EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Desert of Flames
Диапазон уровней 50 - 60
Приграничные зоны Зыбучие Пески, Столпы Пламени
Тип зоны Открытая локация
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?

To access the upper levels you need to complete an access quest to use the lift: The Lift Key of Rujark.


Home to the Rujarkian orcs. Found off The Sinking Sands and The Pillars of Flame, the Clefts are a natural fortress built by the orcs as a defense from harpies and as a staging ground for their conquests of surrounding lands. The Clefts of Rujark are the new primary home for the Rujarkian orcs. The clefts were once a natural rift in the earth carved by the Lifire river, now only existing in the bottom as a sandy, dry riverbed.

The orcs are starting to use this area as the basis for building their new empire. They have ripped through the layers of sandstone and have begun creating a natural fortress for their long-term plans on Norrath. The largest quarry on Ro exists here and the orcs are pulling raw chunks of stone for use in constructing fortress Rujark and their eventual war effort. Other needed materials are being shipped in from the Isle of Zek, the Orcish Wastes by the Deathfist orcs. There is an abundance of wood and lumber from these shipments and this is reflected by use in the bridges, furniture, ballista, and the more elaborate interior walls for the entire structure.

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EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Desert of Flames
Диапазон уровней 50 - 60
Приграничные зоны Зыбучие Пески, Столпы Пламени
Тип зоны Открытая локация
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?

To access the upper levels you need to complete an access quest to use the lift: The Lift Key of Rujark.


Home to the Rujarkian orcs. Found off The Sinking Sands and The Pillars of Flame, the Clefts are a natural fortress built by the orcs as a defense from harpies and as a staging ground for their conquests of surrounding lands. The Clefts of Rujark are the new primary home for the Rujarkian orcs. The clefts were once a natural rift in the earth carved by the Lifire river, now only existing in the bottom as a sandy, dry riverbed.

The orcs are starting to use this area as the basis for building their new empire. They have ripped through the layers of sandstone and have begun creating a natural fortress for their long-term plans on Norrath. The largest quarry on Ro exists here and the orcs are pulling raw chunks of stone for use in constructing fortress Rujark and their eventual war effort. Other needed materials are being shipped in from the Isle of Zek, the Orcish Wastes by the Deathfist orcs. There is an abundance of wood and lumber from these shipments and this is reflected by use in the bridges, furniture, ballista, and the more elaborate interior walls for the entire structure.

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