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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Giant Impressment Effort

866 байт добавлено, 15:12, 7 ноября 2016
Новая страница: «{{Test}} {{QuestInformation| timeline = Obulus Frontier| jcat = Obulus Frontier| faction = | level = 100| diff = Героическое| szone…»
timeline = Obulus Frontier|
jcat = Obulus Frontier|
faction = |
level = 100|
diff = Героическое|
szone = Obulus Frontier|
patch = Kunark Ascending|
aaexp = y|
prereq = Artifacts of Life|
prereq = Idol Destruction|
start = Поговорите с {{NPC|Arcanist Chaarex}} {{loc|661|250|1332}}|
next = Giant Spiritual Awakening|
altname = |
== Прохождение ==
#Collect the following:
#*8 Succulent Needles. Body drop from the cacti around Giant's Walk area.
#*8 Pricklyburr Leaves. Brown bushes found in Warslik's Woods area (along river path), and fairly abundant.
#Create a vaporous vessel.
#Use the vessel on a Kromdul giant.
#*''Note: Turn ranged/focus off before you use it!''
#Return to Arcanist Chaarex.

== Награда ==
