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Вы можете загрузить JPG или PNG изображение .
EQ2 Deity Pet Information
Deity deity is a required field
Target Неверно указана цель!
Casting 1.0 seconds
Recast 15 seconds
Duration Until Canceled

What does this information mean?


  • Deity Pet Summoning Bilities


Argument Explanation
deity Deity name required
target Self, Pet, Group Friend, Raid or Group Friend, or Enemy (Default: Self) optional
casting Seconds to cast. DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT! (Default:1 second) optional
recast How many seconds before you can cast this again?? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT! (Default:15 seconds) optional
duration How long does it last? ex. "1 min. 30 secs", "10 minutes", "15 secs", "12 hours" (Default:Until Canceled) optional
effects Asterisk-list of the effects
obtain How do I get this pet spell?


 iname   = |
 idesc   = |
 iname2  = | <!-- OPTIONAL pic of the pet -->
 idesc2  = | <!-- OPTIONAL description for pic of the pet -->
 deity   = | <!-- REQUIRED -->
 target  = | <!-- Default: Self -->
 casting = | <!-- Default: 1.0 seconds -->
 recast  = | <!-- Default: 15 seconds -->
 duration= | <!-- Default: Until Canceled -->
 effects =
| <!-- Asterisk-list of effects -->
 obtain  = 

Полезные ссылки по шаблонам: Все шаблоны Информация о шаблонах

Вы можете загрузить JPG или PNG изображение .
Вы можете загрузить JPG или PNG изображение .
EQ2 Deity Pet Information
Deity deity is a required field
Target Неверно указана цель!
Casting 1.0 seconds
Recast 15 seconds
Duration Until Canceled

What does this information mean?


  • Deity Pet Summoning Bilities


Argument Explanation
deity Deity name required
target Self, Pet, Group Friend, Raid or Group Friend, or Enemy (Default: Self) optional
casting Seconds to cast. DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT! (Default:1 second) optional
recast How many seconds before you can cast this again?? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT! (Default:15 seconds) optional
duration How long does it last? ex. "1 min. 30 secs", "10 minutes", "15 secs", "12 hours" (Default:Until Canceled) optional
effects Asterisk-list of the effects
obtain How do I get this pet spell?


 iname   = |
 idesc   = |
 iname2  = | <!-- OPTIONAL pic of the pet -->
 idesc2  = | <!-- OPTIONAL description for pic of the pet -->
 deity   = | <!-- REQUIRED -->
 target  = | <!-- Default: Self -->
 casting = | <!-- Default: 1.0 seconds -->
 recast  = | <!-- Default: 15 seconds -->
 duration= | <!-- Default: Until Canceled -->
 effects =
| <!-- Asterisk-list of effects -->
 obtain  = 

Полезные ссылки по шаблонам: Все шаблоны Информация о шаблонах