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Vaedenmoor Devourer

1499 байт добавлено, 17:27, 26 августа 2017
Новая страница: «{{EquipInformation |icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png |desc = It has no eyes to see, no nose to smell, and doesn't touch the ground to sense vibrat…»
|icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png
|desc = It has no eyes to see, no nose to smell, and doesn't touch the ground to sense vibrations. Yet it ALWAYS knows where we are, facing us as we cross the room. The malice that comes off this thing is palpable, and I believe it somehow uses that alone to guide it. It is frightening.
|iname =
|idesc = Призванный {{PAGENAME}}
|iname2 =
|icat = э
|flags = не перед.

|effectlist = Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}}
|effectdesc = *Applies Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}} when Activated.
** Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 96.8
** Increases Potency of caster by 140.8%
** Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 80.0
** On a hostile ability cast this spell may cast Devour on target of spell. Triggers about 3.0 times per minute.
*** Inflicts 479 - 585 disease damage on target
*** Heals caster for 2.8 - 3.4% of max health
**** This effect cannot be critically applied.
*** Cannot be modified except by direct means
*** This effect can only trigger once every 15.0 seconds.
** Summons a pet {{PAGENAME}}

|slots = Талисман
|charges = *
|charmopt = *
|casting = 1,0 сек.
|recovery = Мгновенно
|duration = До отмены
|recast = 0,0 сек.

|classes = -
|level = 1
|itemlink = \aITEM -421540317 219279749:Vaedenmoor Devourer\/a
|obtain =

[[Категория: Фамильяры (тип снаряжения)]]
