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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Серия День Эроллизи

2247 байт добавлено, 13:59, 29 января 2009
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'''День Эроллизи''' это ежегодное [[:Category:Игровые события|игровое событие]], которое совпадает по времени с земным празднованием дня Святого Валентина. Этот день отмечается в честь норратской богини [[Эроллизи Марр]], богини любви и красоты.
(Информация с тестового сервера обновлена по состоянию на 25 января 2009г. Версии заданий для злых персонажей Фрипорта не работали.)
*Love Lines - в задании 2007г. дополнен список призов, которые можно получить за его выполнение
*Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! - задание 2008 года дополнено новыми сериями для добрых и злых персонажей:
:*Bouquet of Trust
:*Harts Full of Trust
:*Sacrificial Trust
:*Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor
Speak with Priestess Annalisa Swornlove outside the Freeport Gate in The Commonlands at -1103, -60, 15, or with Priest Aaronolis Swornlove at 132, -21, -23, outside the North Qeynos Gate in Antonica.
With 2009 this is now a series, with evil and good lines:
Good Version
Continue with Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Antonica's Coastal Grove
Bouquet of Trust
Harts Full of Trust
Sacrificial Trust
Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor
Evil Version
Continue with Landax Z'Torzin in Antonica's Coastal Grove
Bouquet of Thorny Trust
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Hearts 'a Flutter
The Hearts 'a Flutter Contest has been spotted outside Freeport, but not (yet) Qeynos..
To sign up for the game, speak to Goldie Hammerfall at the tree in front of the North Qeynos Gate in Antonica or speak with Stinky Sideswiper in front of the West Freeport gate in The Commonlands. If you are in Kelethin, Neriak or Gorowyn, speak to the Erollisi Day Promoter by the mailbox outside the bank. She will transport you to Antonica or The Commonlands for the game. After playing, talk to Lucy Lovewing (another ED Promoter) and she will send you home again.
Crafting, Goodies, and Drops
Once again sentient critters in Norrath are dropping love notes and hard candies, and Liannya Hearstwell, Douglas and Steven are back standing next to the mailboxes outside the taverns in East Freeport and Qeynos Harbor, to redeem your loot and sell you gifts and recipes. There are two recipe books available this year, and the love notes and hard candies are again recipe components.
