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Exodus 18-21 мск  вакансии  • прогресс

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Нужна ваша помощь с оплатой хостинга, собрано -8751.90 руб. (на 26.08.21). QIWI +380990227940, ЯД 41001409226862, WM R413161910676 ( отчет)


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Тропа в прошлое

2649 байт добавлено, 20:52, 19 ноября 2008
Новая: {{QuestInformation| timeline = заданий наследия| <!-- Do not include the word Timeline --> jcat = Наследие| <!-- The category in which this quest appears in ...
timeline = заданий наследия| <!-- Do not include the word Timeline -->
jcat = Наследие| <!-- The category in which this quest appears in your quest journal. -->
faction = | <!-- use ONLY if this is a City Task quest -->
level = 80 | <!-- Level in your Quest Journal. Use 'Scales' if scales with level. -->
levelmax = | <!-- If a "Scales" quest, but has a cap. Put the cap here. Numbers only. -->
diff = Героическое| <!-- Solo, Heroic or Epic -->
szone = Топи Йкеши| <!-- The zone in which you receive the quest. If szone=* this quest can be started in more than one zone. Put details in start. Use with caution. -->
patch = The Shadow Odyssey| <!-- The game release when this quest first appeared -->
aaexp =y| <!-- if not blank, this quest gives Achievement experience -->
start = Поговорите с [[Габблин Битлгрип|Габблином Битлгрипом]] в Месте посадки {{loc|1656|453|877}} | <!-- How to start the quest. Talk to someone? Examine something? -->
prereq = | <!-- The quest you must complete immediately prior to this one, if any. -->
prelist = | <!-- If this quest is preceeded by a list of quests use this instead of prereq -->
next = | <!-- The quest that immediately follows this one, if any. -->
nextlist = | <!-- If this quest is followed by a list of quests use this instead of next -->
displaytl=y| <!-- IF a template exists for this timeline, show it! -->
altname = | <!-- RARE. Use ONLY if PAGENAME does not EXACTLY match the quest name -->

# Необходимо поискать странные детали в Топях Йкеши. Retrieve 8 odd mechanical pieces scattered around at
# Return the pieces to Gabblin at Dropship Landing
# Search the libraries in Qeynos or Freeport for information on this time machine
## South Qeynos mage tower, red portal, manual (book) on the floor {{loc|706|42|104}} or North Freeport, near the far back corner on the floor {{loc|30|-7|-134}}
## Examine the note in your inventory
## Speak to an enchanter. Melinnae Welxen, South Qeynos mage tower, blue portal {{loc|712|35|139}} or R'dyles Mar'dril in the North Freeport mage guild {{loc|0|-7|-135}}
## Enter {{Zone|The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors}} and search for clues (froglok zombie ghost)
# {{steps}}

* {{rewards}}
