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Вот и снова пришло Изморозье в Норрат! Песни звучат повсюду, жители Норрата спешат прикупить подарков и всякой всячины для праздника, а заправляют всем эльфы Изморозья, принося веселье и даря подарки всем и каждому.

Изморозье - это игровое событие Декабря, отмечаемое с 2005 года во время зимних праздников.

На игровых серверах EverQuest2 по-русски Изморозье стартует с середины декабря и продолжается до второй декады января. Точные числа из года в год могут отличаться.

Бои на снежках!

Повсюду в городских зонах можно найти корзины со снежками. Собирайте их можно кучками по 20 штук. Новую партию снежков получится взять из той-же корзины только через некоторое время. В инвентаре снежки хранятся по 100 штук. Когда вы будете бросать снежки в мобов или других игроков, они будут выполнять смешные движения (предусмотрено несколько различных видов анимации) - грозить бросившему кулаками или даже падать на землю без чувств. Соберите вместе игроков своей гильдии на празднование Изморозья и устройте соревнования по боям на снежках!

Frostfell Wonderland Village

Frostfell Wonderland Village In 2006 SOE introduced the Frostfell Wonderland Village. This zone is a copy of the ice flow area at the back of Everfrost where the Icegill goblins are, but closed off. To get there you need to find a magic closet (or wardrobe) in one of the cities.



Players can receive a present every 24 hours during Frostfell. In 2008 Gardy Giftgiver has retired, see Santa Glug in Frostfell Wonderland Village. Find a list of past and present presents at Frostfell Gifts.

2008: A Cold Day in Frostfell

See also: Rewards for Frostfell 2008 Frostfell 2008, now on Test, features a new solo quest, and a Heroic quest series. There's new Frostfell trees (including a special one just for residents of Neriak and Freeport), new crafted goodies, new quest rewards! We also see the return of all the previous Frostfell quests, including the original Frostfell quest, The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump.


  • Lost Frostfell Gifts (Scales, Guide quest)
  • Toes: Frost-bitten Toes (Collection, Pre-requisite:)
  • Ice Dragon series
    • Mission Improbable... (Scales, Heroic)
    • It's Time to Sleigh the Dragon! (Scales, Heroic)
    • Covering Your Snow Tracks! (Scales, Heroic, repeatable)

Each quest, and chests dropped in the Icy Keep, will reward you with Frozen Tokens of E'ci which can be used to buy gear from Gerbi Frostfoot including the following (these are the T4 chest pieces, with pictures):

Worn Icespun Robe - Cloth armor Old Yeti Hide Tunic - Leather armor Old Yeti Hide Gi - Gi Gleaming Ice Linked Chestpiece - Chain armor Sparkling Hardened Ice Breastplate - Plate armor

Decoration Additions

Each of the quests below, gives you a Frostfell tree. You can do any of them (provided you can run around without getting killed) but you can only do one of them, so choose wisely!

Decoration Additions in Qeynos - Frosted Frostfell Tree Decoration Additions in Freeport - Dead Frostfell Tree Decoration Additions in Kelethin - Frosty Frostfell Tree Decoration Additions in Neriak - Dead Frostfell Tree Decoration Additions in Gorowyn - Frosty Frostfell Tree

Special Thanks: The Allakhazam team would like to say a special thank you to the following players on the Test and Test Copy servers, and those listening in on test.test, for invaluable and selfless help they gave, in the spirit of the season. - Zanie, Saetan (Runnyeye), Veredithis (Lucan D'Lere), Eveningsong, Kakra, Cloudrat, Darby, Apryl and others I am sure we have forgotten. All of you folks are the bestest!

2007: Saving Frostfell (GU41)

All the 2006 content is back (except for the Frostfell Candycane Grab'n'Tag), along with a new story centered on a Frostfell-loving Arasai with the unlikely name of Queen Bunny.

Queen Bunny is very upset about the commercialization of Frostfell! In fact, she is so mad she asks you to destroy the McScroogle Corp.'s factory to stop it!

Saving Frostfell (scales) - Stop McScroogle Corp. from exploiting Frostfell!

2006: A Frostfell Favor

with apologies to Charles Dickens The 2006 Frostfell storyline centers upon Mr. McScroogle.[1] In Qeynos Harbor, West Freeport, Haven, Kelethin, Gorowyn and Neriak, visit the giant Frostfell Tree and find a magic wardrobe! As in Narnia, you step through (click) the wardrobe to be transported to the Frostfell Wonderland Village! Find Mr. McScroogle on an island at the back of the village and, when you talk to him, you are transported to his home AS HIM! You will be visited by 3 ghosts of Frostfell past, present and future.


  • A Frostfell Favor

Additional Quests

  • North Qeynos:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Qeynos!

  • South Freeport:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Freeport!

  • Haven:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Haven!

  • Kelethin:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Kelethin!

  • Neriak:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Neriak!

  • Gorowyn:
    • A Gigglegibber's Work Is Never Done (by a Gigglegibber).
    • Feelin' Gifty in Gorowyn!

Gifts and Games

  • Gifting Day: Speak to Santa Glug in Frostfell Wonderland Village each day for a free Frostfell gift.
  • Gigglegibber Enterprises Presents: Frostfell Candycane Grab'n'Tag (introduced with Live Update #30)[2]

2005: The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump (GU18)

The 2005 Frostfell storyline dealt with the case of the Gigglegibber Grump. This quest line can be started in Qeynos Harbor or West Freeport.

The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump Unlocking the Elfin Lord Gigglegibber Mayor Gigglegibber Melodies Making Coins Subterranian Underwater Vessel Removing the Grump


^ SOE Podcast #10 ^ EQ2 Players Live Update #30 Preview Allakhazam credits this article at EQ2i for Frostfell's Past.

Snowflake.png Данная статья описывает события, предметы, мобов или NPC, которые появляются в мире Норрата только во время празднования Изморозья. Это происходит в середине декабря - начале января. Snowflake.png