (Carpenter), Firmament of Growth (Provisioner), and Foundation of Earth (Woodworker)

Зеленые вставки

Книжка рецептов на крафт из осколков - Осколков существует всего 9 разновидностей, падают с мобов соответственно в соло, героических и рейдовых зонах. Они передаваемые, так что их можно купить и на брокере. Также есть шанс получить осколок за выполнение ежедневных и еженедельных квестов.

  • Вставки их осколков (соло-зоны):
    • 1
  • Вставки их осколков (героик-зоны):
    • 2
  • Вставки их осколков (рейд-зоны):
    • 3