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Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Мировое событие
Уровень зависит от уровня игрока
Сложность Соло
Стартовая зона Деревня Чудес еще (LU51)
Начало задания Поговорите с королевой Банни
Панель навигации
Серия Изморозье

Что означает эта информация?

Queen Bunny has requested my help to stop the McScroogle Corp's exploitation of Frostfell.

  1. Meet up with Felonious Frostfae in the Steamfont Mountains at Gnomeland Security Headquarters
  2. Question Gimlet Gigglegibber to learn the location of the factory. You'll need 10 silver. Take note of the pass code.
  3. The entrance to McScroogle Corp. HQ is a manhole cover behind the Gnomeland Inn at -646, 175, 1065
  4. Go down the tunnel to the gate. On the left is a lever. Right click and use the pass code, then Use the lever to open the door.
  5. Just inside the room is a crate of explosives. Gather 12 of them (1 stack).
  6. Directly across the room, on the right, is another lever. This is the fire alarm. Use it. Come on, you know you have always wanted to...
  7. The workers will all flee the factory. Clockwork sentries will spawn.
  8. Avoid as many of the sentries as you can, but you need to destroy all 12 of the work benches with the bombs. 3 are downstairs right by the fire alarm. The rest are upstairs.

NOTE: It is possible to get the 12 desks you need more easily by exiting the instance and restarting. However, McScroogle will not spawn so long as there are any desks remaining in the instance, so you must destroy all of them anyway.

  1. Defeat Mr. McScroogle!!!
  • He appears on the platform on the middle of the ground floor, so if you did not clear the 2 security bots that were there you may get adds if not careful. When you get him down to 0 he will deaggro and wait patiently for you to give him your demands, or kill him.
  1. Tell McScroogle what's on your mind, then return to Queen Bunny in Frostfell Wonderland Village via the Frostfell Portal just outside Gnomeland Security Headquarters, on the ledge, at -624, 177, 935.


  • Cap of Frostfell Cheer
  • Celebrator's Festive Wrap
  • Денежная награда скалируется

Snowflake.png Данная статья описывает события, предметы, мобов или NPC, которые появляются в мире Норрата только во время празднования Изморозья. Это происходит в середине декабря - начале января. Snowflake.png