

53 байта добавлено, 19:58, 2 января 2011
*'''Mob''' - Mobile Object. This term comes from the pre-MMORPG world of MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons). It means any in-game object that can move and interactЛюбой двигающийся объект с которым можно взаимодействовать. In В MMORPGs this usually translates as any обычно называется NPC or Monsterили Монстр.*'''NPC''' - Non-Player Character. These are usually non-attackable characters in the game. Many offer questsНеигровой,как правило, неатакуемый персонаж.
*'''Named''' - A special monster with a specific name as opposed to a general monster of which there are many. Named monsters usually have capitalized names as opposed to names in lowercase letters. Example: [[The Windstalker Rumbler]] as opposed to a [[Tamed rumbler|tamed rumbler]]
*'''PH''' - Place Holder. a PH is a common monster that, when killed, has a chance to respawn as an uncommon, rare or [[:Category:Named Monsters|Named monster]]. Most PHs will be named slightly different than the non-PH mobs around it, making it easier to tell which is the PH.